[Code. 1943. § 326.01]
For the purposes of this chapter the following words and phrases shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them by this section:
Includes any place for the purchase, reception or keeping of stolen goods.
Includes old iron, chain, brass, copper, tin, lead or other base metals, old rope, old bags, rags, waste-paper, paper clippings, scraps of woolens, clips, bagging, rubber and glass, and empty bottles of different kinds and sizes when the number of each kind or size is less than one gross, and all articles and things discarded or no longer used as a manufactured article composed of or consisting of any one or more of the materials or articles herein mentioned.
As used in this chapter, shall be held to mean and include every person, firm or corporation that shall engage in the business of buying, selling, bartering or exchanging or that shall collect, receive, store or hold in possession for sale, barter or exchange, any of the things in and by this section defined as junk, whether dealing at wholesale or retail, or as a junk peddler.
Includes any store, shop, warehouse or building where junk is bought, sold, bartered or exchanged, or where resale, barter, or exchange, either at wholesale or retail.
Includes every truck, automobile, pushcart or other vehicle used by a junk dealer in the collection, disposition, or transportation of junk from one place to another.
Includes any yard, place or enclosure other than a junk store as herein defined, where junk is bought, sold or bartered or exchanged, either at wholesale or retail, or where junk is collected, received, stored or held in possession for resale, barter or exchange, either at wholesale or retail.
Includes every person that shall engage in the business of buying, selling, bartering or exchanging, or that shall collect, receive, store or hold in possession for sale, barter or exchange any of the things in any by this section defined as junk where the usual and customary purchases consist of quantities of less than the amounts customarily, purchased by wholesale junk dealers as herein defined, or purchases from junk dealers; provided, that a junk peddler as herein defined who does not occupy premises leased or purchased especially for the purpose of such business shall not be deemed a "retail junk dealer" under the terms of this chapter.
Includes every person engaged in the business of buying, selling, bartering or exchanging in large quantities, or that shall collect, receive, store or hold in possession for sale, barter or exchange in large quantities, any of the things by this section defined as junk; provided, that dealing in large quantities shall be understood to mean that the customary and usual separate transactions both of purchases and sales shall consist of the purchase of sale of carload lots, or lots of two tons or more of metals, or lots of 10 bales or more of rags, and correspondingly large lots of 10 bales or more of any other junk dealt in; and, provided further that purchasers of old or waste metals in large quantities shall be regarded as wholesale junk dealers unless they actually operate within the Village a plant for the melting or refining of such metals.
[Code 1943, § 326.02]
No person shall operate as a junk dealer; nor exercise, carry on or engage in the business of keeping a junk store or junk yard for the purchase, sale, barter, exchange or other dealings in or storage of junk; nor draw, or drive, or cause to be drawn or driven through the streets of the Village, any junk wagon, as herein defined, for the purpose of collecting, transporting, or disposing of junk; nor be entitled to use a junk wagon for the purpose of collecting, transporting or disposing of junk, unless such person shall have obtained the license and given the bond required by this chapter.
[Code 1943. § 326.03]
Every person who shall apply for a license as a retail junk dealer or as a wholesale junk dealer, as the case may be, under this chapter, shall make application, in writing, which shall conform to the general provisions of Chapter 29 relating to application for licenses and shall set forth that the purpose of his business is to conduct or engage in the retail junk business or the wholesale junk business, as the case may be, as in this chapter defined, and that such person will observe and comply with all the provisions of this chapter.
Every person applying for a license as a junk dealer shall state in his written application that he has not kept, maintained or conducted, and that he has not been convicted of keeping, maintaining or conducting, a "fence." Every corporation making application for a license as a junk dealer shall state in its written application that it has not, nor has any of its officers, stockholders or employees, kept, maintained or conducted or been convicted of keeping, maintaining or conducting a "fence."
[Code 1943, § 326.04]
The President of the Village shall grant licenses as wholesale junk dealers or retail junk dealers to such persons and firms as shall conform with the general provisions relating to applications for licenses and shall produce to him satisfactory evidence of good character, and to such corporations as shall conform to such general provisions and shall produce to him satisfactory evidence of reputable standing; he may also grant licenses to such persons as shall produce satisfactory evidence of good character or reputable standing to run or operate junk wagons.
The President may also grant licenses as junk peddlers to such persons as do not operate junk stores or junk yards who shall produce satisfactory evidence of good character, but such a junk peddler's license shall not authorize a junk peddler to operate as either a retail or wholesale junk dealer; provided, that a retail junk dealer may employ such number of junk peddlers as he may obtain junk vehicle licenses for, but in such case it will he necessary for the junk peddler to have a license as such junk peddler in addition to the license for the vehicle.
[Code 1943. § 326.07]
Every license granted to a retail or wholesale junk dealer, shall designate the house, store, place, building, warehouse, yard or enclosure in which the person receiving such license shall be authorized to carry on such business.
[Code 1943, § 326.02]
No person licensed as a wholesale junk dealer or as a retail junk dealer shall exercise, engage in or carry on any such business at any other house, place, store, shop, warehouse, building, yard or enclosure than that designated in the license issued therefor.
[Code 1943, § 326.04]
Every person who shall keep, maintain or conduct both a retail junk business and a wholesale junk business shall procure a separate license for each, and if more than one retail junk business, for each such retail business. A separate license shall be procured by every junk dealer for each separate junk store or junk yard located on separate premises and for each junk wagon used in the business. Where a junk store and a junk yard located upon the same or contiguous or adjoining premises are kept, maintained or conducted by the same person such business shall be considered as one business and only one license shall be required therefor, except where such person shall be engaged both in wholesale and retail junk business.
[Code 1943, § 326.21]
The President and Board of Trustees may revoke the license of an owner of any junk shop or yard or wagon at any time for failure to keep his wagon or premises in a sanitary condition, or for failure to abide by the ordinances of the Village or the laws of the state.
[1943 Code § 326.09]
Every person licensed under the provisions of this chapter as a junk dealer, shall, at the time of receiving such license, enter with sufficient surety into a joint and several bond to the Village in the penal sum of $500, conditioned for the faithful observance of this chapter regulating junk dealers. Before any person shall receive a license to operate a junk wagon, he shall execute a bond in the sum of $100 with sufficient surety, conditioned for the faithful observance of this chapter now in force, or which may hereafter be passed regulating drivers of junk wagons.
[1943 Code § 326.08]
Every person licensed as a retail or wholesale junk dealer, before using any junk vehicle, or causing the same to be used, for the collection, transportation or disposal of any of the articles or things mentioned or defined as "junk" in this chapter, shall obtain from the Village Clerk, for each such junk vehicle, a painted metal plate of a different color or design for each year, on which shall be stamped a number corresponding to the license number of such junk dealer and also the words "Village Junk," together with the year for which the license is issued, which plate shall be securely fastened on the outer side of the right side of such vehicle used in such junk business. In lieu of such plate the clerk may issue a decalcomania to be posted on or in the vehicle in the manner prescribed by the Village Manager. Such junk vehicle shall also be permanently marked with the name of such licensed junk dealer, together with the street and number of his place of business.
Such person shall also, at the same time the plate or decalcomania for a junk vehicle is secured, obtain from the Village Clerk a metal badge for the driver of each licensed junk vehicle, having a number thereon corresponding to the number on the plate or decalcomania. Such badge shall be provided with a pin or other fastening and shall be worn in a conspicuous place on the outside of the coat, and it shall be of a different design for each year.
Every person licensed as a junk peddler under the provisions of this chapter, who does not operate a junk store or junkyard and who is not employed by a wholesale or retail junk dealer, shall be subject to all the requirements of this section in respect to license plates, decalcomanias and badges.
[1943 Code § 326.02]
No person licensed under the terms of this chapter as a retail junk dealer shall be permitted under his license so to purchase "junk," as defined in this chapter, from another retail junk dealer, or to purchase junk in carload lots or in large quantities as defined herein; provided, that any retail junk dealer that desires to purchase junk in such manner or such quantities may secure a separate license as a wholesale junk dealer if the wholesale business is carried on entirely distinct from the retail business, as hereinafter provided.
[1943 Code § 326.18; Ord. 2015-33, 7-20-2015]
No one licensed as a junk dealer shall be licensed as a pawnbroker or dealer in secondhand articles in the Village.
It shall be unlawful for anyone licensed as a junk dealer to engage in the business of buying, selling, bartering or exchanging, or to collect, receive, store or hold for sale, any catalytic converter that is not attached to a motor vehicle, or any portion of a dismantled catalytic converter that is reasonably identifiable as such.
[1943 Code § 326.16]
It shall be unlawful for any person to conduct or maintain any place of business described in this chapter in such a manner that the premises and sidewalks in front thereof are kept and permitted to remain in an unsanitary condition.
[Ord. 11-17-1947, § 1; Ord. 2001-2, 2-5-2001, § 1]
No license shall be issued to any person to locate, establish, conduct or maintain any junk store or yard, unless such businesses are conducted wholly within an improved building and enclosure, be of "fireproof construction," and such building conforms with the general requirements of this Code relating to buildings and the building code of the Village. All such places shall be free from the effluvia of a sewer, drain, privy or other nuisance, also free as far as practicable from all gases, vapors, dust or other impurities, generated by the operation and maintenance of junk stores and yards, or otherwise, which are injurious to health; and sufficient and separate water closets shall be supplied for male and female employees, and such water closet compartments shall be properly ventilated. The department of health and human services shall inspect all such places as often as it shall deem necessary to see that the provisions of this chapter are complied with, and that all "junk" as defined in this chapter shall be kept within the confines of the enclosed building aforesaid, and no junk or any part thereof shall be exposed to the elements and shall be kept outside of or beyond an enclosed building of "fireproof construction" as aforesaid.
[1943 Code § 326.10]
The places of business, junk wagons and junk, of all junk dealers and peddlers, shall, at all reasonable times, be open to the inspection of any member of the police department. Any person using or occupying such place of business, or junk wagon, that shall refuse access thereto or shall conceal or attempt to conceal any junk subject to such inspection shall be punished as provided in Section 13-3 of this Code.
[1943 Code § 326.03]
It shall be unlawful for any person to locate, establish, conduct or maintain any junk store or yard within 400 feet of a church, hospital, public or parochial school, such distance to be measured by the shortest straight line between the junk shop or junkyard sought to be located, established, conducted or maintained, and any such building used for the purpose of a church, hospital, public or parochial school.
[1943 Code § 326.11]
In case any person licensed as a retail or wholesale junk dealer shall remove his place of business from the place of location designated in such license, such licensed junk dealer shall immediately give notice to the Village Clerk, and have the change noted upon such license, and the street and number of such place of business shall thereupon be changed in the sides of any and all junk wagons or other vehicles, used by such licensed dealer and made to correspond with such new place of business.
[1943 Code § 326.14]
Every junk dealer who maintains a junkyard within the Village shall render a report in writing to the Chief of Police, on blank forms to be furnished by the police department, an accurate description of all goods, articles or things purchased or received in the course of business of the junk dealer during the preceding week, stating the price paid and the name, residence and general description of the person from whom such goods, articles or things were received. Such report shall be submitted and filed with the Chief of Police on Tuesday of each week for all businesses transacted for the period from Monday to Saturday, inclusive, of the week preceding.
[1943 Code § 326.15]
No junk dealer or operator of a junk wagon shall purchase, or receive any goods, article or thing whatsoever, except old rags, and wastepaper, from any minor under the age of 18 years, unless such minor's parents or guardian shall state in writing that such transaction took place with such parent's or guardian's full knowledge and consent, and it shall be the duty of such dealer or operator of a junk wagon or owner of a junk shop or yard to preserve and keep on file such written statement or consent of parents or guardian for the purpose of subsequent reference thereto.
[1943 Code § 326.13]
Every person licensed as a junk dealer or junk peddler, shall keep at his place of business a substantial well bound book, in which shall be legibly written, in English, at the time of every purchase or sale, a description of every article so purchased or sold, the name, residence and general description of every person or persons from whom such purchase was made or to whom such sale was made, the day and hour of such purchase of sale, and shall record any prominent or descriptive marks that may be visible on such person or property; and all the entries made in such book shall be made in ink, and the book shall be kept clean and neat.
Every person so licensed shall, during the ordinary hours of business, when required by the Chief of Police, or any police officer or licensed inspector of the Village submit and exhibit such book to the inspection of the above named officers, and shall also exhibit such goods or personal property to any of the aforesaid officers when requested so to do; and shall keep and preserve all written statements, and shall submit and exhibit the same for inspection when requested to do so by the President and Board of Trustees, or any member of the Board of Trustees, and any member of the police force, or any public officer.
[Code 1943, § 326.16]
It shall be unlawful for any person conducting and maintaining a junk shop or junk yard, to break up old boilers, iron and other junk by means of hammers, sledges or other mechanical devices, in such a manner as to disturb the peace and quietude of the residents of the immediate vicinity of any junk shop or junk yard, or to do any other act which will disturb the peace and quietude of any of such residents.
[Ord. 1943, § 326.17]
It shall be unlawful for any junk dealer to keep open his store or place of business for the transaction of business pertaining to such occupation between the hours of 7:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m.
[Ord. 1943, § 326.18]
No licensed junk dealer shall purchase or sell any new goods.
[Ord. 1943, § 326.19]
No junk dealer shall expose for sale, or sell or dispose of any articles within 48 hours of the time of purchasing, collecting or storing any junk, nor until the same shall have been at least 48 hours on the premises wherein the same are offered, exposed or sold and during such period of 48 hours, such articles shall be open to the inspection of any member of the police department.
[Ord. 1943, § 326.-19]
No article, thing or substance included therein, of such junk purchased, received or collected, shall be melted, vulcanized or otherwise changed or its identity destroyed within 48 hours after the same was purchased, received or collected.