[1943 Code, § 336.01]
Any person operating, managing or maintaining a photographic studio, a postcard studio, enlarging plant, an amateur finishing or developing plant, or a portrait-copying house, or carrying on the business of photography, including commercial portrait and home portrait photography, or the business of a slide maker, or of an itinerant or transient photographer, or the business of photography for any purpose whatsoever for profit, shall be deemed a photographer for the purpose of this Chapter.
[1943 Code, § 336.03]
No person shall carry on the business of a photographer without first having obtained a license as hereinafter required.
[1943 Code, § 336.02]
Any person desiring a license to carry on the business of a photographer, shall make application in writing, which shall conform to the general provisions of Chapter 29, Article I of this Code relating to applications for licenses, and which shall state the place at which it is desired or intended to carry on the business of photography, giving a description of the premises as well as the location of the same. It shall be the duty of the Chief of Police to satisfy himself as to the reliability of the person making application, and if found satisfactory, to recommend to the President and Board of Trustees of the Village that a license be issued upon payment of the fee as provided in Section 29-11 of this Code.
[1943 Code, § 336.04]
Every building, place or establishment in which the business of a photographer is carried on shall be kept in a clean and sanitary condition. All necessary measures shall be taken to properly safeguard the lives and health of all persons employed in such establishment. All necessary appliances and devices shall be installed to prevent the emission of noxious fumes, odors or dust, and provisions shall be made to prevent the occlusion or obstruction of the drains or sewers through which the sewage or wastes of such establishments are discharged. Adequate and convenient washing and toilet facilities shall be provided for employees in such establishments.
[1943 Code, § 336.05]
Metal cabinets shall be provided for the storage of chemicals used in the fixing or developing of films and film negatives and hard asbestos board shall be used on the top of shelves. Metal cabinets shall also be provided for the storage of all films and film negatives kept or stored on the premises; provided, however, that all films in excess of the equivalent of 10,000 eight by ten-inch film negatives must be kept or stored in fireproof vaults, or metal cabinets.