[Ch. 3 of the 1981 Regulations]
No person, firm or corporation shall take from their premises in the Town of Hull garbage, offal or other offensive substance, or transport through the streets of the Town of Hull any such substances collected within the Town of Hull, unless he shall first have obtained a permit from the Board of Health. Application for such permit shall contain a brief description of the vehicles, which will be used for such transportation, the residence, and business address of the applicant and other such information as the Board of Health may require. All such permits shall expire at the end of the calendar year in which issued and may be revoked by the Board of Health upon receipt of evidence that the nature of the collection or disposal is not in conformity with the requirements of these rules and regulations or such other rules as may be adopted. No permit hereunder shall be transferred except with the approval of the Board of Health.
Fee for said permit will be $100. Fee for this permit to transport or remove garbage and/or rubbish will include the inspection fee of one truck used in said business.
All trucks used for said business within the Town must be registered with and inspected by a representative of the Board of Health. Fee for inspecting additional trucks will be $10. (All fees subject to change.)
No person shall transport through the streets of the Town of Hull garbage, offal or other offensive substances collected outside the Town of Hull unless he shall first have registered with the Board of Health by filing with Board a statement of registration. Such statement or registration shall state the places which the substance is to be transported, a brief description of the vehicle or vehicles which will be used for such transportation, the residence and business address of the applicant and such other information as the Board may require. No person who has filed such statement of registration shall transport or continue to transport said substances through the streets of the Town of Hull unless he does so in accordance with these rules and regulations and any other applicable rules and regulations of the Board of Health.
Vehicles used for transporting garbage, offal or other offensive substances in or through the Town of Hull shall be watertight, and the exterior thereof shall be kept clean at all times. The containers on all such vehicles shall be provided with adequate covers, which shall be kept closed and completely covered at all times except when necessarily open to permit the reception of contents.
No open trucks may be used for the purpose of transporting garbage and/or rubbish within the Town limits.
Each person, firm or corporation permitted to collect offal within the Town of Hull shall submit to the Board of Health a written report monthly, stating the date, location and gallons of each collection.
All businesses must list on their permit applications a disposal site.
Haulers must agree to provide, if requested, two bulk pick-ups per year; one in the spring and one in the fall.
Haulers agree to encourage recycling at the source of waste creation or at the disposal site.
Haulers agree to have staff exercise care not to damage resident's rubbish cans.
Staff will remove all waste, leaving none in the street or at curbside.
See January 1, 2007, Rules and Regulations Addendum.