[HISTORY: Adopted by the Borough Council of the Borough of Kittanning 3-4-2019 by Ord. No. 533-2019. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Property Maintenance — See Ch. 422
The purpose of this chapter requiring the registration of all vacant and abandoned residential, commercial and industrial real property, buildings and structures including any public nuisance, as defined in § 520-2 of this chapter, and the payment of registration fees is to assist the Borough of Kittanning in protecting the public health, safety and welfare; to monitor the number of vacant buildings in the Borough; to assess the effects of the condition of those buildings on nearby businesses and residents in the neighborhoods in which they are located, particularly in light of fire and safety hazards and unlawful, temporary occupancy by transients, including illicit drug users and traffickers; to require of the owners of such vacant buildings the registration of such vacant buildings and the payment of related fees; and to promote substantial efforts to rehabilitate such vacant buildings, The provisions of this chapter are applicable to the owners of such vacant buildings as set forth herein and are in addition to and not in lieu of any and all other applicable provisions of the ordinances of the Borough of Kittanning and all relevant codes and/or regulations adopted therein.
Administration and enforcement of this chapter shall remain under the sole control of the Borough Council and/or its designee. The Borough Council and/or its designee shall have the authority to institute summary criminal proceedings as a means of enforcement of this section and shall, when acting within the scope of employment hereunder, have the powers of a police officer of the Borough; provided, however, that under no circumstances shall they have the power to arrest.
Unless otherwise expressly stated, the following terms shall, for the purpose of this chapter, have the meanings indicated in this section.
Deserted or discarded for more than 90 days
[Amended 2-1-2021 by Ord. No. 542-2021]
Any real property, including but not limited to one or more vacant buildings or structures, without respect to occupancy or vacancy, that is subject to a mortgage and is either: (i) in default on such mortgage for which a mortgagee has obtained a judgment in foreclosure; (ii) in default on such mortgage and subject to an application or proceeds for a tax deed or pending tax claim bureau or tax assessor sale for unpaid property taxes; (iii) in default on such mortgage and subject to an application or proceedings for a sheriff sale for unpaid claims, debts, or obligations; or (iv) in default on such mortgage and has been transferred to a mortgagee by deed in lieu of foreclosure, or any similar document. The designation of real property as "abandoned real property" shall continue and remain in place until such time as the real property is sold or transferred to a new owner, the foreclosure action is dismissed, or any default on the mortgage has been cured.
Kittanning Borough.
Borough Council of the Borough of Kittanning.
A room typically used for storage that is located in the basement of a building and is not used for commercial, industrial, or residential purposes.
Any business that relates to the exchange of goods or services.
A building that is used, or partially used, for commercial business activities. Commercial buildings include, but are not limited to, stores, offices, schools, churches, gymnasiums, libraries, museums, hospitals, clinics, warehouses, and jails.
Cast aside as useless or undesirable.
The animal or vegetable waste resulting from the handling, preparation, cooking and the consumption of food.
Any occupied floor of a building with direct access to grade, that is located less than one story above, or less than one story below grade, provided that no portion of a floor that constitutes a cellar as defined in this article a "ground floor"
Livable; with reference to this chapter, a structure with a hard roof and sides that is equipped with heat, electricity and functional plumbing, and is capable of being lived in without undue risk to human health and safety.
Any business that relates to the production or manufacture of goods.
Property or design for, or used by, companies or persons for manufacturing, warehousing or assemblage of components.
Written notice of a violation, pursuant to first-class mail, to the last known address of the owner of the property in question.
Any building or structure where one or more persons actually conducts a lawful business or resides in all or any part of the building as the licensed business occupant, or as the legal or equitable owner/occupant(s) or tenant(s) on a permanent, nontransient business, or any combination of the same.
Any person (i) having a legal or equitable interest in a property; (ii) having a legal interest in a property recorded in the official records of the state, county or municipality as holding title to the property; or (iii) otherwise having control of the property including the guardian of the estate of any such person and the executor or administrator of the estate of such person if ordered to take possession of real property by a court.
An individual, corporation, partnership, financial institution, bank credit union, savings and loan company, investment firm, government agency, government authority, municipal corporation or any other group acting as a unit.
Any portion of unimproved or improved real estate located within the Borough of Kittanning which includes the buildings or structures located on it regardless of condition.
Any building, structure or property, which, because of physical condition, use or occupancy is considered to be an attractive nuisance to minors or uninvited persons.
Any building or structure which, because it is dilapidated, unsanitary, unsafe, insect or vermin-infested or lacking in the facilities and equipment required by the ordinances of Kittanning Borough and has been designated by the Borough as a public nuisance.
Any structure which is a fire hazard, a structural hazard, or is otherwise dangerous to the safety of any persons or any property.
Any building or structure which lacks, or has rendered inoperable, fire protection systems as required by the applicable codes and ordinances.
Any structure from which water, plumbing, heating, sewage or other facilities have been disconnected, destroyed, removed or rendered ineffective, so that the property creates a hazard to neighboring properties.
Any building or structure which, for reason of neglect or lack of maintenance, has become a place for the accumulation of refuse, a haven for insects, rodents or other vermin.
Any building or structure which, as a result of its dilapidated, unsanitary, unsafe, insect-, rodent- or vermin-infested condition creates damage or a risk of damage to a neighboring property.
Materials that are abandoned, discarded, or destined for recycling. The term includes rubbish, garbage, scrap metal, tires, appliances, vehicles, general trash, construction/demo debris, etc.
Combustible and noncombustible waste materials, except garbage. The term shall include the residue from the burning of wood, coal coke, and other combustible materials, paper, rags, cartons, boxes, wood, excelsior, rubber, leather, tree branches, yard trimmings, tin cans, metals, mineral matter, glass, crockery and dust, construction/demo debris and other similar materials.
Any facade located on the ground floor of a commercial building having one or more storefront windows.
Any window of any commercial building that permits an unobstructed public view into the interior of the building from any immediately adjacent street, sidewalk, or right-of-way.
A building or structure, or portion thereof, where no person or persons currently conducts a lawfully licensed business or where no person or persons lawfully reside in or live as the legal or equitable owner(s) or tenant occupant(s) or owner-occupant(s) or tenant(s), on a permanent nontransient basis.
A property or structure, or portion thereof, that is unoccupied for more than 60 days or has been subject of (i) a mortgage foreclosure action or notice; (ii) a bankruptcy sale or notice; (iii) a delinquent tax sale or notice, or (iv) a mortgage foreclosure action where the title to the property has been retained by the beneficiary of a deed or trust involved in the foreclosure or transferred under a deed in lieu of foreclosure/sale.
Storefront where no person or persons currently conduct a lawfully licensed business.
An opening in a building that has a glass casement for permitting natural light into a building.
A visual representation of information or graphics for viewing by the public in a window.
A sign that is painted on, applied, attached to a window, or that is located within the interior of a structure and that is plainly visible and is erected, constructed or maintained for the primary purpose of being viewed from the exterior of that structure.
This chapter shall be applicable to all abandoned real property, buildings and structures and all vacant real property, buildings and structures, including any public nuisance, as defined in § 520-2 of this chapter, located within the geographical confines of the Borough of Kittanning, Armstrong County, Pennsylvania, that have been vacant for more than 60 consecutive days and to each owner, interest holder, or local agent of any such abandoned real property or vacant building or structure, without regard to whether such owner, interest holder, or local agent is a public, private, governmental, commercial, industrial, residential, institutional, non-profit, or for-profit person.
An owner shall register a vacant or abandoned property with the Borough Council or designee, on a form or forms provided by the Borough and pay the appropriate registration fee.
Registration shall contain: (i) the name of the owner(s) of the property; (ii) the direct street/office mailing address of the owner(s) (no P.O. box addresses are permitted); (iii) a direct contact name and phone number for the owner(s); (iv) the local property management company responsible for the security, maintenance and marketing of the property (if applicable); (v) the date of vacancy; and (vi) any other information deemed necessary by the Borough Council or designee.
Registration fees shall not be prorated.
Properties subject to registration under this chapter shall remain under the registration fee requirement for as long as they remain vacant.
Each vacant building or structure shall be registered with the Borough within 180 days of the date such building or structure becomes a vacant building or structure, and annually thereafter by July 15, for each subsequent calendar year, if such building or structure continues to be a vacant building or structure during each subsequent calendar year, until such time as such building or structure ceases to be a vacant building or structure.
The Borough Council or designee shall establish a registry cataloging each abandoned property with the Borough, containing the information required by § 520-4 of this chapter.
The registration fee shall be established by resolution of the Borough Council.[1] The fee structure is based on the number of years the building, storefront, or portion thereof, has been vacant under its current ownership.
Editor's Note: The fee schedule is on file in the Borough offices.
A waiver of fees may be granted for the current year if the following conditions are met:
All local municipal fees are paid in full;
A good-faith effort is shown to rent, sell, or lease the space. Good-faith efforts include contracts with realtors, newspaper ads, window signs, or other methods provided that the effort is actually likely to generate interest in the property and the owner is actually willing to rent, sell or lease;
Pricing is consistent with similar buildings;
The building is in compliance with all Borough codes and ordinances and is habitable; or
Other good cause as determined by a majority vote of Council.
If the status of the registration information changes during the course of any calendar year, it is the responsibility of the new owner, his or her representative, or agent for the same to notify the Borough Council or designee in writing within 30 days of the occurrence of such change.
Each owner or interest holder of vacant or abandoned real property buildings or structures not providing a residence, office or business location with an address within the geographical confines of 15 miles from the Borough boundary shall designate a local agent and shall provide the complete name, address, telephone number and email address (if applicable) of such local agent on the registration form filed with the Borough.
Such owner or interest holder shall also provide a statement signed by the local agent whereby the local agent accepts the designation as local agent of such owner or interest holder, which signed statement shall be an acknowledgment of the local agent of the requirements, responsibilities, and obligation under the ordinance.
With such designation, a local agent shall be authorized by such owner or interest holder to accept service of process, notices, statements, invoices and other communications resulting from or related to this chapter on behalf of such owner or interest holder. With such designation a local agent shall be responsible for providing the Borough Council or designee with access to the abandoned property or vacant building or structure for the purposes of making inspections, maintaining and securing the abandoned real property, building or structure or vacant real property, building or structure, and responding to any emergency associated with the abandoned real property, building or structure or vacant property, building or structure or structure affecting the public health, safety or welfare.
Each owner and interest holder and each respective local agent shall be jointly and severally responsible for compliance with ordinances of the Borough and the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania as applied to the abandoned property or vacant property, building or structure.
An inspection must be completed within 90 days of the initial registration, including any owner or owners or interest holder seeking a waiver of fees pursuant to § 520-7 of this chapter.
A subsequent inspection must be completed within 90 days after a waiver of fees is granted, pursuant to § 520-7 of this chapter, to determine whether the owner or owners or interest holder in the property remain in compliance with the conditions of § 520-7 of this chapter. A third inspection must be completed within an additional 180 days after a waiver of fees is granted, pursuant to § 520-7 of this chapter, to determine whether the owner or owners or interest holder in the property remain in compliance with the conditions of § 520-7 of this chapter.
In addition, an annual inspection of a registered abandoned building or structure or vacant building or structure shall be performed by the Borough to determine if it complies with the minimum requirements, as determined by the Code official, of any and all applicable property maintenance codes, Ordinances of the Borough of Kittanning, the Pennsylvania Uniform Construction Code, any and all applicable building codes/laws, any and all fire prevention codes/laws, and the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
If any violations of the applicable laws/codes outlined in § 520-10C of this chapter are identified, the Borough shall issue a notice of violation as per the requirements of those codes and give notice to the owner to comply with the codes by issuing a time to cure. If the violations are not corrected within the time given, the property may be declared a public nuisance and the Borough may pursue any and all available remedies, both in law and in equity, both civilly and criminally.
These annual inspections must occur within 45 days of the anniversary date of the annual registration date. Inspection costs will be determined by the Borough.
[Amended 2-1-2021 by Ord. No. 542-2021]
If the owner or his/her representative cannot be available at the proposed time, said owner or representative shall provide written notice to the Borough no less than 24 hours prior to the proposed time.
Upon failure to give such written notice, or upon failure to gain entry, an administrative fee as established by the Borough's then-current schedule of fees will be assessed against the owner or representative of the owner. After two incidents of rescheduling, each further rescheduling will result in an administrative fee of two times the administrative fee as established by the Borough's then-current schedule of fees.
Failure to pay administrative fees shall constitute a violation of this chapter or any applicable law/ordinance including, but not limited to, the ordinances of the Borough.
Failure of an owner or his/her responsible agent to appear for a scheduled inspection shall be considered probable cause for obtaining a search warrant to inspect the premises.
Nothing in this chapter shall preclude the Borough from performing an inspection upon receipt of a complaint or violation of the ordinances of the Borough at the building or structure so reported. Said inspections shall be in accord with the applicable codes and ordinances and regulations and policies established by the Borough.
Properties subject to registration under this chapter shall be kept free of weeds, high grass, dry brush, dead vegetation, trash, garbage, junk, debris, rubbish, building materials, any accumulation of newspapers, circulars, flyers, notices (except those required by federal, state or local law), discarded personal items including, but not limited to, furniture, clothing, large and small appliances, printed material, vehicle or vehicle parts, or any other items that give the appearance that the property is abandoned.
The property shall be maintained free of graffiti, tagging or similar markings.
Visible front and side yards shall be landscaped and maintained. Landscaping includes, but is not limited to, grass, ground covers, bushes, shrubs, hedges or similar plantings, decorative rock or bark, or artificial turf/sod. Landscaping does not include weeds, gravel, broken concrete, asphalt, plastic sheeting, indoor-outdoor carpet or any similar material unless approved by the Borough.
Pools and spas shall be kept in working order so the water remains free and clear of larvae, pests, pollutant and debris, or drained and kept dry. A property with a pool or spa, whether in working order or drained, must comply with the minimum security fencing requirements of the relevant ordinances of the Borough.
Adherence to this chapter does not relieve any property owner of any obligations set forth in any other ordinance of the Borough.
A property owner required to register a property under this chapter shall have 30 days to comply with these maintenance requirements.
Properties subject to registration under this chapter shall be maintained in a secure manner so as not to be accessible to unauthorized person, vermin, and any other pests.
Secure manner includes, but is not limited to, the closure and locking of windows, doors (walk-through, sliding and garage), gates, and any other opening of such size that it may allow an uninvited person to access the interior of the property and/or structure(s). In the case of broken windows, securing means the re-glazing or boarding of the window.
If the property has been condemned, the property shall be posted with the name and twenty-four-hour contact phone number of the owner and local property management company. The posting shall be no less than 8 1/2 inches by 11 inches and shall be of a font that is legible, written in English, and shall contain, along with the name, the Borough of Kittanning vacant properties registration number, a twenty-four-hour contact number, and the words "This property managed by" and "to report problems or concerns call..."
The posting shall be placed on the interior of the window facing the street to the front of the property, or if no such area exists, on an area of sufficient size to support the posting in a location that is visible to the front of the property yet not readily accessible to vandals. Exterior posting must be constructed of, and printed with, weather-resistant materials.
If the Borough has reason to believe that a property subject to the provisions of this chapter is posing a serious threat to the public health, safety and welfare, the Borough may temporarily secure the property at the expense of the mortgagee and/or owner. In such event, the Borough may pursue any remedies, both in law and in equity, both civilly and criminally, to be reimbursed for any such expenses incurred.
In the event the condition of the property poses a serious threat to the public health, safety and welfare, the Magisterial District Justice may direct the Borough to abate the violations and charge the mortgagee/owner with the costs of such abatement.
In addition to all other remedies, if the mortgagee/owner does not reimburse the Borough for the costs of temporarily securing the properly, or of any abatement directed by the Magisterial District Justice, within 30 days of the Borough sending the mortgagee/owner the invoice, then the Borough may lien the property and such costs, along with imposing an administrative fee of $500, including all reasonable legal and filing fees incurred.
Responsibility for compliance with this section includes any person owning, leasing, maintaining or otherwise in possession or control of any vacant storefront located within the Borough of Kittanning, or any owner of the property upon which the vacant storefront is located.
The vacant storefront of a commercial building located in the Borough shall be maintained in good condition, kept neat, clean, secure, lit and free of graffiti.
In order to improve the appearance of vacant storefronts and improve overall security, any vacant storefront that is located within the Borough shall contain a window display or other form of decorative screen in each of the storefront windows not more than 60 business days after the date on which the ground-floor premises first becomes vacant. A variety of window displays are acceptable provided they have a professional appearance, achieve a coverage of 60% to 100% of the window of the vacant storefront, and are not offensive to the general public. The Borough Council or designee shall approve all window displays.
[Added 2-1-2021 by Ord. No. 542-2021]
Any person (as defined at § 520-2 of this chapter) violating any provision of this chapter shall, for every such violation, upon conviction, be sentenced to pay a fine of not less than $125 nor more than $1,000 in addition to the costs of prosecution and, in default of payment thereof, to undergo imprisonment for not more than 30 days. Upon proper notice (as defined at § 520-2 of this chapter) to a person, each day after such notice is given shall constitute a separate and distinct offense under this section.
[Added 2-1-2021 by Ord. No. 542-2021]
If a property is determined to be in violation under the terms of this chapter, each person who is a legal or equitable owner of the subject property shall be jointly and severally liable for compliance with this chapter and jointly and severally subject to the penalties set forth above at § 520-19.