[Added 7-7-1992 by Ord. No. 1117]
[Amended 4-20-1999 by Ord. No. 1317;11-20-2018 by Ord. No. 1865]
It is the intent of this Article X to provide zoning regulations that create a realistic opportunity for the construction of housing affordable to very-low, low- and moderate-income households in the context of inclusionary residential developments that are zoned, consistent with an adopted Housing Element and Fair Share Plan, to allow a higher density of multifamily residential development than otherwise permitted in Wyckoff sufficient to subsidize the construction of such very low-, low- and moderate-income housing; to provide reasonable, non-cost-generating bulk standards for such development, consistent with the Residential Site Improvement Standards (N.J.A.C. 5:21); to provide overlay zoning to certain sites and areas of the Township that may someday redevelop so as to ensure that such sites will be redeveloped as inclusionary residential developments that will provide the opportunity for very-low-, low- and moderate-income housing to be constructed in the future; and to require all multifamily residential developments, including apartments, townhouses, condominiums and any other non-single-family detached residential developments, that are approved in the future to be constructed at a certain minimum density, but that are not currently anticipated as part of an adopted Housing Element and Fair Share Plan, to provide a set-aside of very low-, low- and moderate-income housing. All developments constructed pursuant to this article shall also be subject to the requirements of Chapter 77, Affordable Housing, which requirements shall accompany, and, where there is a conflict, supersede the requirements of this Article X. Any other provision of any ordinance of the Township of Wyckoff that is in conflict with this Article X or impose higher standards not directly related to health and safety shall be inapplicable. The definitions set forth in Chapter 77 shall apply to this Article X.
[Amended 4-20-1999 by Ord. No. 1317]
MF/AH Zones: Multifamily/Affordable Housing Zones (MF/AH1, MF/AH2, MF/AH5 and MF/AH6.)
[Amended 10-17-2000 by Ord. No. 1367; 6-1-2010 by Ord. No. 1613; 6-1-2010 by Ord. No. 1614; 11-20-2018 by Ord. No. 1865]
Principal permitted uses shall be as follows:
Multifamily housing.
Single-family housing, detached and attached.
Two-family houses.
Farming and agricultural activities.
Municipal purposes.
Accessory uses shall be as follows:
Accessory buildings.
Off-street parking facilities and garages.
Private recreational facilities and open space.
Those uses normally incidental, associated and appurtenant to a principal permitted use.
Conditional uses shall be as follows: none.
Bulk requirements for multifamily development.
The minimum tract size shall be two acres.
The maximum gross density shall be as follows for each MF/AH zone:
Dwelling Units per Acre
*1. The maximum gross density in the MF/AH2 Zone shall be 11 dwelling units per acre if the affordable units will be for sale and 14 dwelling units per acre if the affordable units will be for rent.
The maximum height shall be 2 1/2 stories and 35 feet, except in the MF/AH2 Zone, where the maximum height shall be three stories and 45 feet.
Minimum tract setback. A fifty-foot minimum setback shall be maintained between buildings and all exterior property lines other than street rights-of-way. A twenty-five-foot minimum setback shall be maintained between all parking areas and exterior property lines.
Minimum buffer area. A minimum buffer area of 25 feet shall be maintained along all exterior property lines. The buffer area shall be bermed and landscaped and remain unoccupied except for entrance roads, utilities, signs, fences and gatehouses.
Coverage, building setback and minimum separation requirements for multifamily structures shall be as follows:
Maximum building coverage, including accessory buildings: 35%.
Maximum total impervious coverage: 60%.
Minimum distance between buildings:
Window wall to window wall: front to front, 75 feet; rear to rear, 50 feet; and end to end, 30 feet.
Windowless wall to windowless wall: 20 feet.
Window wall to windowless wall: 25 feet.
Minimum setback from streets and common parking areas:
Any building face to an internal local street curb: 25 feet.
Any building face to a collector or arterial street right-of-way: 50 feet.
Any building face to a common parking area: 12 feet.
The approving agency may reduce the above distances between buildings (Subsection A(4)(f)[3]) by not more than 1/3 if there is an angle of 20° or more between the buildings and if extensive landscaping or buffers are placed between the buildings. This deviation shall be considered a design standard waiver. Deviations in excess of the amount specified above shall be considered zoning variances.
Other design criteria.
Number of dwellings within multifamily structures. Not more than four dwelling units shall be contained contiguous to each other on a single plane, and not more than 16 dwelling units shall be contained within any one building.
Front facade. The front facade of any structure containing more than one dwelling unit shall not continue on the same plane for a distance of more than the width of four adjacent units. Offsets between front facade planes shall not be less than four feet.
Underground utilities. All utilities shall be installed underground within the driveways, roadways or other easement areas wherever possible.
Public water and sanitary sewers. All dwelling units shall be served by public water and sanitary sewer systems.
Garbage and recycling facilities. Garbage, refuse and recyclable storage and collection areas suitable for containerized collection shall be provided in sufficient number and at locations convenient to all dwelling units. Such collection areas shall be screened from view and shall be constructed primarily of masonry, brick or concrete. Garbage and refuse collection shall be maintained by the body responsible for internal private streets and other common facilities.
The exterior design of affordable housing units shall be harmonious in scale, texture and materials with market-priced units.
Location of units. Low- and moderate-income units constructed on site shall be situated on the tract in locations no less desirable than other dwelling units within the development and shall be at least equally accessible to common open space and community facilities.
Off-street parking requirement. Off-street parking shall be provided in accordance with the Residential Site Improvement Standards (RSIS) at N.J.A.C. 5:21 and the following requirements:
All common off-street parking shall be located within 300 feet of the dwelling units served.
Parking may be permitted in all required minimum yard areas except the minimum buffer area set forth in Subsection A(4)(e).
Parking spaces shall be a minimum of nine feet by 18 feet.
Common open space requirements.
A minimum of 25% of the land area of any development shall be designated for conservation, open space, recreation and/or other common open space. This area may include environmentally restricted lands.
All property owners and tenants shall have the right to use the common open space.
Common open space may be offered to the Township and accepted by the governing body or to an open space organization or trust or to a nonprofit organization charged with the provision of recreation activities for residents of the development.
All common open space deeded to an open space organization, trust or private organization shall be owned and maintained as provided in N.J.S.A. 40:55D-43.
Minimum affordable housing requirements for each site.
The minimum required affordable housing for each site shall be based on a 20% set-aside for for-sale units and a 15% set-aside for rental units as follows:
Minimum Number of
Required Affordable
Dwelling Units
Property Name
Gross Density (Dwelling Units
per acre)
For-Sale Units
Rental Units
Moss Type
Hilltop Farm (Barrister)
Jones (Wykoff Commons)
*The provisions of § 186-49A(6)(a) and (b) shall not apply to the MF/AH2 Zone. In the MF/AH2 Zone, the minimum set-aside, if the affordable units will be for sale, shall be 25% of the total number of dwelling units constructed, and the minimum set-aside, if the affordable units will be for rent, shall be 20% of the total number of dwelling units constructed, irrespective of the number of rental affordable units already existing in the Township of Wyckoff. At least half of all affordable units, whether for sale or for rent, shall be affordable to low-income households, and at least 10% of the affordable units shall be affordable to households earning 30% or less of median income.
Bulk requirements for other housing types shall be as follows:
Open Space
SF Detd
2 1/2/35
2 1/2/35
SF Attcc, f
2 1/2/35
a Thirty feet on a cul-de-sac.
b The minimum distance between and units shall be 20 feet.
c The distance between rows shall be as required for multifamily structures (Subsection A(4)(f)[3]).
d Single-family detached.
e Two-family.
f Single-family attached.
All sites shall be developed with access as required by the RSIS. If a secondary means of access is required by the RSIS and is provided as an emergency access only, it shall be a minimum of 16 feet wide and be suitably improved to provide access in all weather conditions. Applicants proposing emergency access over privately owned land shall include documentation acceptable to the Planning ,Board Attorney that such access will remain available in perpetuity, will be adequately marked and protected from encroachment and shall be promptly cleared of snow.
The design of all streets shall be as provided by the RSIS.
SF/AH Zones: Single-Family Affordable Housing Zones (SF/AH1 and SF/AH2).
Principal permitted uses shall be as follows:
Single-family detached housing.
Multifamily affordable housing.
Farming and agricultural activities.
Municipal purposes.
Accessory uses shall be those permitted in the MF/AH Zones.
Conditional uses shall be as follows: none.
Bulk requirements shall be as follows:
Single- family detached
2 1/2/35
30 10/40
Multi- family
As required for multifamily housing in the MF/AH
Zones affordable housing
Minimum off-street parking requirement shall be as follows:
Two off-street parking spaces per dwelling unit of market housing.
Lower-income housing: as required in the MF/AH Zones.
The location of lower-income units if built on site shall be the same as the MF/AH Zones.
Minimum affordable housing requirements and maximum densities.
The minimum required affordable housing for each site shall be based on a twenty-percent set-aside for for-sale units and a fifteen-percent set-aside for rental units as follows:
[Amended 10-12-1999 by Ord. No. 1332]
Base Number
of Single-
Number of
Windmill Farms
Snyder Farms
The provisions of § 186-49A(6)(b) shall also apply to affordable housing development in the SF/AH Zones.
SD/AH Zones: Special Districts/Affordable Housing Zones (SD/AH1). The following requirements shall apply to the SD/AH Districts and are based on and designed to implement concept site plans prepared by Clark & Caton, dated April 8, 1991, and Armand P. Avaklan Associates, dated May 9, 1991. Any substantial changes from above-referenced concept plans may require a revision to these standards.
[Amended 1-17-2006 by Ord. No. 1519]
Principal permitted uses shall be as follows:
Multifamily housing.
Single-family attached housing.
Farming and agricultural activities.
Accessory uses shall be as follows:
Accessory buildings.
Off-street parking facilities.
Private recreational facilities and common open space.
Conditional uses shall be as follows: none.
Bulk requirements.
The minimum tract size shall be four acres.
The maximum gross density and minimum affordable housing requirements for each site shall be as follows:
Property Name
Maximum Gross Density
(dwelling units per acre)
Maximum Number of Affordable Units Required
Turtle Creek
The maximum height shall be 2 1/2 stories and 35 feet, measured to the peak of a flat or gambrel roof and the average between the peak and eaves of a pitched-roof building.
The minimum tract setback between principal buildings and all exterior property lines shall be as follows:
SD/AH1: 40 feet.
The minimum tract setback between parking areas and all exterior property lines shall be as follows:
SD/AH1: 25 feet.
The minimum buffer areas, bermed, landscaped and unoccupied, except for entrance roads, utilities, signs, fences and gatehouse, shall be as follows:
SD/AH1: five feet.
Coverage, building setback and minimum separation requirements for multifamily structures shall be as follows:
Maximum building coverage, including accessory buildings: 35%.
Maximum total impervious coverage: 60%.
Minimum distance between buildings:
Window wall to window wall: front to front, 75 feet; rear to rear, 50 feet; and end to end, 30 feet.
Windowless wall to windowless wall: 20 feet.
Window wall to windowless wall: 25 feet.
Minimum setback from streets and common parking areas:
Any building face to a municipal local street curb (not on-site internal circulation driveway): 20 feet.
Any building face to a collector or arterial street right-of-way: 25 feet.
Any building face to an outside common (not interior) parking area: five feet.
The approving agency may reduce the above distances between buildings (Subsection C(4)(g)[3]) by not more than 1/3 if there is an angle of 20° or more between the buildings and if extensive landscaping or buffers are placed between the buildings. This deviation shall be considered a design standard waiver. Deviations in excess of the amount specified above shall be considered zoning variances.
Other design criteria shall be as follows:
Number of dwellings within multifamily structures. Not more than four dwelling units shall be contained contiguous to each other on a single plane and not more than 28 dwelling units shall be contained within any one building.
Front facade. The front facade of any structure containing more than one dwelling unit shall not continue on the same plane for a distance of more than the width of four adjacent units. Offsets between front facade planes shall not be less than two feet.
Underground utilities. All utilities shall be installed underground within the driveways, roadways or other easement areas wherever possible.
Public water and sanitary sewers. All dwelling units shall be served by public water and sanitary sewer systems.
Garbage and recycling facilities. Garbage, refuse and recyclable storage and collection areas suitable for containerized collection shall be provided in sufficient number and at locations convenient to all dwelling units. Such collection areas shall be screened from view and shall be constructed primarily of masonry, brick or concrete. Garbage and refuse collection shall be consistent with collections for similar residential development in the Township.
The exterior design of affordable housing units shall be harmonious in scale, texture and materials with market-priced units.
Location of units. Low- and moderate-income units constructed on site shall be situated on the tract in locations no less desirable than other dwelling units within the development and shall be at least equally accessible to common open space and community facilities.
Off-street parking requirement. Off-street parking shall be provided in accordance with the Residential Site Improvement Standards (RSIS) at N.J.A.C. 5:21 and the following requirements:
[Amended 11-20-2018 by Ord. No. 1865]
All common off-street parking shall be located within 300 feet of the dwelling units served.
Parking may be permitted in all required minimum yard areas except the minimum buffer area set forth in Subsection C(4)(f).
Parking spaces shall be a minimum of nine feet by 18 feet.
Common open space requirements.
A minimum of 25% of the land area of any development shall be designated for conservation, open space, recreation and/or other common open space. This area may include environmentally restricted lands.
All property owners and tenants shall have the right to use the common open space.
Common open space may be offered to the Township and accepted by the governing body or to an open space organization or trust or to a nonprofit organization charged with provision of recreation activities for residents of the development.
All common open space deeded to an open space organization, trust or private organization shall be owned and maintained as provided in N.J.S.A. 40:55D-43.
Access. All sites shall be developed with access as required by the RSIS. If a secondary means of access is required by the RSIS and is provided as an emergency access only, it shall be a minimum of 16 feet wide and be suitably improved to provide access in all weather conditions. Applicants proposing emergency access over privately owned land shall include documentation acceptable to the Planning Board Attorney that such access will remain available in perpetuity, will be adequately marked and protected from encroachment and shall be promptly cleared of snow.
One sign not exceeding 12 square feet of surface display area shall be permitted for a multifamily development in the SD/AH Zone, either attached to a wall or, if a ground sign, at least 20 feet from the curb. Such sign may be directly illuminated, provided that the lighting is screened from or directed away from adjacent residences. Sign support structures shall not be considered part of the surface display area.
Directory, security, parking and directional signs shall be permitted in accordance with an approved site plan.
MF/AH7. The following requirements shall apply to the MF/AH7 district and are based on and designed to implement the August 3, 2018 settlement agreement between the Township of Wyckoff and Canterbury Development Corp. as incorporated into the Third Round Housing Element and Fair Share Plan adopted by the Township pursuant to the August 3, 2018, settlement agreement.
[Added 8-20-2019 by Ord. No. 1885]
All development in the MF/AH7 district shall be in accordance with the settlement agreement dated August 3, 2018, and executed on August 7, 2018, between the Township of Wyckoff and Canterbury Development Corp., including but not limited to the Concept Plans and conceptual architectural drawings marked as Exhibits 1 through 6 and incorporated into such agreement (hereinafter the "settlement agreement"). Such settlement agreement is incorporated herein by reference. In the event of any conflict between the following ordinance and the settlement agreement, it is the settlement agreement that shall control.
Principal permitted uses shall be as follows:
Single- and two-family dwellings pursuant to underlying zoning ordinance.
Multifamily housing.
Passive recreation and open space.
Accessory uses shall be as follows:
Accessory buildings.
Off-street parking facilities, including structured parking.
Private recreational facilities and common open space including pool as shown on concept plan.
Retaining walls.
Uses which are customary and incidental to a permitted use.
Conditional uses shall be as follows:
The minimum tract size shall be four acres.
Maximum units and buildings.
Not more than 61 units.
One unit shall be occupied by a resident superintendent. If such unit is not used as a superintendent's unit it must be converted to a 10th affordable unit and shall be restricted to moderate-income households.
Residential units shall be constructed in three buildings consistent with the concept plan referenced above. The middle building shall be no more than four stories, plus lofts, over parking and the two buildings on either side shall be no more than three stories, plus lofts, over parking, as further regulated in the settlement agreement.
Affordable housing.
Fifteen percent, or not less than nine units, shall be reserved for affordable housing. If a unit is not used for the superintendent's residence, then 10 units shall be reserved for affordable housing.
Affordable housing units shall comply with the Township's affordable housing regulations and the Uniform Housing Affordability Control Rules (N.J.A.C. 5:80-26.1), which shall control in the case of any conflicts with this ordinance, provided that a minimum of 13% of the total low- and moderate-income units shall be affordable to very-low-income households (i.e., 30% or less of median income).
The bedroom distribution of the nine affordable units shall include two three-bedroom units, one one-bedroom unit, and six two-bedroom units. The income distribution of the nine affordable units shall include two very-low-income units, three low-income units and four moderate-income units. One of the very-low-income units shall be a three-bedroom unit and one shall be a two-bedroom unit. At least 50% of each bedroom distribution shall be allocated to low- and very-low-income units. The affordable units shall be reasonably and aesthetically integrated with the market units throughout the development.
The affordable units shall be managed by a single entity in accordance with an Affordable Housing Management Plan, which shall be approved by the Township of Wyckoff Affordable Housing Committee or other Township-designated administrative agent.
The property owner shall contract with the Township's Affordable Housing Administrator for the administration and marketing of the Affordable Housing in accordance with the affirmative marketing plan, which directs the affirmative marketing, affordability controls and tenant household and income qualifications for such units.
The exterior design of affordable housing units shall be harmonious in scale, texture and materials with market-priced units.
Bulk requirements.
The minimum tract setback between principal buildings and all exterior property lines: 40 feet.
Maximum building height:
Four stories, plus lofts over parking for center building; three stories, plus lofts over parking for outside buildings, as further regulated in the settlement agreement.
The maximum height as measured from the rear elevation (north facing) of the building(s) shall be no greater than 65 feet and 58 feet eight inches for the center and outside (east and west) buildings respectively. The front elevations (south-facing) of the buildings shall be no greater than 55 feet and 48 feet eight inches for the center and outside (east and west) buildings respectively. However, the westerly building may have a height of 50 feet if made necessary as a result of lowering the grade of the emergency access road surrounding the building. In addition, the eastern building shall measure at no more than 52 feet eight inches at the southeast corner of the building due to the change in elevation at the site. Notwithstanding the above, pursuant to the agreement, the topographical height of the two outside buildings shall be no more than 350 feet eight inches and the topographical height of the center building shall be no more than 357 feet as measured to the peaks of the roofs. This will ensure that the roof heights are no more than 12 feet higher for the center building and no more than five feet eight inches higher than the outside buildings than the Canterbury topographical elevation measured at a point as depicted on Exhibit 6 of the agreement.
Maximum building coverage, including accessory buildings: 35%.
Maximum total impervious cover: 60%.
Minimum Distance between buildings: 25 feet.
Buildings may be connected by a walkway, as shown in the Concept Plan, but not withstanding they will be considered separate buildings.
The minimum buffer areas, bermed, landscaped and unoccupied, except for entrance roads, utilities, signs, fences, fire access lanes, retaining walls, site driveways, security gates, and gatehouse:
As shown in the Concept Plan in the settlement agreement, or 10 feet, whichever is greater.
Buffering in the form of evergreen trees and deciduous trees shall be provided along the southern property line in front of the development area which screens the development from the residences on Canterbury.
Buffering shall be provided in the form of evergreen trees and deciduous trees along the western edge of the development area so as to screen the buildings from the public open space area to the west.
Buffering in the form of evergreen trees and plantings shall be provided on the northern side of the tract and at other locations that will screen the development from residents on the opposite side of the railroad tracts as well as residents utilizing the path to the open space.
Buffering in the form of evergreen trees and plantings shall be provided to screen the development from the properties to the east on Maple Drive and Cedar Hill.
If requested by the Planning Board during the site plan review process, Canterbury will provide plantings and screening on the adjoining residents' properties if agreed by such individual residents to reasonably achieve this purpose.
Trees shall not be less than six feet in height at the time of planting.
All buffer area plantings shall remain unless replacement in kind is proposed or the removal is approved by the municipal engineer/Shade Tree Commission.
The required buffering and screening is intended to reduce the visual appearance of the development and to screen the same to the greatest extent reasonably possible, recognizing that it may not be possible to totally obscure views of the development from all angles.
Given the uniqueness of the site, these requirements supersede § 168-20F(2) of the Township of Wyckoff Code.
Other design criteria shall be as follows:
Maximum height of retaining walls, or tiered walls, shall be six feet per wall.
The Township's steep slope regulations shall not be applicable to the development of Lot 10.02A, consistent with the settlement agreement.
HVAC units are not permitted on building roofs. They shall be located on the ground and on the north side of the buildings.
Building mounted spotlights shall be prohibited other than those required for security purposes.
Architectural design shall be as shown in the architectural drawings in the settlement agreement and shall follow a Colonial-Williamsburg-style design, including trim and finishes on all four sides of all buildings.
Signs shall be consistent with the applicable Township sign standards, with the following exceptions:
One ground sign shall be permitted.
Maximum area: 25 square feet.
Maximum height: six feet.
This excludes required traffic signs and wayfinding signs.
No direct access to the development and/or lot shall be permitted from Canterbury Lane.
The design of the buildings shall appear aesthetically similar to that shown on Exhibit 2 attached to the agreement and include trim and finishes of same quality materials on all four sides of the buildings. Brick, stone and/or other complimentary materials shall be used if requested by the Planning Board and reasonably agreed upon by the Planning Board, Design Review Committee and the developer.
Accessory structures and buildings.
Accessory structures and buildings shall have a minimum setback to property lines of 25 feet excluding fences, retaining walls, parking areas, gatehouses, unground utilities, and drainage areas, as per the concept plan.
Trash enclosures shall be screened with one row of evergreen trees.
AHO-3 Zone: Affordable Housing Overlay 3 Zone.
[Added 10-15-2019 by Ord. No. 1890]
Principal permitted uses shall be as follows:
Multifamily units with a 20% set-aside for affordable housing.
Accessory uses shall be as follows:
Accessory buildings.
Off-street parking facilities, including structured parking.
Private recreational facilities and common open space.
Retaining walls.
Uses which are customary and incidental to a permitted use.
Conditional uses shall be as follows:
Affordable housing.
Twenty percent of the total units on the site shall be reserved for affordable housing.
Affordable housing units shall comply with the Township's affordable housing regulations and the Uniform Housing Affordability Control Rules (N.J.A.C. 5:80-26.1), which shall control in the case of any conflicts with this subsection, provided that a minimum of 13% of the total low- and moderate-income units shall be affordable to very-low-income households (i.e., 30% or less of median income).
The affordable units shall be managed by a single entity in accordance with an Affordable Housing Management Plan, which shall be approved by the Township of Wyckoff, Affordable Housing Committee or other Township-designated administrative agent.
The exterior design of affordable housing units shall be harmonious in scale, texture and materials with market-priced units.
Bulk requirements.
Minimum lot size: two acres.
Maximum gross density: 12 dwelling units per acre.
Minimum lot width and frontage: 400 feet along West Main Street.
Minimum lot depth: lot depth existing as of the date of this subsection.
Principal building setback.
Front: 20 feet.
Each side: 10 feet.
Rear: 40 feet.
Accessory building setback.
Each side: 10 feet; 15 feet when abutting a residential zone.
Rear: 10 feet; 15 feet when abutting a residential zone.
Maximum building height.
Three stories/45 feet.
Maximum lot coverage.
Principal building: 35%.
Accessory building: 5%.
Building design.
Structured parking shall not exceed one story (parking level) and shall be screened by structural elements that are compatible with the materials and design of the front and side building facades.
Building side and rear elevations shall be designed with the same material as the front of the building.
Multiple principal buildings shall be permitted on a lot.
Maximum building length: 200 feet.
An overall theme of design and architectural motif shall be utilized within the development for the purpose of presenting an aesthetically desirable effect and shall be such that they provide varied building elevations, design and structural appearance within the context of the unifying theme.
Any facade of a residential building shall not continue on the same plane for a linear distance of more than 75 feet. Minimum two-foot offsets shall be required at breaks in the facade planes.
Building facades shall be predominantly finished in brick and/or fiber cement. "Fiber cement" shall refer to a combination of cellulose fibers and cementitious materials that, manufactured in long, horizontal strips, has the appearance of wood siding. Stone veneer, stucco, cast stone and metal shall be used only for minor accentuation of other elements of the facade. Exterior insulation and finishing system shall not be used on any portion of the building facade.
Building materials and architectural details shall be consistent on all sides of each building.
Building entrances should be articulated to make it easily identifiable by visitors and to provide architectural interest. Examples of special features of entrances include, but are not limited to, awnings and architectural treatments.
Upper-floor windows should be divided into individual units or groupings of individual units, rather than a continuous "ribbon."
Pedestrian-friendly building design and site furnishings (outdoor tables, benches, bicycle racks, etc.) are required along Wyckoff Avenue.
Minimum distance between buildings.
Front facade to any facade: 60 feet.
Rear facade to any facade: 50 feet.
Side facade to any facade: 30 feet.
Roof design.
Any third story shall be created within the roof space over the second floor to reduce the appearance of height. Flat roofs are prohibited. Gambrel, gable and hipped roofs are permitted. Dormers may be utilized where appropriate for the architectural style.
Roof shape, color, and texture should be coordinated with the exterior materials of the building's facade.
Roof design should minimize the negative impact of roof protrusions by grouping plumbing vents, ducts, and other utility structures together.
Rooftop equipment such as mechanical units, vents, and flues should be located centrally on the building roof, to the extent practicable. Any equipment visible from a publicly accessible area, adjacent lots, and pedestrian corridors shall be screened with solid materials using parapets, pitched roof forms, or penthouses. Screening shall be constructed of the same or complementary material as the building.
Plantings and buffers.
A buffer strip of 20 feet or greater shall be provided where the multifamily use abuts a single-family residential use.
A planted berm of five feet tall or greater shall be provided where the multifamily use abuts a single-family residential use. This berm shall be used for all or a portion of the required buffer plantings in order to increase the plant height and screening ability of the buffer. The requirement for a berm may be waived where the applicable Land Use Board finds the existing and proposed plant material provides an effective screen.
Exterior utility boxes, mechanical and electrical equipment, and HVAC equipment shall be screened from view by architectural elements and/or landscape plantings.
Buffers shall be maintained in perpetuity. If such buffers fail to provide adequate screening, the buffers shall be reestablished by the property owner using the same or similar plantings at the property owner's expense.
Miscellaneous requirements.
Signs shall be permitted pursuant to regulations for the B-1 District in § 186-28.
Usable open space not less than 10% of the tract shall be provided. Said open space shall be used as outdoor passive open space for use by on-site residents and/or customers of the nonresidential uses (such as but not limited to parklike areas, outdoor seating, walking trails) and open space such as but not limited to a playground or outdoor game area. Buffer areas and other required landscape areas shall not contribute to the open space requirement.
Sidewalks shall be provided along West Main Street and sidewalks not less than four feet in width shall be provided along all building facades that provide a building entrance.
Pedestrian walkways and bicycle paths to adjacent public areas and/or residential streets shall be required where possible and beneficial for safe nonvehicular traffic. Maintenance of such walkways and/or paths shall be the responsibility of the property owner or homeowners' association.
All utilities shall be installed underground wherever possible.
Parking shall not be located between the building and the public street.
Off-street parking for residential uses shall be provided in accordance with the Residential Site Improvement Standards (RSIS) at N.J.A.C. 5:21.
AHO-2 Zone: Affordable Housing Overlay 2 Zone.
[Added 10-15-2019 by Ord. No. 1891]
Principal permitted uses shall be as follows:
Mixed-use development, consisting of multifamily and/or townhouse units with a twenty-percent set-aside for affordable housing and ground floor retail use for buildings facing Goffle Road and Coe Avenue.
Permitted nonresidential uses on the first floor are limited to those uses permitted in the B-1 District.
Accessory uses shall be as follows:
Accessory buildings.
Off-street parking facilities, including structured parking.
Private recreational facilities and common open space.
Retaining walls.
Uses which are customary and incidental to a permitted use.
Conditional uses shall be as follows:
Affordable housing.
Twenty percent of the total units on the site shall be reserved for affordable housing.
Affordable housing units shall comply with the Township's affordable housing regulations and the Uniform Housing Affordability Control Rules (N.J.A.C. 5:80-26.1), which shall control in the case of any conflicts with this subsection, provided that a minimum of 13% of the total low- and moderate-income units shall be affordable to very-low-income households (i.e., 30% or less of median income).
The affordable units shall be managed by a single entity in accordance with an Affordable Housing Management Plan, which shall be approved by the Township of Wyckoff, Affordable Housing Committee or other Township-designated administrative agent.
The exterior design of affordable housing units shall be harmonious in scale, texture and materials with market-priced units.
Bulk requirements.
Minimum lot size: lot sizes existing as of the date of this subsection. No further subdivision shall be permitted in the exercise of this overlay zone.
Maximum gross density: 16 dwelling units per acre.
Minimum lot width and frontage: 150 feet.
Minimum lot depth: 150 feet.
Principal building setback.
Front: 25 feet. The front yard setback along Coe Avenue may be reduced to 20 feet.
Each side: 20 feet.
Rear: 20 feet.
Side and rear yards shall be increased to 40 feet where adjacent to a residential use or zone outside of the AHO-2.
Accessory building setback.
Each side: 10 feet; 15 feet where the accessory building abuts a residential zone.
Rear: 10 feet; 15 feet where the accessory building abuts a residential zone.
Maximum building height.
Building heights shall be varied such that 2.5 stories/35 feet shall be the maximum building height where adjacent to Goffle Road, a residential use or zone outside of the AHO-2 (including across the street). Building heights in all other areas of the district shall be limited to three stories/45 feet.
No building within 50 feet of a residential use or zone outside of the AHO-2 shall exceed 2.5 stories/35 feet.
Maximum lot coverage.
Principal building: 45%.
Accessory building: 5%.
Building design.
Buildings located along Goffle Road shall be oriented toward Goffle Road with all or a significant portion located parallel to the street. This shall not apply to any building located behind another building. Orientation shall include the provision of one or more primary building entrances.
First-floor residential units shall not face Goffle Road.
The portion of the building facing Goffle Road and Coe Avenue shall consist of permitted nonresidential uses on the first floor. All other buildings and portions of buildings shall consist of residential uses on all floors.
All townhouse dwellings shall provide at least one off-street parking space within an enclosed garage located in the rear yard with access from a lane/alley. Front-loaded garages are prohibited.
Townhouse dwelling lots shall have their rear lot lines coinciding with an alley 24 feet wide containing a vehicular pavement width of at least 10 feet one way and 16 feet two way.
Multiple principal buildings shall be permitted on a lot.
Maximum building length: 200 feet.
An overall theme of design and architectural motif shall be utilized within the development for the purpose of presenting an aesthetically desirable effect and shall be such that they provide varied building elevations, design and structural appearance within the context of the unifying theme.
Any facade of a residential building shall not continue on the same plane for a linear distance of more than 75 feet. Minimum two-foot offsets shall be required at breaks in the facade planes.
First-floor facades containing nonresidential uses which are visible from a public street shall be expressed as building modules that do not exceed 40 feet in width so as to eliminate blank walls, create more interesting architecture, and facilitate small-scale commercial opportunities. Architectural elements, including but not limited to piers, columns, insets, projections or other vertical elements, may be used to visually break up the plane of the first-floor facade.
Where facing Goffle Road, nonresidential uses shall have a minimum of 60% of the ground floor facade between three and 10 feet above grade, and 30% of upper-floor facades shall be transparent and shall provide visual access to the street. Blanked-out windows, windows which display only signage, or look into unused or "dead" space do not meet this requirement.
First-floor windows facing a public street shall be clear; tinted windows in this location are prohibited.
Building facades shall be predominantly finished in brick and/or fiber cement. "Fiber cement" shall refer to a combination of cellulose fibers and cementitious materials that, manufactured in long, horizontal strips, has the appearance of wood siding. Stone veneer, stucco, cast stone and metal shall be used only for minor accentuation of other elements of the facade. Exterior insulation and finishing system shall not be used on any portion of the building facade or column.
Building materials and architectural details shall be consistent on all sides of each building.
The maximum size of any individual commercial business is limited to 12,000 square feet. The total commercial space within this zone shall be limited to no more than 25,000 square feet.
Building entrances should be articulated to make it easily identifiable by visitors and to provide architectural interest. Examples of special features of entrances include, but are not limited to, awnings and architectural treatments.
Awnings are encouraged. Where provided, awnings shall be uniform in color and material.
When separate nonresidential tenants are housed in the ground floor of any building, separate entrances onto the sidewalk for each space should be provided, except when two stores share a vestibule.
Upper-floor windows should be divided into individual units or groupings of individual units, rather than a continuous "ribbon."
Pedestrian-friendly building design and site furnishings (outdoor tables, benches, bicycle racks, etc.) are required along Goffle Road.
Minimum distance between buildings:
Front facade to any facade: 60 feet.
Rear facade to any facade: 50 feet.
Side facade to any facade: 30 feet.
Roof design.
Flat roofs are prohibited. Gambrel, gable and hipped roofs are permitted. Dormers may be utilized where appropriate for the architectural style.
Roof shape, color, and texture should be coordinated with the exterior materials of the building's facade.
Roof design should minimize the negative impact of roof protrusions by grouping plumbing vents, ducts, and other utility structures together.
Rooftop equipment such as mechanical units, vents, and flues should be located centrally on the building roof, to the extent practicable. Any equipment visible from a publicly accessible area, adjacent lots, and pedestrian corridors shall be screened with solid materials using parapets, pitched roof forms, or penthouses. Screening shall be constructed of the same or complementary material as the building.
Plantings and buffers.
A buffer strip shall be provided along all property lines shared with a residential use or district outside of the AHO-2. Where deemed appropriate by the Land Use Board, existing plantings may be retained and the buffer area supplemented with new plantings in order to satisfy this requirement.
Exterior utility boxes, mechanical and electrical equipment, and HVAC equipment shall be screened from view by architectural elements and/or landscape plantings.
Buffers shall be maintained in perpetuity. If such buffers fail to provide adequate screening, the buffers shall be reestablished by the property owner using the same or similar plantings at the property owner's expense.
Miscellaneous requirements.
Access is prohibited to all public streets, with the exception of Goffle Road and Coe Avenue within Wyckoff and Hopper Lane within the Borough of Hawthorne.
Sidewalks shall be provided along both sides of all public and/or private roads and interior access drives except sidewalks shall not be required along Spencer Drive or Hopper Avenue in Wyckoff. Sidewalks of not less than four feet in width shall be provided along all building facades that provide a building entrance.
Signs shall be permitted pursuant to regulations for the B-1 District in § 186-28.
Useable open space not less than 10% of the tract shall be provided. Said open space shall be used as outdoor passive open space for use by on-site residents and/or customers of the nonresidential uses (such as but not limited to parklike areas, outdoor seating, walking trails) and open space such as but not limited to a playground or outdoor game area. Buffer areas and other required landscape areas shall not contribute to the open space requirement.
Pedestrian walkways and bicycle paths to adjacent residential streets shall be required where possible and beneficial for safe nonvehicular traffic. Maintenance of such walkways and/or paths shall be the responsibility of the property owner or homeowners' association.
Lighting shall be consistent with the Township's lighting ordinance requirements.
All utilities shall be installed underground wherever possible.
Parking shall not be located between the building and the public street, with the following exception.
Parking may be located between a commercial building and a public street for which no access is provided if a compliant buffer is provided.
Maximum distance between off-street parking space and the unit served: 200 feet.
Off-street parking for residential uses shall be provided in accordance with the Residential Site Improvement Standards (RSIS) at N.J.A.C. 5:21.
Off-street parking for nonresidential uses shall be provided as per the schedule of off-street parking requirements for the B-1 District (§ 186-26C).
AHO-1 Zone: Affordable Housing Overlay 1 Zone.
[Added 10-15-2019 by Ord. No. 1892]
Principal permitted uses shall be as follows:
Mixed-use development, consisting of multifamily units with a twenty-percent set-aside for affordable housing and ground floor retail use for buildings facing Wyckoff Avenue.
Permitted nonresidential uses on the first floor are limited to those uses permitted in the B-1 District.
Accessory uses shall be as follows:
Accessory buildings.
Off-street parking facilities, including structured parking.
Private recreational facilities and common open space.
Retaining walls.
Uses which are customary and incidental to a permitted use.
Conditional uses shall be as follows:
Affordable housing.
Twenty percent of the total units on the site shall be reserved for affordable housing.
Affordable housing units shall comply with the Township's affordable housing regulations and the Uniform Housing Affordability Control Rules (N.J.A.C. 5:80-26.1), which shall control in the case of any conflicts with this subsection, provided that a minimum of 13% of the total low- and moderate-income units shall be affordable to very-low-income households (i.e., 30% or less of median income).
The affordable units shall be managed by a single entity in accordance with an Affordable Housing Management Plan, which shall be approved by the Township of Wyckoff, Affordable Housing Committee or other Township-designated administrative agent.
The exterior design of affordable housing units shall be harmonious in scale, texture and materials with market-priced units.
Bulk requirements.
Minimum lot size: 1.8 acres.
Maximum gross density: 15 dwelling units per acre.
Minimum lot width and frontage: 170 feet.
Minimum lot depth: 500 feet.
Principal building setback.
Front: 15 feet.
Each side: 10 feet.
Rear: 20 feet.
Accessory building setback.
Each side: 10 feet.
Rear: 10 feet.
Maximum building height.
Facing Wyckoff Avenue: two stories/35 feet.
Facing side or rear property lines: three stories/45 feet.
Maximum lot coverage.
Principal building: 40%.
Accessory building: 5%.
Building design.
Any development or redevelopment of the site is encouraged to retain the existing two-story portion of the building located parallel to Wyckoff Avenue. Retention of this existing building shall include the rooflines, cupola and architectural details. Such retention shall not prohibit modification of this building to accommodate the permitted uses.
Buildings located along Wyckoff Avenue shall be oriented toward Wyckoff Avenue with all or a significant portion located parallel to the street. This shall not apply to any building located behind another building. Orientation shall include the provision of one or more primary building entrances.
First-floor residential units shall not face Wyckoff Avenue.
Any building facing Wyckoff Avenue shall consist of permitted nonresidential uses on the first floor and one story of multifamily housing above. The first floor of buildings or portions of buildings not facing Wyckoff Avenue may consist of structured parking or residential uses.
Multiple principal buildings shall be permitted on a lot.
Maximum building length: 200 feet.
An overall theme of design and architectural motif shall be utilized within the development for the purpose of presenting an aesthetically desirable effect and shall be such that they provide varied building elevations, design and structural appearance within the context of the unifying theme.
Any facade of a residential building shall not continue on the same plane for a linear distance of more than 75 feet. Minimum two-foot offsets shall be required at breaks in the facade planes.
First-floor facades containing nonresidential uses which are visible from a public street shall be expressed as building modules that do not exceed 40 feet in width so as to eliminate blank walls, create more interesting architecture, and facilitate small-scale commercial opportunities. Architectural elements, including but not limited to piers, columns, insets, projections or other vertical elements, may be used to visually break up the plane of the first-floor facade.
Where facing Wyckoff Avenue, nonresidential uses shall have a minimum of 60% of the ground floor facade between three and 10 feet above grade, and 30% of upper-floor facades shall be transparent and shall provide visual access to the street. Blanked-out windows, windows which display only signage, or look into unused or "dead" space do not meet this requirement.
First-floor windows facing a public street shall be clear; tinted windows in this location are prohibited.
Building facades shall be predominantly finished in brick and/or fiber cement. "Fiber cement" shall refer to a combination of cellulose fibers and cementitious materials that, manufactured in long, horizontal strips, has the appearance of wood siding. Stone veneer, stucco, cast stone and metal shall be used only for minor accentuation of other elements of the facade. Exterior insulation and finishing system shall not be used on any portion of the building facade or column.
Building materials and architectural details shall be consistent on all sides of each building.
The maximum size of any individual commercial business is limited to 12,000 square feet. The total commercial space within this zone shall be limited to no more than 20,000 square feet.
Building entrances should be articulated to make it easily identifiable by visitors and to provide architectural interest. Examples of special features of entrances include, but are not limited to, awnings and architectural treatments.
Awnings are encouraged. Where provided, awnings shall be uniform in color and material.
When separate nonresidential tenants are housed in the ground floor of any building, separate entrances onto the sidewalk for each space should be provided, except when two stores share a vestibule.
Upper-floor windows should be divided into individual units or groupings of individual units, rather than a continuous "ribbon."
Pedestrian-friendly building design and site furnishings (outdoor tables, benches, bicycle racks, etc.) are required along Wyckoff Avenue.
Minimum distance between buildings:
Front facade to any facade: 60 feet.
Rear facade to any facade: 50 feet.
Side facade to any facade: 30 feet.
Roof design.
Flat roofs are prohibited. Gambrel, gable and hipped roofs are permitted. Dormers may be utilized where appropriate for the architectural style.
Roof shape, color, and texture should be coordinated with the exterior materials of the building's facade.
Roof design should minimize the negative impact of roof protrusions by grouping plumbing vents, ducts, and other utility structures together.
Rooftop equipment such as mechanical units, vents, and flues should be located centrally on the building roof, to the extent practicable. Any equipment visible from a publicly accessible area, adjacent lots, and pedestrian corridors shall be screened with solid materials using parapets, pitched roof forms, or penthouses. Screening shall be constructed of the same or complementary material as the building.
Plantings and buffers.
A buffer strip of not less than 15 feet shall be provided along the side and rear property line.
Exterior utility boxes, mechanical and electrical equipment, and HVAC equipment shall be screened from view by architectural elements and/or landscape plantings.
Buffers shall be maintained in perpetuity. If such buffers fail to provide adequate screening, the buffers shall be reestablished by the property owner using the same or similar plantings at the property owner's expense.
Miscellaneous requirements.
Vehicular access to the site shall be provided to the adjacent access easement to the north.
Signs shall be permitted pursuant to regulations for the B-1 District in § 186-28.
All utilities shall be installed underground wherever possible.
Sidewalks shall be provided along both sides of all public and/or private roads and interior access drives. Sidewalks of not less than four feet in width shall be provided along all building facades that provide a building entrance.
Pedestrian walkways and bicycle paths to adjacent public areas and/or residential streets shall be required where possible and beneficial for safe nonvehicular traffic. Maintenance of such walkways and/or paths shall be the responsibility of the property owner or homeowners' association.
Parking shall not be located between the building and the public street.
Off-street parking for residential uses shall be provided in accordance with the Residential Site Improvement Standards (RSIS) at N.J.A.C. 5:21.
Off-street parking for nonresidential uses shall be provided as per the schedule of off-street parking requirements for the B-1 District (§ 186-26C).
AHO-4 Zone: Affordable Housing Overlay 4 Zone.
[Added 10-15-2019 by Ord. No. 1894]
Principal permitted uses shall be as follows:
Construction of one-story multifamily units above the existing nonresidential building or above a new one-story nonresidential building no greater in size than the current building, subject to the following:
The multifamily units shall have a twenty-percent set-aside for affordable housing.
Permitted nonresidential uses on the first floor are limited to those uses permitted in the B-1 District.
Mixed-use development consisting of nonresidential uses on the first floor and residential units on the second floor, subject to the following:
The floor area of the first floor nonresidential use shall not exceed the floor area of nonresidential uses existing as of September 2019.
The multifamily units shall have a twenty-percent set-aside for affordable housing.
Permitted nonresidential uses on the first floor are limited to those uses permitted in the B-1 District.
Accessory uses shall be as follows:
Accessory buildings.
Off-street parking facilities, including structured parking.
Private recreational facilities and common open space.
Retaining walls.
Uses which are customary and incidental to a permitted use.
Conditional uses shall be as follows:
Affordable housing.
Twenty percent of the total units on the site shall be reserved for affordable housing.
Affordable housing units shall comply with the Township's affordable housing regulations and the Uniform Housing Affordability Control Rules (N.J.A.C. 5:80-26.1), which shall control in the case of any conflicts with this subsection, provided that a minimum of 13% of the total low- and moderate-income units shall be affordable to very-low-income households (i.e., 30% or less of median income).
The affordable units shall be managed by a single entity in accordance with an Affordable Housing Management Plan, which shall be approved by the Township of Wyckoff, Affordable Housing Committee or other Township-designated administrative agent.
The exterior design of affordable housing units shall be harmonious in scale, texture and materials with market-priced units.
Bulk requirements.
Minimum lot size: 2.3 acres.
Maximum gross density: 10 dwelling units per acre.
Minimum lot width and frontage: 200 feet.
Minimum lot depth: 200 feet.
Principal building setback.
Front: 15 feet minimum and 55 feet maximum.
Each side: 10 feet.
Rear: 20 feet.
Accessory building setback.
Each side: 10 feet.
Rear: 10 feet.
Maximum building height: two stories/35 feet.
Maximum lot coverage.
Principal building: 40%.
Accessory building: 5%.
Building footprint. The building footprint shall not exceed that which exists as of the adoption date of this subsection (roughly 30,000 square feet).
Building design.
One principal building shall be permitted.
The building shall be oriented toward Wyckoff Avenue with all or a significant portion located parallel to the street. Orientation shall include the provision of one or more primary building entrances.
All residential units shall be located on the second floor.
The building shall consist of permitted nonresidential uses on the first floor and one story of multifamily housing above.
An overall theme of design and architectural motif shall be utilized within the development for the purpose of presenting an aesthetically desirable effect and shall be such that they provide varied building elevations, design and structural appearance within the context of the unifying theme.
Any facade of the building shall not continue on the same plane for a linear distance of more than 75 feet. Minimum two-foot offsets shall be required at breaks in the facade planes.
First-floor facades which shall contain nonresidential uses, which are visible from a public street, shall be expressed as building modules that do not exceed 40 feet in width so as to eliminate blank walls, create more interesting architecture, and facilitate small-scale commercial opportunities. Architectural elements, including but not limited to piers, columns, insets, projections or other vertical elements, may be used to visually break up the plane of the first floor facade.
Where facing Wyckoff Avenue, nonresidential uses shall have a minimum of 60% of the ground floor facade between three and 10 feet above grade, and 30% of upper-floor facades shall be transparent and shall provide visual access to the street. Blanked-out windows, windows which display only signage, or look into unused or "dead" space do not meet this requirement.
First-floor windows facing a public street shall be clear; tinted windows in this location are prohibited.
Building facades shall be predominantly finished in brick and/or fiber cement. "Fiber cement" shall refer to a combination of cellulose fibers and cementitious materials that, manufactured in long, horizontal strips, has the appearance of wood siding. Stone veneer, stucco, cast stone and metal shall be used only for minor accentuation of other elements of the facade. Exterior insulation and finishing system shall not be used on any portion of the building facade or columns.
Building materials and architectural details shall be consistent on all sides of each building.
The maximum size of any individual commercial business is limited to 12,000 square feet.
Building entrances should be articulated to make it easily identifiable by visitors and to provide architectural interest. Examples of special features of entrances include, but are not limited to, awnings and architectural treatments.
An arcade facing Wyckoff Avenue shall be provided along not less than 75% of the building facade facing Wyckoff Avenue. This arcade shall include a series of columns or other vertical elements that form a covered walkway.
When separate nonresidential tenants are housed in the ground floor of any building, separate entrances onto the sidewalk for each space should be provided, except when two stores share a vestibule.
Upper-floor windows should be divided into individual units or groupings of individual units, rather than a continuous "ribbon."
Consistent building materials shall be used on all sides of a building that is visible from a public street.
Pedestrian-friendly building design and site furnishings (outdoor tables, benches, bicycle racks, etc.) are required along Wyckoff Avenue.
Roof design.
Flat roofs are prohibited.
Roof shape, color, and texture should be coordinated with the exterior materials of the building's facade.
Roof design should minimize the negative impact of roof protrusions by grouping plumbing vents, ducts, and other utility structures together.
Rooftop equipment such as mechanical units, vents, and flues should be located centrally on the building roof, to the extent practicable. Any equipment visible from a publicly accessible area, adjacent lots, and pedestrian corridors shall be screened with solid materials using parapets, pitched roof forms, or penthouses. Screening shall be constructed of the same or complementary material as the building.
Plantings and buffers.
A buffer of note less than 15 feet in width shall be provided along the side and rear property line.
Exterior utility boxes, mechanical and electrical equipment, and HVAC equipment shall be screened from view by architectural elements and/or landscape plantings.
Buffers shall be maintained in perpetuity. If such buffers fail to provide adequate screening, the buffers shall be reestablished by the property owner using the same or similar plantings at the property owner's expense.
Miscellaneous requirements.
Signs shall be permitted pursuant to regulations for the B-1 District in § 186-28.
Sidewalks shall be provided along Wyckoff Avenue and Clinton Avenue.
Pedestrian walkways and bicycle paths to adjacent public areas and/or residential streets shall be required where possible and beneficial for safe nonvehicular traffic. Maintenance of such walkways and/or paths shall be the responsibility of the property owner or homeowners' association.
All utilities shall be installed underground wherever possible.
Not more than two rows of parking shall be located between the building and a public street. Where parking is provided between the building and Wyckoff Avenue, the parking shall be angled so as to reduce the necessary building setback and paving along Wyckoff Avenue.
Parking available to the public shall not be reduced unless authorized by the Township governing body.
Off-street parking for residential uses shall be provided in accordance with the Residential Site Improvement Standards (RSIS) at N.J.A.C. 5:21.
Off-street parking for nonresidential uses shall be provided as per the schedule of off-street parking requirements for the B-1 District (§ 186-26C).
MF/AH10 Zone: Affordable Housing.
[Added 12-17-2019 by Ord. No. 1896]
Principal permitted uses shall be as follows:
Mixed-use development, consisting of multifamily units with a set-aside for affordable housing and ground floor nonresidential use.
Permitted nonresidential uses on the first floor are limited to those uses permitted in the B-1 District.
Accessory uses shall be as follows:
Conditional uses shall be as follows:
Affordable housing.
Where the affordable units shall be for sale, 20% of the total units on the site shall be reserved for affordable housing.
Where the affordable units shall be for rent, 15% of the total units on the site shall be reserved for affordable housing.
Affordable housing units shall comply with the Township's affordable housing regulations and the Uniform Housing Affordability Control Rules (N.J.A.C. 5:80-26.1), which shall control in the case of any conflicts with this subsection, provided that a minimum of 13% of the total low- and moderate-income units shall be affordable to very-low-income households (i.e., 30% or less of median income).
The affordable units shall be managed by a single entity in accordance with an Affordable Housing Management Plan, which shall be approved by the Township of Wyckoff, Affordable Housing Committee or other Township-designated administrative agent.
The exterior design of affordable housing units shall be harmonious in scale, texture and materials with market-priced units.
Bulk requirements.
Minimum lot size: 3.25 acres.
There shall be no more than 22 residential units in the district.
Minimum lot width and frontage: 150 feet.
Minimum lot depth: 400 feet.
Principal building setback.
Front: 35 feet.
Each side: 20 feet; 40 where abutting a single-family residential use.
Rear: 30 feet.
Maximum building height.
Two and one-half stories/35 feet.
No building, or portion thereof, within 50 feet of a single-family residential use or zone shall exceed 2.5 stories/35 feet.
Maximum lot coverage.
Principal building: 30%.
Accessory building: 5%.
Building design.
Buildings shall be oriented along Franklin Avenue with all or a significant portion located parallel to the street. This shall not apply to any building located behind another building. Orientation shall include the provision of one or more primary building entrances.
First-floor uses facing Franklin Avenue shall be nonresidential.
Building side and rear elevations shall be designed with the same material as the front of the building.
Multiple principal buildings shall be permitted on a lot.
Maximum building length: 200 feet.
An overall theme of design and architectural motif shall be utilized within the development for the purpose of presenting an aesthetically desirable effect and shall be such that they provide varied building elevations, design and structural appearance within the context of the unifying theme.
Any facade of a residential building shall not continue on the same plane for a linear distance of more than 75 feet. Minimum two-foot offsets shall be required at breaks in the facade planes.
First-floor facades containing nonresidential uses which are visible from a public street shall be expressed as building modules that do not exceed 40 feet in width so as to eliminate blank walls, create more interesting architecture, and facilitate small-scale commercial opportunities. Architectural elements, including but not limited to piers, columns, insets, projections or other vertical elements, may be used to visually break up the plane of the first-floor facade.
Nonresidential uses shall have a minimum of 60% of the ground floor facade between three and 10 feet above grade, and 30% of upper-floor facades shall be transparent and shall provide visual access to the street. Blanked-out windows, windows which display only signage, or look into unused or "dead" space do not meet this requirement.
First-floor windows facing a public street shall be clear; tinted windows in this location are prohibited.
Building facades shall be predominantly finished in brick and/or fiber cement. "Fiber cement" shall refer to a combination of cellulose fibers and cementitious materials that, manufactured in long, horizontal strips, has the appearance of wood siding. Stone veneer, stucco, cast stone and metal shall be used only for minor accentuation of other elements of the facade. Exterior insulation and finishing system shall not be used on any portion of the building facade.
Building materials and architectural details shall be consistent on all sides of each building.
When separate nonresidential tenants are housed in the ground floor of any building, separate entrances onto the sidewalk for each space should be provided, except when two stores share a vestibule.
Building entrances should be articulated to make it easily identifiable by visitors and to provide architectural interest. Examples of special features of entrances include, but are not limited to, awnings and architectural treatments.
Upper-floor windows should be divided into individual units or groupings of individual units, rather than a continuous "ribbon."
Pedestrian-friendly building design and site furnishings (outdoor tables, benches, bicycle racks, etc.) are required along Franklin Avenue.
Minimum distance between buildings:
Front facade to any facade: 60 feet.
Rear facade to any facade: 50 feet.
Side facade to any facade: 30 feet.
Roof design.
Flat roofs are prohibited. Gambrel, gable and hipped roofs are permitted. Dormers may be utilized where appropriate for the architectural style.
Roof shape, color, and texture should be coordinated with the exterior materials of the building's facade.
Roof design should minimize the negative impact of roof protrusions by grouping plumbing vents, ducts, and other utility structures together.
Rooftop equipment such as mechanical units, vents, and flues should be located centrally on the building roof, to the extent practicable. Any equipment visible from a publicly accessible area, adjacent lots, and pedestrian corridors shall be screened with solid materials using parapets, pitched roof forms, or penthouses. Screening shall be constructed of the same or complementary material as the building.
Plantings and buffers.
A buffer strip consistent with § 186-36.2 shall be provided along all property lines shared with a single-family residential use. A buffer strip of 20 feet or greater shall be provided where the multifamily use abuts a single-family residential use.
Exterior utility boxes, mechanical and electrical equipment, and HVAC equipment shall be screened from view by architectural elements and/or landscape plantings.
Buffers shall be maintained in perpetuity. If such buffers fail to provide adequate screening, the buffers shall be reestablished by the property owner using the same or similar plantings at the property owner's expense.
Miscellaneous requirements.
Signs shall be permitted pursuant to regulations for the B-1 District in § 186-28.
All utilities shall be installed underground wherever possible.
Parking shall not be located between the building and the public street.
Off-street parking for residential uses shall be provided in accordance with the Residential Site Improvement Standards (RSIS) at N.J.A.C. 5:21.
MF/AH9 Zone: Affordable Housing.
[Added 12-17-2019 by Ord. No. 1897]
Principal permitted uses shall be as follows:
Mixed-use development, consisting of multifamily units with a set-aside for affordable housing and ground floor nonresidential use.
Permitted nonresidential uses on the first floor are limited to those uses permitted in the B-1 District.
Accessory uses shall be as follows:
Conditional uses shall be as follows:
Affordable housing.
Where the affordable units shall be for sale, 20% of the total units on the site shall be reserved for affordable housing.
Where the affordable units shall be for rent, 15% of the total units on the site shall be reserved for affordable housing.
Affordable housing units shall comply with the Township's affordable housing regulations and the Uniform Housing Affordability Control Rules (N.J.A.C. 5:80-26.1), which shall control in the case of any conflicts with this subsection, provided that a minimum of 13% of the total low- and moderate-income units shall be affordable to very-low-income households (i.e., 30% or less of median income).
The affordable units shall be managed by a single entity in accordance with an Affordable Housing Management Plan, which shall be approved by the Township of Wyckoff, Affordable Housing Committee or other Township-designated administrative agent.
The exterior design of affordable housing units shall be harmonious in scale, texture and materials with market-priced units.
Bulk requirements.
Minimum lot size: 2.25 acres.
Maximum gross density: six dwelling units per acre.
Minimum lot width and frontage: 200 feet.
Minimum lot depth: 200 feet.
Principal building setback.
Front: 30 feet.
Each side: 20 feet; 40 where abutting a single-family residential use.
Rear: 30 feet.
Maximum building height.
Two and one-half stories/35 feet.
No building, or portion thereof, within 50 feet of a single-family residential use or zone shall exceed 2.5 stories/35 feet.
Maximum lot coverage.
Principal building: 25%.
Accessory building: 5%.
Building design.
Buildings shall be oriented along Greenwood Avenue with all or a significant portion located parallel to the street. This shall not apply to any building located behind another building. Orientation shall include the provision of one or more primary building entrances.
Not less than 50% of floor area of first-floor uses facing Greenwood Avenue shall be nonresidential. Nonresidential uses shall not be oriented toward Godwin Avenue. Residential uses shall be permitted in the remaining 50% of the first floor facing Greenwood Avenue as well as portions of the building not facing Greenwood Avenue.
Building side and rear elevations shall be designed with the same material as the front of the building.
Multiple principal buildings shall be permitted on a lot.
Maximum building length: 200 feet.
An overall theme of design and architectural motif shall be utilized within the development for the purpose of presenting an aesthetically desirable effect and shall be such that they provide varied building elevations, design and structural appearance within the context of the unifying theme.
Any facade of a residential building shall not continue on the same plane for a linear distance of more than 75 feet. Minimum two-foot offsets shall be required at breaks in the facade planes.
First-floor facades containing nonresidential uses which are visible from a public street shall be expressed as building modules that do not exceed 40 feet in width so as to eliminate blank walls, create more interesting architecture, and facilitate small-scale commercial opportunities. Architectural elements, including but not limited to piers, columns, insets, projections or other vertical elements, may be used to visually break up the plane of the first floor facade.
Nonresidential uses shall have a minimum of 60% of the ground floor facade between three and 10 feet above grade, and 30% of upper-floor facades shall be transparent and shall provide visual access to the street. Blanked-out windows, windows which display only signage, or look into unused or "dead" space do not meet this requirement.
First-floor windows facing a public street shall be clear; tinted windows in this location are prohibited.
Building facades shall be predominantly finished in brick and/or fiber cement. "Fiber cement" shall refer to a combination of cellulose fibers and cementitious materials that, manufactured in long, horizontal strips, has the appearance of wood siding. Stone veneer, stucco, cast stone and metal shall be used only for minor accentuation of other elements of the facade. Exterior insulation and finishing system shall not be used on any portion of the building facade.
Building materials and architectural details shall be consistent on all sides of each building.
When separate nonresidential tenants are housed in the ground floor of any building, separate entrances onto the sidewalk for each space should be provided, except when two stores share a vestibule.
Building entrances should be articulated to make it easily identifiable by visitors and to provide architectural interest. Examples of special features of entrances include, but are not limited to, awnings and architectural treatments.
Upper-floor windows should be divided into individual units or groupings of individual units, rather than a continuous "ribbon."
Minimum distance between buildings:
Front facade to any facade: 60 feet.
Rear facade to any facade: 50 feet.
Side facade to any facade: 30 feet.
Roof design.
Flat roofs are prohibited. Gambrel, gable and hipped roofs are permitted. Dormers may be utilized where appropriate for the architectural style.
Roof shape, color, and texture should be coordinated with the exterior materials of the building's facade.
Roof design should minimize the negative impact of roof protrusions by grouping plumbing vents, ducts, and other utility structures together.
Rooftop equipment such as mechanical units, vents, and flues should be located centrally on the building roof, to the extent practicable. Any equipment visible from a publicly accessible area, adjacent lots, and pedestrian corridors shall be screened with solid materials using parapets, pitched roof forms, or penthouses. Screening shall be constructed of the same or complementary material as the building.
Plantings and buffers.
A buffer strip consistent with § 186-36.2 shall be provided along all property lines shared with a single-family residential use. A buffer strip of 20 feet or greater shall be provided where the multifamily use abuts a single-family residential use.
Exterior utility boxes, mechanical and electrical equipment, and HVAC equipment shall be screened from view by architectural elements and/or landscape plantings.
Buffers shall be maintained in perpetuity. If such buffers fail to provide adequate screening, the buffers shall be reestablished by the property owner using the same or similar plantings at the property owner's expense.
Miscellaneous requirements.
Signs shall be permitted pursuant to regulations for the B-1 District in § 186-28.
All utilities shall be installed underground wherever possible.
Parking shall not be located between the building and the public street.
Off-street parking for residential uses shall be provided in accordance with the Residential Site Improvement Standards (RSIS) at N.J.A.C. 5:21.
MF/AH8 Zone: Affordable housing.
[Added 12-17-2019 by Ord. No. 1898]
Principal permitted uses shall be as follows:
Mixed-use development, consisting of multifamily units with a set-aside for affordable housing and ground floor nonresidential.
Permitted nonresidential uses on the first floor are limited to those uses permitted in the B-1 District.
Single-family dwellings in existence as of the time of the adoption of this subsection.
Accessory uses shall be as follows:
Conditional uses shall be as follows:
Affordable housing.
Where the affordable units shall be for sale, 20% of the total units on the site shall be reserved for affordable housing.
Where the affordable units shall be for rent, 15% of the total units on the site shall be reserved for affordable housing.
Affordable housing units shall comply with the Township's affordable housing regulations and the Uniform Housing Affordability Control Rules (N.J.A.C. 5:80-26.1), which shall control in the case of any conflicts with this subsection, provided that a minimum of 13% of the total low- and moderate-income units shall be affordable to very-low-income households (i.e., 30% or less of median income).
The affordable units shall be managed by a single entity in accordance with an Affordable Housing Management Plan, which shall be approved by the Township of Wyckoff, Affordable Housing Committee or other Township-designated administrative agent.
The exterior design of affordable housing units shall be harmonious in scale, texture and materials with market-priced units.
Bulk requirements.
Minimum lot size: 0.5 acre.
Maximum gross density: 12 dwelling units per acre, not to exceed six units in the district.
Minimum lot width and frontage: 200 feet.
Minimum lot depth: 100 feet.
Principal building setback.
Front: 30 feet.
Each side: 20 feet.
Rear: 30 feet.
Maximum building height.
Two and one-half stories/35 feet.
Maximum lot coverage.
Principal building: 25%.
Accessory building: 5%.
Building design.
Building side and rear elevations shall be designed with the same material as the front of the building.
Not less than 50% of first floor uses shall be nonresidential. Residential uses shall be permitted in the remaining 50% of the first floor as well as other portions of the building.
Multiple principal buildings shall be permitted on a lot.
An overall theme of design and architectural motif shall be utilized within the development for the purpose of presenting an aesthetically desirable effect and shall be such that they provide varied building elevations, design and structural appearance within the context of the unifying theme.
Any facade of a residential building shall not continue on the same plane for a linear distance of more than 75 feet. Minimum two-foot offsets shall be required at breaks in the facade planes.
First-floor facades containing nonresidential uses which are visible from a public street shall be expressed as building modules that do not exceed 40 feet in width so as to eliminate blank walls, create more interesting architecture, and facilitate small-scale commercial opportunities. Architectural elements, including but not limited to piers, columns, insets, projections or other vertical elements, may be used to visually break up the plane of the first floor facade.
Nonresidential uses shall have a minimum of 60% of the ground floor facade between three and 10 feet above grade, and 30% of upper-floor facades shall be transparent and shall provide visual access to the street. Blanked-out windows, windows which display only signage, or look into unused or "dead" space do not meet this requirement.
First-floor windows facing a public street shall be clear; tinted windows in this location are prohibited.
Building facades shall be predominantly finished in brick and/or fiber cement. "Fiber cement" shall refer to a combination of cellulose fibers and cementitious materials that, manufactured in long, horizontal strips, has the appearance of wood siding. Stone veneer, stucco, cast stone and metal shall be used only for minor accentuation of other elements of the facade. Exterior insulation and finishing system shall not be used on any portion of the building facade.
Building materials and architectural details shall be consistent on all sides of each building.
Building entrances should be articulated to make it easily identifiable by visitors and to provide architectural interest. Examples of special features of entrances include, but are not limited to, awnings and architectural treatments.
Upper-floor windows should be divided into individual units or groupings of individual units, rather than a continuous "ribbon."
Roof design.
Flat roofs are prohibited. Gambrel, gable and hipped roofs are permitted. Dormers may be utilized where appropriate for the architectural style.
Roof shape, color, and texture should be coordinated with the exterior materials of the building's facade.
Roof design should minimize the negative impact of roof protrusions by grouping plumbing vents, ducts, and other utility structures together.
Rooftop equipment such as mechanical units, vents, and flues should be located centrally on the building roof, to the extent practicable. Any equipment visible from a publicly accessible area, adjacent lots, and pedestrian corridors shall be screened with solid materials using parapets, pitched roof forms, or penthouses. Screening shall be constructed of the same or complementary material as the building.
Plantings and buffers.
A buffer strip, consistent with § 186-36.2, of 20 feet or greater shall be provided where the multifamily use abuts a single-family residential use.
Exterior utility boxes, mechanical and electrical equipment, and HVAC equipment shall be screened from view by architectural elements and/or landscape plantings.
Buffers shall be maintained in perpetuity. If such buffers fail to provide adequate screening, the buffers shall be reestablished by the property owner using the same or similar plantings at the property owner's expense.
Miscellaneous requirements.
Signs shall be permitted pursuant to regulations for the B-1 District in § 186-28.
Utilities shall be installed underground wherever possible.
Parking shall not be located between the building and the public street.
Off-street parking for residential uses shall be provided in accordance with the Residential Site Improvement Standards (RSIS) at N.J.A.C. 5:21.
SF/AH3: Single-Family Affordable Housing Zone.
[Added 12-19-2023 by Ord. No. 1995]
Principal permitted uses shall be as follows:
Single-family detached housing.
Accessory Uses shall be those permitted in the MF/AH Zones as well as public open space in a cluster design as required by § 186-49L(5)(b).
Accessory buildings shall comply with the setback requirements of the R-15 zone district.
Conditional uses shall be as follows:
Two-family attached housing.
These units shall be for the provision of affordable housing in accordance with the required set-aside as set forth in § 186-49L(7) with the condition that both units must be affordable.
These units must be set back a minimum of 300 feet from the front property line of a site.
Senior citizen housing/special needs/veterans housing.
These units shall be for the provision of affordable housing in accordance with the required set-aside as set forth in § 186-49L(7).
The site shall have a minimum of five acres in area.
Bulk requirements.
Single-family and two-family lots permitted at a density of 4.5 dwelling units per acre in accordance with the following bulk requirements.
Minimum Lot Size
(square feet)
Average Lot
(square feet)
Maximum Height
Minimum Front Yard
2 1/2/35
40 feet
Minimum Side Yard
Minimum Rear Yard
Maximum Lot Coverage
Principal Building
Accessory Building
10 feet
30 feet
Environmental preservation cluster design option.
With a minimum of five acres, an environmentally constrained tract may be developed in accordance with the following standards:
Minimum Lot Size
(square feet)
Average Lot
(square feet)
Maximum Height
Minimum Front Yard
2 1/2/35
30 feet
Minimum Side Yard
Minimum Rear Yard
Maximum Lot Coverage
Principal Building
Accessory Building
15 feet
30 feet
Minimum open space required: A minimum of 50% of the site shall be preserved for environmental protection and/or passive recreation.
There shall be no required wetlands buffer located on a privately owned lot. All buffers shall be located on the preserved open space to be maintained as detailed in Section IV[1] of this chapter.
Editor's Note: So in original.
Maximum density is 3.5 dwelling units per acre.
Minimum Off-Street Parking: as required by the Residential Site Improvement Standards.
Minimum affordable housing requirements for each site.
The minimum required affordable housing for each site shall be based on a 20% set-aside for for-sale units and a 15% set-aside for rental units.
The affordable units shall be deed-restricted in accordance with the requirements of the State of New Jersey.
Landscape standard:
A landscape plan shall be submitted with each application for development in accordance with § 223-5 of the Township Code.
The landscape plan shall include rain garden where possible to assist in the natural drainage of the site.
Sidewalks shall be required in accordance with Residential Site Improvement Standards.
Editor's Note: Former § 186-50, Future land availability (overlay requirement), was repealed 4-20-1999 by Ord. No. 1317. Former §§ 186-51 through 186-59 were repealed 11-20-2018 by Ord. No. 1865.
The Zoning Map of the Township of Wyckoff shall be amended to show the Affordable Housing Districts as set forth in this Article X.
[Added 11-20-2018 by Ord. No. 1865[1]]
A mandatory set-aside requirement of 20% (if the affordable units will be for sale) and 15% (if the affordable units will be for rent) shall be imposed on any multifamily residential development created through any Township or Board action involving a rezoning, use variance, density variance, redevelopment plan or rehabilitation plan permitting redevelopment that provides an incentive in the form of an increase in the density on a site, which density is at or above six units per acre and results in the construction or creation of five or more new dwelling units over the number of units previously allowed. This requirement does not affect the requirements for production of affordable housing on sites that are zoned for inclusionary development as a result of an adopted Housing Element and Fair Share Plan, which sites shall be developed as provided under the zoning or overlay zoning enacted for those sites. This requirement does not give any developer the right to any such rezoning, variance or other relief, or establish any obligation on the part of Wyckoff Township to grant such rezoning, variance or other relief, nor does it suggest that a density of six units per acre provides a sufficient financial incentive for inclusionary residential development in all cases. A property shall not be permitted to be subdivided so as to avoid meeting this requirement. All affordable units created by this mechanism shall be family affordable housing units (i.e., non-age-restricted).
Editor's Note: This ordinance also repealed former § 180-60.1, Production of affordable housing as share of all new residential development, added 6-19-2007 by Ord. No. 1562.