[1943 Code § 1104.01]
Any individual engaged or employed specifically for the purpose of soliciting or importuning or entreating for the purchase of goods, wares, merchandise or services of any kind, character or description, or for the purpose of canvassing for such orders, or services shall be deemed a solicitor for the purpose of this article.
[1943 Code § 1104.01]
It shall be unlawful for any person to go in or upon any private residence, apartment or premises in the Village for the purpose of soliciting from the occupants thereof, or to canvass for orders for goods, wares, merchandise or services of any character or description, or services to any such occupants, to induce or invite such orders without having first applied for and received from the President and Board of Trustees a solicitor's license so to do.
[1943 Code § 1104.03]
Any person desiring to secure such a solicitor's permit shall apply therefor in writing over his or her signature to the Village Clerk who shall refer such application to the Chief of Police. Such application shall state: a) the name and address of the applicant; b) the place or places of residence and nature of the employment of the applicant during the last preceding year; c) whether or not he has been convicted of a felony or gross misdemeanor; d) the name and address of the person, by whom employed; e) the length of service of such applicant with such employer; f) the nature or character of the goods, wares, merchandise or services to be offered by the applicant; and g) the personal description of the applicant, including the age of the applicant, height, color of eyes and color of hair. Such application shall be accompanied by such credentials and other evidence of a good moral character and identity of the applicant as may be reasonably required by the Chief of Police.
[1961 Code]
If the Chief of Police shall determine after reasonable investigation that the applicant is of good moral character and purposes to engage in a lawful and legitimate commercial or professional enterprise, he shall then recommend to the President and Board of Trustees that such license be issued. The President and Board of Trustees may then order the Village Clerk to issue a license upon payment of the fee required by Section 29-11 of this Code.
[1943 Code § 1104.05]
It shall be the duty of every person authorized to solicit, as provided in this article to have with him while engaged in such business, the license received by him from the Village Clerk, and shall exhibit the same at the request of any police officer or any person solicited.
[1943 Code § 1104.06]
A license issued under the provisions of this article shall not authorize any person except the person named in the license to solicit business thereunder, and such license shall not be transferable.
[1961 Code]
Applicants for a solicitor's license shall personally report to the police department of the Village before the issuance of such license for the purpose of identification and to be fingerprinted.
[1961 Code]
Each solicitor licensed under the provisions of this article shall be issued a tag or decalcomania showing the year of the license, which shall be securely attached to the vehicle in plain sight if a vehicle is used. Each solicitor shall be issued a badge to be worn on the person in plain sight of the one dealt with.
No person regulated and licensed under this article shall canvass or solicit any day between the hours of 5:00 p.m. and 9:00 a.m. of the following day, nor at any time on Sundays and legal holidays.
[11-18-1985, § 3]
It shall be unlawful to enter any premises or to remain therein for the purpose of solicitation without the express or implied consent of the occupant of the premises. Solicitors shall depart immediately and peacefully from any premises displaying a "No Solicitors" or similar sign near the main entrance. Solicitors shall immediately and peacefully depart from the premises when requested to do so by the occupant.
[11-18-1985, § 4]
Any person violating any section of this ordinance shall be fined up to $500 for each occurrence, each day on which a violation occurs constituting a separate offense. Any license issued hereunder shall be reviewed by the Village President if the holder of the license is convicted of a violation of any of the provisions of this ordinance, or has made a false material statement in the application, or otherwise becomes disqualified for the issuance of a license under the terms of this ordinance. Immediately upon such revocation, written notice thereof shall be given by the Village President to the holder of the license in person or by certified United States mail addressed to his or her residence address set forth in the application.
Immediately upon the giving of such notice, the license of registration shall become null and void.