[Ch. 6 of the 1981 Regulations]
No person shall keep within the limits of the Town of Hull, in any building or on any premises of which he may be the owner, lessee, tenant or occupant, any cows, cattle, horses, ponies, goats, sheep, swine, poultry, birds, reptiles, rabbits or pigeons, without first obtaining a permit from the Board of Health or its Agent or designee (Animal Inspector). The permit fee shall be $25.
Such application shall be accompanied by a plan showing the property used, the location of the shelter, stable and/or appurtenances thereto, a floor plan of the shelter or stable, the location of any watercourses, drains and adjacent dwellings. Information relative to provision for adequate water supply, drainage, the sanitary storage and disposal of manure and other refuse matter must accompany the application.
The owners or persons in control of any building or premises in which goats, live fowl, cattle, horses, ponies, cows, sheep, swine, rabbits, pigeons or other animals (excluding dogs and cats kept as pets) are kept, shall keep the buildings and premises clean and free from decaying food, filth, dirt, manure and stagnant water. The buildings and pens shall be whitewashed or disinfected and put in condition as may be ordered by the Board of Health or its Agent or designee (Animal Inspector) with regular spraying and baiting to prevent insects and rodents from becoming a nuisance and health hazard.
The owner or other person or persons having control of an existing building or shelter hereafter erected or converted into a barn for the stabling of horses or other domestic animals shall keep the barns, stables, yards, etc., clean and shall provide a pit constructed of cement or other suitable material for the reception of manure and other refuse material. Wherever a public sewer is accessible, the Board of Health may, if they deem it advisable, order the connection of such building with such public sewer. Said barn shall be no less than 50 feet from the dwelling, no less than 20 feet from the public way. The maximum number of live fowl kept in a henhouse shall be no more than one mature fowl per three square feet. Said shelter shall be no less than 50 feet from any dwelling, no less than 20 feet from any public way, and no less than 20 feet from the property line.
The maximum number of live fowl kept in a henhouse shall be no more than one mature fowl per three square feet. Said shelter shall be no less than 50 feet from any dwelling, no less than 20 feet from any public way, and no less than 20 feet from the property line.
Any cows, cattle, horses, ponies, goats, sheep, swine, poultry, birds, pigeons, rabbits or reptiles kept within the limits of the Town of Hull must be kept within the confines of a fence, pen, corral or other type of enclosure approved by the Board of Health or its Agent or designee (Animal Inspector). Any such enclosure must be a minimum of 20 feet from a public way, 50 feet from a well, stream or other waste supply, 50 feet from a dwelling or commercial building, and 20 feet from a property line.
All animals for which a permit has been issued must be sheltered in a building approved by the Board of Health or its Agent or designee (Animal Inspector).
Live fowl shall be confined at all times and shall not be permitted to run at large. No rooster shall be kept in a residential area.
The keeping of any animal (excluding dogs and cats), the nature of which is considered dangerous, is prohibited without a special permit from the Board of Health.
The Board of Health, or its Agent or designee, may interview abutters for their approval or objections before acting on all applications.
The Board of Health, or its Agent or designee (Animal Inspector), shall inspect all premises for which said permits have been issued.
The penalty for non-compliance with any of the above rules and regulations shall be a fine of not more than $20 for every day in which the violation continues to exist.
Any person aggrieved by a decision of the Board may seek relief there from in a court of competent jurisdiction, as provided by the General Laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
The foregoing Rules and Regulations for the Keeping of Domestic Animals in the Town of Hull were approved by the unanimous vote of the Board of Health of the Town of Hull on November 30, 1978, to be effective January 1, 1979.
The Board of Health of the Town of Hull, acting under the authority of the General Laws, Chapter 111, Section  31 and Chapter 111, Section 122, and in accordance therewith and in the interest of and for the preservation of public health, hereby adopts the following regulations governing the keeping of cats and kittens.
No person, firm or corporation shall keep within the Town, in any building or on any premises on which he may be owner, lessee, tenant or occupant, or house any more than six cats/kittens for a period of time not to exceed six weeks except when such person, firm or corporation shall be licensed by the Town as a retail business establishment dealing in the keeping/sale of cats/kittens.
Whoever violates any provisions of the foregoing regulation, or order made thereunder, shall be punished by a fine of $5 for each day such violation continues.
This regulation was adopted by a unanimous vote of the Board of Health at a regular meeting held March 10, 1980, to, be effective upon publication.