[Adopted 10-26-1953 and 3-4-1957 (Ch. 22, Art. IV, of the 1989 Code)]
No officer, department head, board or committee authorized to expend money shall make purchases of supplies or materials or contract for services to be rendered to the Town without issuing a written purchase order therefor on prescribed forms; provided, however, that the provisions of this section shall not apply to the salaries or wages of part-time or regularly employed officers, clerks and wage earners of any department of the Town. All purchase orders shall be in triplicate; one to be designated for the vendor, one to be delivered to the Town Accountant and one to be designated for the files of the officer, department head, board or committee issuing the order. The order designated for the vendor shall be submitted to the Town Accountant and shall not be delivered to the vendor until the Town Accountant shall have certified thereon that there is sufficient unencumbered balance of the appropriation to be charged to pay the amount due under the order; provided, however, that verbal order for supplies, materials or services to be rendered may be given for an amount not to exceed $25. All verbal orders shall be confirmed in writing on prescribed purchase order forms on the day the orders are given and immediately transmitted to the Town Accountant and shall be subject to his certification as aforesaid; and that the sum of $500 be transferred for free cash, or other available funds, for the purpose of purchasing supplies necessary to put this system in operation January 1, 1954.
[Amended 5-8-2021 ATM by Art. 6B]
In all instances where the purchase of goods, materials or equipment is required to be made following notice, advertisement and/or bid, whether such requirement is by statute, ordinance, bylaw or Town regulation, such notice, advertisement and/or bid shall be prepared, received, opened and/or otherwise done and processed by the Select Board or its Secretary under its direction.