[Code 1943, § 317.01; amended 12-4-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-74[1]]
For the purpose of the article, containers, or tanks, either portable or stationary and containing ether, carbon bisulphide, gasoline, naphtha, benzol, hydrocarbon (gas drips), liquefied petroleum gas, acetone, kerosene, turpentine, or other inflammable liquids, having a flash point below 165° F., are kept or located for the purpose of selling, offering for sale, or distributing any such liquids from such containers or tanks, shall be deemed a filling station, also known as an "automobile service station"; provided, however, that the provisions of this article shall not apply to inflammable liquids when such liquids are used for medical purposes.
Editor's Note: This ordinance provided an effective date of 1-1-2024.
[Code 1943, § 317.02]
No person shall keep, operate, or maintain a filling station without first having obtained a license as hereinafter provided.
[Code 1943, § 317.03]
Any person desiring to keep, operate, or maintain a filling station shall make application, in writing, to the Village Clerk for a license so to do, setting forth in such application the name and residence of the applicant, if an individual, or applicants if a copartnership, or if a corporation, of its principal officers. Such application shall also set forth the location or intended location to keep, operate, or maintain a filling station and the capacity or capacities in gallons of the containers.
[Code 1943, § 317.05]
License fees as set out in Section 29-11 shall be paid for a total capacity of tanks or containers which shall be used at any time during the year to contain any of the liquids mentioned in this article.
[Added 12-4-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-74[1]]
It shall be unlawful for a filling station (also known as an automobile service station) to open for business earlier than 5:00 a.m. on a daily basis.
Filling stations shall be required to close for business no later than 11:00 p.m. on a daily basis.
Such hours of operation shall apply to all sales and delivery activities for filling stations, including the sale of fuel, food, beverages, tobacco products and any other merchandise, and the operation of video gaming activities.
No filling station shall permit any person other than an operator or its employees to remain in or on the premises of such filling station longer than 30 minutes after the closing hour or 30 minutes prior to the opening hour of such filling station.
Editor's Note: This ordinance provided an effective date of 1-1-2024.
[Code 1943, § 319.01]
The word "garage" as used in this article shall be held to mean and is hereby defined as meaning any building or other structure within the limits of the Village, where automobiles and other mechanically controlled vehicles are kept or let for hire or reward to any person, and where rent is paid to the keeper thereof for such keeping.
[Code 1943, § 319.02]
Any person desiring to keep, conduct or operate a garage shall make application on a form to be provided by the Village Clerk. Such application shall set forth the name of the applicant, and if an individual or individuals, the place of his or their residence, and if a corporation, the names of the officers and their places of residence. Such application shall also contain the location of the building, the number of stories in such building, and the number of square feet of floor area in each of the stories in such building. If it shall appear from the application so filed and approved, that the premises in which the applicant proposes to carry on or conduct a garage conform to the requirements of the ordinances of the Village then upon payment by the applicant to the Village Clerk of the license fee required by Section 29-11, the Village Clerk shall issue or cause to be issued to the applicant a license authorizing the applicant to conduct or maintain a garage in the place designated in the license for the period therein stated.
All such applicants shall be referred to the fire marshal for inspection and for his approval thereof.
[Code 1943, § 319.03]
All garage licenses shall be posted in a conspicuous place in such garage.