[HISTORY: Adopted by the Mayor and Common Council of the City of Gloucester City 2-5-1970. Amendments noted where applicable.]
The Mayor and Common Council hereby determine there is presently an unequal distribution of population in the three wards of Gloucester City and that the lines and boundaries of the three wards should be changed to accomplish an equality of population in each of the three wards in relation to each other.
The Mayor of Gloucester City shall, in accordance with New Jersey Revised Statutes 40:44-1 to 40:44-8, when this ordinance becomes effective, upon its passage and publication as provided by law, appoint four Commissioners who shall be residents and legal voters of Gloucester City, nor more than two of whom shall be of the same political party, to fix and define the lines and boundaries of the three wards in Gloucester City, and to divide the wards into election districts or precincts.
The Commissioners appointed by the Mayor shall, within 10 days after their appointments, take and subscribe to an oath that they will faithfully and impartially perform the duties imposed upon them, and shall, within 60 days after their appointment, make their report to the governing body of Gloucester City and file it with the City Clerk of Gloucester City, in which report the boundaries and dividing lines of the wards and of the election districts or precincts shall be properly described, together with a statement of the population of each ward as nearly as can be ascertained, and a map showing the lines and the extent and boundaries of such wards and districts or precincts, all of which shall be attested and certified by the Commissioners under their hands and shall remain of record in the office of the City Clerk.
All officers elected or appointed for existing wards in Gloucester City, after the ward lines or boundaries have been changed, shall continue in office until their respective terms of office shall expire and until others are duly appointed or elected to take their places. After said ward lines and boundaries have been changed, such number of officers shall be elected or appointed from such new wards as may have been elected or appointed from the wards as they formerly existed.