[Ord. 4-1-1974, § 1; Ord. 8-4-1975, § 1]
Public parks of the Village shall be used for the purposes dedicated or for such other purpose as may be directed by the President and Board of Trustees in accordance with the needs and requirements of the municipality and in conformance with the duly exercised home rule powers of this Village, the constitution of the state and procedures and provisions provided in this chapter.
[Ord. 4-1-1974, § 1; Ord. 8-4-1975, § 1]
Upon motion of any Trustee, which motion is adopted by an affirmative vote of the board, the question of specific development or use of public park property as provided in such motion, shall be considered by the Board of Trustees at public hearing.
[Ord. 4-1-1974, § 1; Ord. 8-4-1975, § 1]
Before final decision permitting any change in status of public park properties, the President and Board of Trustees shall hold a public hearing to deliberate the question proposed, which hearing shall be conducted pursuant to notice, specifying the date, time, place of hearing, the question to be discussed, and that all citizens interested may appear and be heard thereon, published not more than 15, nor less than seven days, prior to the date of hearing in a newspaper published in and having general circulation within the Village, or if no such publication exists, then in a newspaper having general circulation in the Village.
[Ord. 4-1-1974, § 1; Ord. 8-4-1975, § 1]
The Board of Trustees shall then vote on the proposed use of public park land, and if such proposition receives an affirmative vote of a majority of the Board of Trustees then in attendance and constituting a quorum, the proposition shall be deemed adopted and an ordinance directing such use and/or development of park property shall be prepared and adopted.
[Ord. 4-1-1974, § 1; Ord. 8-4-1975, § 1]
The ordinance adopted pursuant to favorable vote on the proposition shall be published once in a newspaper published in and having general circulation within the Village, or if no such publication exists, then in a newspaper having general circulation in the Village not more than 15 days after adoption, and the same shall be effective and in force five days following such publication.
[Ord. 4-1-1974, § 1; Ord. 8-4-1975, § 1]
If any provision of this chapter, or the application of any provision to any premises, is held invalid, the invalidity of that provision or application shall not affect any of the other provisions of this chapter or the application of that provision to premises other than that as to which is held invalid.