Pursuant to the authority granted by Section 81-Q of Chapter 41 of the General Laws and for the purpose specified in § 530-1.2 of this article, the Planning Board of the Town of Hull has adopted the following Rules and Regulations governing the subdivision of land in the Town of Hull.
These subdivision Regulations have been enacted for the purpose of protecting the safety, convenience and welfare of the inhabitants of the Town by regulating the laying out and construction of ways in subdivisions providing access to the several lots therein, but which have not become public ways, and insuring sanitary conditions in subdivisions and in proper cases parks and open areas. The powers of a Planning Board and of a Board of Appeal under the subdivision control law shall be exercised with due regard for the provision of adequate access to all of the lots in a subdivision by ways that will be safe and convenient for travel; for lessening congestion in such ways and in the adjacent public ways; for reducing danger to life and limb in the operation of motor vehicles; for securing safety in the case of fire, flood, panic and other emergencies; for insuring compliance with the applicable zoning ordinances or by-laws; for securing adequate provision compatible with Town municipal services and natural features existing as of the date of submission of a subdivision plan for approval, for water distribution, sewerage, drainage, protection of natural water sources, flood control, wetland areas, underground utility services, fire, police, and other similar municipal equipment, and streetlighting; and other requirements where necessary in a subdivision; and for protecting, promoting and enhancing the natural beauty and amenities of the Town and coordinating the ways in a subdivision with each other and with the public ways in the Town and with the ways in neighboring subdivisions.
No subdivision shall be approved unless it complies with these Rules and Regulations and with the applicable provisions of zoning and other Town by-laws and Regulations and of the General Laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, nor unless, in the opinion of the Board, such subdivision meets the requirements of public safety, including reasonable precautions against possible natural disasters, of traffic safety and convenience, of adequate water supply, stormwater drainage and sewage disposal and is designed with due regard to the rights, health and welfare of Hull's inhabitants, including the residents of such subdivision. Proposed subdivisions shall conform to overall development plans adopted by the Planning Board and shall adhere to the principles of correct land use, sound planning and good engineering.
No person shall make a subdivision of any tract, parcel, or lot of land into two or more lots in such a manner as to constitute a "subdivision" within the Town of Hull, or proceed with the improvement or sale of lots in a subdivision, or the construction of ways, or the installation of municipal services therein, unless and until a Definitive Plan of such subdivision has been submitted to and approved by the Planning Board as hereinafter provided.