[HISTORY: Adopted by the Mayor and Common Council of the City of Gloucester City 6-6-1940. Amendments noted where applicable.]
No person or persons, firm or corporation shall engage in the business of junk shop keeper, junk dealer or motor vehicle junk dealer in the City of Gloucester City without first obtaining a license so to do in accordance with the provisions hereof.
The business of motor vehicle junk dealer shall include any business of buying or selling, or any place of storage or deposit of, secondhand motor vehicles and parts thereof not intended for further use in highway transportation as a complete unit; and the business of junk shop keeper and junk dealer shall include all dealers in secondhand, waste or used material commonly known as junk, either at wholesale or retail.
It shall be unlawful to conduct the said business of junk shop keeper, junk dealer or motor vehicle junk dealer in any place within 500 feet of any dwelling house, storeroom or building within the corporate limits of Gloucester City, and any building used in said business for the storage of any junk or junked motor vehicles or parts thereof be of fireproof construction; provided, however, that provisions of this section shall not apply to the aforementioned businesses which have been established on the date of the passage of this ordinance.
[Amended 12-5-1974[1]; 4-6-1995 by Ord. No. 7-1995]
Every person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of junk shop keeper, junk dealer or motor vehicle junk dealer in the City of Gloucester City shall pay an annual license fee of $350, which license shall be issued by the City Clerk upon his being satisfied that the location of said business to be licensed will comply with the provisions of this ordinance, and the application for which license shall be accompanied by the license fee above provided. Said license shall be effective from the date of issue to the 31st day of December of the year in which said license is issued, and upon the expiration of any license so issued, application for renewal thereof for the ensuing year shall be made to the City Clerk and the said license fee of $350 shall be paid before the said business may be continued.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 1, § 1-6B(6).
[Amended 12-5-1974[1]]
Any person or persons, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall pay a fine on conviction thereof of not more than $500, or be imprisoned for not more than 90 days, or both.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 1, § 1-6B(1).
If any of the provisions and terms of this ordinance shall be found to be invalid, the balance of the ordinance shall not be affected thereby.
This ordinance is passed for the purpose of raising revenue and regulating the businesses hereinabove referred to.
This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon final passage and publication in accordance with law, and all ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent herewith be and the same are hereby repealed.
[Added 8-4-2008 by Ord. No. O12-2008]
Any dealer in secondhand goods, including, but not limited to junkyard operations and pawnshop operators and jewelry stores, within the City of Gloucester City shall comply with provisions of this section:
Require proof of identification from any person seeking to sell them goods: said proof to be a photo identification issued by a governmental agency, and shall not purchase any goods from any person not producing said identification.
Maintain a copy of said photo identification for a period of two years following the purchase of any goods at its business establishment noting the details of the transaction including date and time of said purchase.
Make available to the Gloucester City Police Department any records made pursuant to the ordinance; and
Maintain and not dispose of any goods purchased from any person for a period of 48 hours.
Any transaction engaged in by any business or individual covered by this section of the Code involving the purchase of any item other than a new item shall be done by check.
[Added 9-4-2012 by Ord. No. O17-2012]
Shall not purchase numerous items based upon weight but shall individually inventory and record each individual item.
[Added 9-4-2012 by Ord. No. O17-2012]
Anyone violating this ordinance shall be subject to a fine not to exceed $1,200 and/or imprisonment not to exceed six months.