[HISTORY: Adopted by the Borough Council of the Borough of Kittanning 10-6-2014 by Ord. No. 511-2014. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Building construction — See Ch. 275.
Uniform construction codes — See Ch. 282.
Property maintenance — See Ch. 422.
Zoning — See Ch. 550.
The Armstrong County 911 Department has established a building number for each dwelling or commercial business located within the Borough, and these numbers shall be displayed prominently and conspicuously as set forth herein. If a residential, multifamily or commercial building is discovered for which the Armstrong County 911 Department has not established a building number, request will be made that a street number be assigned by the Armstrong County 911 Department.
This chapter, including the regulation and procedures contained herein shall apply to and govern each and every lot, parcel or tract of land and improvement thereof, within the Borough of Kittanning. All residential, multifamily and commercial buildings existing as of the time of adopting this chapter, or existing at any future time shall be required to comply with the terms of this chapter.
This chapter shall be administered by the Kittanning Borough Codes Enforcement Officer ("CEO"). The CEO shall be responsible for the administration of these standards and the maintenance of Borough data related to building numbers, and for making a determination as to whether a particular lot, parcel or tract of land is in compliance with the terms of this chapter.
Words and phrases used in this chapter shall have the meaning ascribed to them in Chapter 550, Zoning, of the Code of the Borough of Kittanning, as amended, except when the context clearly indicates a different meaning.
Building numbers and signs shall comply with the following specifications:
Building numbers shall be depicted in Arabic numerals at least three inches in height to be displayed at a location on the front of the building at or near the main entrance of the building so that it is clearly visible by the naked and unaided eye to a pedestrian passing by on the sidewalk, as well as to an individual seated in any emergency response vehicle (to include, but not be limited to police cruisers, ambulances and fire trucks) at street level;
It shall be unlawful to cover or conceal, or to permit the sight obstruction of the building numbers;
It shall be unlawful to post other numbers in a similar manner which would create a confusing condition for police or emergency personnel;
The property owner shall maintain the building numbers in such a manner that they continue to comply with the foregoing specifications; this shall include during and after weather events;
In the case of properties with a public entrance at the rear of the property, where that rear entrance is the main entrance to the building or an individual unit housed in that building, the number shall be posted at or near said rear entrance in a manner that complies with § 381-5A above.
It shall be the duty of Kittanning Borough to notify a property owner in writing in the event a property does not comply with the requirements of this chapter. Upon receiving written notice from the Borough, a property owner shall comply with the terms and conditions of this chapter within 60 days from the date of the said notice. Failure to do so shall constitute a violation of this chapter.
Violations of any provision of this chapter may be enforced by either a civil proceeding or by a criminal proceeding.
Civil enforcement. Any person violating any provision of this chapter shall, upon adjudication of a violation in a civil proceeding before a Magisterial District Judge, be ordered for each violation to a penalty of not more than $500 plus court costs. Any penalty ordered hereunder may be collected as debts of like amount as provided by Pennsylvania statutes. Failure of multiple or joint property owners to resolve responsibility for complying with the terms of this chapter shall constitute a violation by all such owners, jointly and severally. Each separate day of violation shall be an individual violation.
Criminal enforcement. Any person violating any provision of this chapter shall, upon conviction thereof in a summary proceeding before a Magisterial District Judge, be sentenced to pay a fine of not more than $500 plus court costs, or to be imprisoned for not more than 10 days, or both. Each separate day of violation shall be an individual violation.