[Ord. 672]
The intent of the LD zone is to provide a framework to guide and control the development of the sloping, undeveloped areas surrounding the urbanized areas of Avalon. Currently, the land is very sparsely developed with residential structures. There is a high degree of public interest in this area because of the visual quality that these perimeter slopes contribute to the overall ambience of the City. Thus, regulation is intended to minimize grading and landform alteration.
In reviewing and approving site plans and tract maps for the development of the area, the City Planning Commission shall be guided by the goals and policies of the General Plan, and the General Development and Use Standards specified herein. The Commission shall not permit variance from those standards unless it finds that such variance meets the intent of the original standards.
Finally, it is intended that the LD zone will lead to the creation of an area exhibiting the following characteristics:
Residential uses of various densities.
Low intensity recreational uses which will increase available recreational opportunities to the public.
[Ord. 672]
Detached residential structures on slopes under 30°.
Outdoor recreation including, but not limited to, parks and other areas of passive recreational usage, trails, and other suitable corridors open to the public and areas for the preservation of outstanding scenic, geologic, historical and cultural value.
The preservation of natural resources, including, but not limited to, areas required for preservation of plant and animal life.
Small and large daycare facilities, as those terms are defined by Health and Safety Code section 1596.78 and as may be amended from time to time.
[Added by Ord. No. 1203-21, eff. January 6, 2022]
[Ord. 672]
Premises in the LD zone may be used for accessory uses provided such uses are established on the same lot or parcel of land and are incidental to and do not substantially alter the character of any permitted principal use, including, but not limited to:
Accessory buildings or structures, including private garages.
Domestic animals, not to exceed three over three months old.
[Ord. 672, as amended by § 3, Ord. 775, eff. January 21, 1985; § 1, Ord. 1060-07, eff. October 4, 2007]
Premises in the LD zone may be used for the following purposes provided a conditional use permit has first been obtained, pursuant to the provisions of this chapter.
Detached dwelling units on slopes 30° and over.
Clustered or attached dwelling units, including congregate housing projects.
Churches on slopes under 50°.
[Ord. 672; §§ 4, 5, Ord. 852-U, eff. January 4, 1990; § 3, Ord. 944-97, eff. June 6, 1997]
Premises in the LD zone shall be subject to the development standards prescribed in this section and those standards contained in Chapter 9-7 (General Standards of Development).
Maximum Permitted Density.
Ten dwelling units per acre for slopes under 30°.
Five dwelling units per acre for slopes from 30° to 50°.
One dwelling unit per acre for slopes 50° or more.
Clustered developments up to 10 dwelling units per acre for slopes under 30°.
Density transfer can be permitted to a maximum density of 20 units per acre under a conditional use permit provided it does not exceed overall density of 10 units per acre.
Minimum Permitted Lot Area:
Single family detached dwelling units - each lot or parcel of land created after the adoption of this title shall have a minimum lot size of 4,400 square feet. These minimum lots shall be multiplied by two for lots with slopes of 30° to 50°, and by 10 for lots with slopes of more than 50°.
Single family attached - No minimum, however, no more than 30 residential building lots per acre will be allowed, provided that overall project density does not exceed 10 dwelling units per acre for slopes under 30°.
Minimum Permitted Lot Width. Single family detached dwelling units - each lot or parcel created after adoption of this title shall have a minimum width of 50 feet.
Single family attached dwelling units - no minimum.
Other uses - to be determined by the Commission.
Minimum Required Setbacks.
A seventy-five-foot setback from the center line of major Zoning Districts Map. The distance shall follow the natural grade. This is not to exclude the locating, where necessary, of roads for public safety, utility, or service uses provided such are sited, landscaped, and maintained in a manner consistent with preserving the scenic value of these ridgelines.
Front, Side and Rear Setbacks - 10 feet. Where the lower property line of a hillside or a steep hillside lot is adjacent to a public street, there shall be a maximum height of 14 feet from the lot's surface (as measured from the center line of the nearest adjacent street and extending as a vertical plane to the lot's existing surface as of January 1, 1990), along a distance equal to 1/8 the length of the lot plus the setback required for the zone (as measured through the center line of the lot back from the street side setback).
Building Bulk.
Maximum Permitted Height.
For lots of 14° average slope or less: No portion of the building may exceed a height greater than 28 feet above the lot's natural surface and shall not be more than two stories;
For hillside lots, as defined: No portion of the building may exceed a height greater than 14 feet above the upper lot line and 32 feet on any part of the lot's natural surface, and shall not be more than three stories.
For steep hillside lots, as defined: No portion of the building may exceed a height greater than 14 feet above the upper lot line and 40 feet above any part of the lot's natural surface. The number of stories allowed shall be determined by the applicable Building Code requirements.
Maximum permitted lot coverage.
Single family detached and other uses: 40% of gross lot area.
Single family attached: 40% of gross lot area.
Maximum permitted floor area.
Single family detached and other uses: 80% of gross lot area - two level; 120% of gross lot area - three level.
Single family attached: 80% of gross tract area - two level; 120% of gross area - three level.
Off-Street Parking. One off-street parking space shall be required for each dwelling unit.
Trash Storage.
Single family detached - one enclosed, off-street trash storage area shall be required for each dwelling unit.
Single family attached and other uses - sufficient enclosed, off-street trash storage areas shall be required to serve the project.