[1943 Code § 1102.04]
For the purposes of this article the following words and phrases shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them by this section:
Includes all persons and individuals, both as principal and agent, who go about the Village from place to place, carrying goods, wares and merchandise with them for the purpose of vending, selling, disposing or delivering the same to any person or obtaining orders from samples, catalogues, lists, etc.
As herein used, shall include all persons, copartners and corporations, both as principal and agent, who engage in, do or transact any temporary and transient business in this Village, either in one location, or by moving from place to place in the Village selling goods, wares and merchandise.
Provided, that nothing in this section contained shall be held to include any sale conducted pursuant to statute or by order of any court, or to any person conducting a bona fide auction sale who is, at the time of conducting such sale, duly licensed as an auctioneer.
[1943 Code § 1102.01]
It shall be unlawful for any transient merchant, hawker or peddler to vend, sell or dispose of, or to offer to vend, sell or dispose of any goods, wares, merchandise, bakery products, produce or vegetables, or to peddle and distribute circulars, cards, bills, and other advertising matter about the streets, avenues, alleys or at any place whatsoever within the Village without first having obtained a license from the Village for that purpose and having paid the license fee therefor as hereinafter provided.
[1943 Code § 1102.02]
Any person, desiring to engage in the business of selling and disposing of or offering to vend, sell or dispose of any goods, wares, merchandise, produce or vegetables as aforesaid shall obtain an application blank from the Village Clerk. Such application shall state the place where business is to be carried on, the length of time for which a license is desired, a general description of the thing intended to be sold and disposed of, the name of the applicant for such license, the present place of residence of the applicant, the place or residence of the applicant for the five years just previous, and whether or not he has ever been convicted of a felony or gross misdemeanor. No application for such license shall be granted until the moral character of the applicant has been investigated by the Chief of Police. If such application is approved and the applicant for a license shall pay the license fee as required by Section 29-11 of this Code, the Village Clerk shall issue to the person a license for the period for which such payment is made.
[1943 Code § 1102.05]
License issued under the provisions of this article shall not authorize any person except the person named in the license to engage in business thereunder, and such license shall not be transferable.
[1943 Code § 1102.06]
It shall be the duty of every person licensed under this article to have with him, while engaged in such business, the license received by him from the Village Clerk and shall produce the same at the request of any police officer.
[1943 Code § 1102.07]
No person, licensed under this article, shall call attention to his business nor to the goods, wares or merchandise which he is selling or offering for sale by crying them out, by blowing a horn, by ringing a bell or by any other loud or unusual noise.
[Ord. 2015-33, 7-20-2015]
It shall be unlawful for any hawker or peddler to engage in the business of buying, selling, bartering or exchanging, or to collect, receive, store or hold for sale, any catalytic converter that is not attached to a motor vehicle, or any portion of a dismantled catalytic converter that is reasonably identifiable as such.