[Ord. 672]
The City Council hereby finds that the natural resources of Avalon, as discussed in the Avalon General Plan, have finite limits. Such limits are not easily defined, and, as in the case of such resources as water availability, may change from time to time. The City Council further finds that unlimited construction activity within the limited geographical boundaries and topographical features of the City of Avalon would create significant impacts on the environment of Avalon.
In order to mitigate these problems, the City of Avalon hereby implements an annual growth policy.
[Ord. 672]
The City shall not approve any development applications which propose the creation of additional units in November and December of any calendar year commencing in 1979. During this two-month period, the City Council, in conjunction with the Planning Commission, shall review the growth permitted in the preceding 10 months, review the effects and demands of such development and any additional development upon the City's natural resources, and determine, by resolution, the amount and type of growth the City will permit in the succeeding year, as well as City priorities for growth.
[Ord. 672, as amended by § 1, Ord. 773, eff. December 17, 1984]
No application for any project which creates any additional living or transient units shall be approved unless the Southern California Edison Company confirms in writing that water is available to serve the project if approved by the City.
All development applications made pursuant to this title shall be considered by the City in the order that said applications are accepted by the City.
Applications may include units from two or more development categories as set forth in subsection (d) hereof.
Any unit approved after this date shall be under construction (defined as foundation work completed and framing in progress) within 18 months from the date of final Planning Commission or City Council approval. The Planning Commission may approve not more than two six month extensions upon making a determination that an applicant has diligently pursued the construction of the project, and that no substantial change of circumstances has occurred, and that such extension will not be detrimental to the purpose of these regulations.
The City Council may on appeal grant one additional extension of no more than 60 days upon a finding of extraordinary circumstances.
The City Council shall establish procedures setting forth tenant eligibility and conditions for low and moderate income rental projects.
[Ord. 672]
INFILLING – Shall mean any project which creates four or fewer additional residential units that will be built within the designated infilling area.
RESIDENTIAL TRACT DEVELOPMENT – Shall mean any project of five additional units or greater.
HOTEL/RESORT DEVELOPMENT – Shall mean any project which proposes living units that will be used exclusively by transients. Any unit so proposed may contain kitchen facilities with conditional use permit procedures.
MEDIAN INCOME – Shall mean the median income of all families residing in the Los Angeles Long Beach Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area (SMSA) as determined by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development. In the event that median income figures are not available for the time period necessary for a specific development application, the most recent median income figures available will be used and adjusted according to changes in the Consumer Price Index for the same SMSA.