[1943 Code, § 1001.01]
Except as otherwise provided in this Code, in all cases where licenses are required to be procured, such licenses shall be granted by the President, after application therefor has been approved by the President and Board of Trustees, and shall be attested by the Village Clerk.
[9-15-1986, § 1]
The Village Manager may issue a temporary business license in the event of an applicant's business necessity, whenever all inspections required by ordinance have been made and approved by all Village department heads. Such temporary business licenses shall be valid for no more than 30 days or until the first meeting of the Village's Committee on Licenses after issuance of said temporary business license, whichever shall occur first.
[1943 Code, §§ 1001.05, 1001.06]
Every application for a license shall be made upon a form to be provided for such purpose by the Village Clerk and shall contain the name of the person desiring the same and the place of business of such applicant. Such application shall also give the name and address of the person making such application, and, if a firm, of each member of the same. If the applicant is a corporation, the application shall contain the names and residences of its principal officers. In addition to such statements, there shall be set forth in such application the location of the place of business, or proposed location thereof, for which the license is sought, and such other information as may be required by the President and Board of Trustees. All such applications shall be kept on file by the Village Clerk in his office.
All applications for licenses shall be filed with the Village Clerk and shall be presented by him to the President and Board of Trustees at the next regular meeting of such Board, at which meeting the Board shall pass upon the qualifications of the applicant and shall vote on the question of the issuance of such license.
[1943 Code, §§ 1001.03, 1001.04]
Except as otherwise authorized by this Code, all licenses authorized to be issued and required to be procured by any ordinance of the Village shall be issued by the Village Clerk upon instruction or direction from the President and Board of Trustees so to do, and all such licenses so issued shall bear the Corporate Seal of the Village.
All licenses shall be subject to the ordinances which may be in force at the time of issuing thereof or which may subsequently be passed by the President and Board of Trustees.
[1943 Code, § 1001.07; Ord. 95-13, 6-19-1995, § 1]
Except as otherwise provided in this Code, all licenses issued pursuant to the ordinances of the Village should be signed by the President and attested by the Village Clerk. Such licenses shall be issued covering such periods as the Board of Trustees may determine; provided however, that no license shall be issued for a longer period than one year. All annual business licenses shall expire on April 30 following their issuance; provided however, that all contractors' licenses shall expire on December 31 following their issuance.
[1943 Code, § 1001.08]
Every license shall contain the name of the person to which the same is granted, the location of the place of business for which it is issued, the kind of business thereby authorized to be carried on, the date of the expiration thereof, and in the case of vehicles and porters, the number thereof.
[1943 Code, § 1001.09]
It shall be the duty of the Village Clerk to record in a suitable book to be provided and maintained for that purpose, all licenses issued under this Code and other ordinances of the Village, stating the name of the licensee, the business authorized to be carried on, the location at which such business is authorized to be carried on, the period covered by such license, the license fee, the names of the securities on the bond in cases where a bond is required, and in the case of vehicles and porters, the number of the same.
[1943 Code § 1001.10]
Except as otherwise provided in this Code, no license shall be assigned or transferred without the permission of the President and Board of Trustees.
[1943 Code § 1001.11]
Where a bond is required of the licensee by ordinance, such bond shall be approved by the President and Board of Trustees and shall be filed by the Village Clerk.
[Ord. 5-5-1986, § 1; Ord. 90-39, 3-18-1991, § 1]
All contractors and subcontractors, including, but not limited to, general building contractors, electrical contractors, carpenter contractors, excavation contractors, plumbing contractors, or cement or masonry contractors, shall be required to post an indemnity bond in the amount of $10,000 protecting the Village against any and all damages that may arise to the public ways, and to the Village, and to any person, in consequence of or by reason of such contractor's occupation and operation within the Village. A person bonded as a general building contractor need not be bonded as a subcontractor or any other kind of contractor.
In addition to such bond, each contractor and subcontractor shall be required to maintain, at all times such license is in effect, liability insurance with a minimum coverage of $1,000,000 in the aggregate. Evidence of such insurance shall be filed with the Village building commissioner and updated periodically upon request. In the event such insurance coverage is not maintained, the license shall be revoked.
[1943 Code § 1001.02]
No license shall be issued to any person under the provisions of this chapter to engage in or operate any business, trade or occupation if the applicant for such license is delinquent in any bills owed to the Village.
[1943 Code § 1001.02]
If at any time after the granting of any license it shall appear that the licensee is violating any of the ordinances of the Village or statutes of the state in the conduct of his business, the President and Board of Trustees shall have power to revoke the license therefor.
[Ord. 6-2-1975, § 1; Ord. 88-12, 7-5-1988, §§ 1, 2; Ord. 89-45, 1-22-1990, § 1; Ord. 96-11, 4-15-1996, § 2; Ord. 96-27, 10-7-1996, §§ 1, 2; Ord. 2001-2, 2-5-2001, § 1; Ord. 2008-20, 7-21-2008, §§ 4, 6; Ord. 2012-17, 9-17-2012; Ord. 2013-20, 9-16-2013]
It shall be unlawful for any person to engage in or operate any business, trade or occupation named in this section without first obtaining a license therefor and paying the fee required as designated in Subsection (b) of this section; provided, however, that no license fee shall be proratable except as specifically provided for in the regulations regarding such business, trade or occupation.
Unless otherwise provided in this chapter, each individual business or commercial activity within the Village shall be required to obtain only one license, but shall be required to comply with all applicable regulations contained in this chapter or elsewhere. The license fee required to be paid by an individual business which is subject to two or more licenses in this chapter shall be the largest of those applicable provided that this exemption shall not apply to vending machines, each of which shall be separately licensed. A business shall be considered to be individual only if it is owned by identical persons or entities, is contained within one single building, and conducts activities which are closely related.
Annual license fees for the operation of the business establishments designated in Subsection (c) of this section within the Village shall be determined upon the square footage area. Square footage area is the sum total of the gross horizontal areas of all of the several floors of a building and its accessory buildings measured in square feet from the exterior faces of the exterior walls or from the centerline of party walls separating two buildings or establishments on each of the respective floors, and shall include the basement floor, cellar floor, motor vehicle parking space when such space is used in conjunction with a drive-in facility (food establishment, bank, etc.), areas where equipment is located, whether open or enclosed, including such equipment as may be located on the roof, penthouse, attic space, balconies, mezzanines, porches and verandas, and floor area devoted to and occupied by accessory uses. License fees shall be paid annually unless otherwise provided, and proof of any bond or liability insurance policy required by this chapter shall be provided with the license fee. Said fees are as follows:
(square feet)
Up to 5,000
5,001 to 7,500
7,501 to 10,000
10,001 to 15,000
15,001 to 20,000
20,001 to 30,000
30,001 to 40,000
40,001 to 50,000
50,001 to 75,000
75,001 to 100,000
Over 100,000
Unless otherwise provided in Subsection (d) of this section, the license fees provided for in Subsection (b) of this section shall be applicable to all businesses and occupations operated within the Village except for the following businesses and occupations:
Athletic trainers
Attorneys at law
Barbers and cosmetologists
Business and vocational schools
Carrier pigeons
Dairy farms
Detection of deception examiners
Detective agencies
Dietitians and nutrition counselors
Engineers; professional and structural
Environmental health practitioners
Genetic counselors
Home inspectors
Home medical equipment providers
Horseracing operators, racetrack owners and organizations, harness drivers, jockeys and others employed at racetracks
Insurance brokers
Interior designers
Land surveyors
Landscape architects
Marriage and family therapists
Massage therapy
Nursing home administrators
Occupational therapists
Orthotic and prosthetic providers
Petroleum equipment contractors
Physical therapists
Physicians and surgeons
Physicians assistant
Professional boxing
Professional counselor and clinical counselor
Public accountants
Real estate appraisers
Respiratory care specialists
Security alarm contractors
Security guards and watchmen
Shorthand reporters
Social workers
Surgical technicians
Water well and pump installation contractors
Wholesale drug distributors
Notwithstanding the provisions of Subsection (c) of this section, the annual licensing fees, unless a shorter licensing period is indicated, for the following businesses and occupations shall be as follows:
License Fee
Ambulance service (private):
Service location or establishment
Based on square footage
Each ambulance
Auctioneers, per day
Bakery delivery trucks, per year
Banks and savings and loan associations, per year
Beverage delivery trucks, per year (no fixed place of business in Village)
Billboard and signboard posters, per year
Catch basin or grease trap cleaners, per day
Catering service, per year (no fixed place of business in Village)
Christmas tree sales, per lot, per year ($50 deposit required to ensure the site of the sales to be clean and neat after the business is finished)
Coin operated amusement devices, vending machines and other coin operated machines, not including video gaming terminals:
Cigarette and tobacco machines, per machine
Coin operated amusement devices and game machines, per machine
Jukeboxes, per machine
Videocassette rental machines, per machine
Machines other than those listed in Subsection (1), (2), (3) or (4) of this business, per machine:
Machines requiring a deposit of $0.01 to $0.04 in coins
Machines requiring a deposit of $0.05 to $0.09 in coins
Machines requiring a deposit of $0.10 to $0.24 in coins
Machines requiring a deposit of $0.25 to $0.49 in coins
Machines requiring a deposit of $0.50 or more in coins
Contractors, either general or sub-contractor, of all types, including, but not limited to, general building, carpentry, electrical, cement or concrete, masonry, painting, roofing, sewer, heating, air conditioning and refrigeration, per year
Driving schools:
Service location or establishment
Based on square footage
Each vehicle
Dry cleaners, pick up and collecting outlets only
Based on square footage
Dry cleaning plants:
1 to 25 employees, per year
25 to 50 employees, per year
Over 50 employees, per year
Dry cleaning and collecting delivery trucks, per year (no fixed place of business in Village)
Exterminators (no fixed place of business in Village)
Filling stations:
Tanks up to 10,000 gallons, per year
Tanks with each additional 1,000 gallons' capacity, per year
Firearm sales, per year
Food delivery trucks, per year (no fixed place of business in Village)
Fruit and vegetable delivery trucks, per year (no fixed place of business in Village)
Fuel oil, solid fuel dealer:
Service location or establishment
Based on square footage
Each delivery vehicle
Funeral directors or undertakers, per year
Garages, auto repair and body shops, towing and wrecking services, per year
Hawkers, transient merchants and peddlers, per year
Ice cream or frozen dessert basket or bikes, per year (no fixed place of business in Village)
Ice cream or frozen dessert stores or drive-ins, per year
Ice cream or frozen dessert trucks, per year (no fixed place of business in Village)
Junk dealers and junkyards, per year
Junk pick up service, per year
Landscaping service, per year
Laundry delivery truck, per year
Milk delivery, retail, per year (no fixed place of business in Village)
Milk delivery, wholesale, per year (no fixed place of business in Village)
Mobile food cart vendors, per year (no fixed place of business in Village)
Perishable and seasonal commodities sales, per lot, per year
Public amusements:
Billiard and pool halls
Based on square footage
Bowling alley
Based on square footage
Commercial playground or amusement park
Based on square footage
Live entertainment:
Open air or tent enclosed concert or other live professional entertainment, per day
Single performer within a restaurant, tavern or other business establishment (including piano bar, stand-up comedian or sole entertainment act)
Instrumental units or 2 or more performers within a restaurant, tavern or other business establishment
Public skating rink
Based on square footage
Theater (motion picture or dramatic)
$1,000 per year
Ticket sales for theatricals, shows, amusements, athletic events or other exhibitions at a place other than the theater or location where the theatricals, shows, amusements, athletic events or other exhibitions are given or exhibited
Based on square footage
Dance halls
$1,500 per year
1 to 5 employees
$100 per year
6 to 10 employees
$200 per year
Over 10 employees
$300 per year
Retail merchandise stores:
1 to 9 employees
$100 per year
10 to 20 employees
$200 per year
Over 20 employees
$500 per year
$1,000 per year
Solicitors and canvassers
$15 per year
Taxicab stands
$100 per year
Taxicabs, each vehicle
$30 per year
Tobacco dealers
$50 per year
Tree spraying
$50 per year
Video gaming:
Licensed video gaming location
$1,000 per year
Video gaming terminal
$1,000 per video gaming terminal per year
[Ord. 2001-2, 2-5-2001, § 1]
No business or commercial sign shall be displayed unless the owner or occupant of the premises where the sign is located has first obtained a sign permit and has paid a sign permit fee in the amount of $0.50 per square foot of the total sign area, with a minimum annual fee of $25 per sign. Such sign permits shall be issued on an annual basis and shall be required to be renewed on an annual basis. Such sign permits shall not be transferable and any change to the face of a sign shall require a new permit and fee.
Temporary real estate "For Sale" signs shall be excluded from the requirement of obtaining a sign permit.