[1943 Code, § 806.01]
Every corporation owning, operating or leasing any railroad in the Village shall sufficiently light with electric lights all portions of its tracks crossing any street, alley, park or public highway in such a manner and at such place as shall satisfactorily light the entire crossing.
[1943 Code, § 806.02]
Every corporation owning, leasing or operating a railroad within the Village, shall construct or cause to be constructed on each side of its tracks, except where public streets shall intersect or cross the same, a substantial fence of such material, design, proportion in height as shall be determined and approved by the President and Board of Trustees.
[1943 Code, § 807.01; Ord. 5-7-1973, § 1; Ord., 4-4-1977, § 1]
Should any street and railroad crossing in the Village be and remain occupied and/or obstructed in whole or in part, by any train, railroad cars or faulty or inoperable crossing gates for and during the period of five minutes, it shall be the duty of every railway company upon whose line or road such obstruction may occur, their agent or employees on or before the expiration of five minutes, when from any cause the entire train cannot be propelled or removed to any one side of any street, occupied and obstructed as aforesaid, to cause such cars as may be on or near such crossing to be uncoupled and some one division of the train as thus made removed from such street and railroad crossing, in such manner as to have such street entirely free and unobstructed five minutes, and such train when again coupled shall be removed forthwith from any such crossing.
[1943 Code, § 808.01]
No corporation owning, operating or leasing any railroad and no person operating or in charge of any engine or locomotive shall blow or sound the whistle or horn of any locomotive engine within the Village, except necessary brake signals and such as may be absolutely necessary to prevent injury to life and property.
[1943 Code, § 705.05]
It shall be unlawful for any child to play upon or about any railroad track, depot, locomotive, car within the Village, or climb upon, jump from any car or train of cars, or from one car to another while the same may be in motion. All railroad employees are hereby empowered to arrest all persons violating this section.