[1943 Code § 910.01]
It is hereby made the duty of the owner, agent or person in
possession of every building in the Village to number it in the manner
hereinafter provided.
[1943 Code § 910.02]
All lots and houses located on the north and south streets or
on the streets running in a northerly or southerly direction, shall
be numbered from North Avenue as a baseline, beginning with number
1600 at the north line of North Avenue and increasing toward the north.
[1943 Code § 910.03]
All lots or houses located on the east and west streets or on
the streets running in an easterly or westerly direction, shall be
numbered from Harlem Avenue as a baseline, beginning with the number
7200 at the west line of Harlem Avenue and increasing toward the west.
[1943 Code § 910.05]
The Village Clerk shall assign or cause to be assigned to each
lot or house its proper number and shall inform the owner, agent or
person in possession of such premises as to the number thereof at
any time, upon demand.
[1943 Code § 910.04]
There shall be assigned to each mile 800 numbers or 100 numbers
to each 1/8 of a mile on all streets, and such numbers shall change
from any 100 to the succeeding 100 at such 1/8 of a mile line. The
even numbers on north and south streets and streets running in a northerly
or southerly direction shall be on the west side of such streets.
The even numbers on the east and west streets or the streets running
in an easterly or westerly direction, shall be on the north side of
such streets, in accordance with the house number map now on file
in the office of the Village Clerk.
[1943 Code § 910.06; Ord. 2012-16, 9-17-2012, eff. 11-17-2012]
Each of the figures of every such number, which shall be placed
on, above or at the side of the front door of the building shall be
not less than three inches in length, being so marked as to be distinctly
and easily read. Such numbers shall be placed in a conspicuous place
on the side of or above the front door of the building to which the
same are attached. In addition, for any lots which are immediately
adjacent to an alley, they shall have displayed such numbers, three
inches in length, in a conspicuous place on the side of the building
nearest to the alley, which side faces such alley.
[1943 Code § 910.08]
Whenever any house or building shall have been numbered or renumbered
in accordance with the provisions of this article, such number shall
not be changed or altered without the consent of the President and
Board of Trustees.
[1943 Code § 910.09]
In all cases where house numbers have been assigned on any street
in pursuance of this article or any ordinance hereafter passed, it
shall be the duty of the Village Clerk thereafter to adjust and reassign
such numbers as same may be required from time to time; and in all
cases where there is a mistake or conflict in numbers, the Village
Clerk shall direct and make the proper adjustment of the same.
[1943 Code § 910.07]
Any person being the owner, agent or person in possession of any building located in the Village who shall neglect or refuse to number any building owned or occupied by him, in conformity with the provisions of this article, shall be punished as provided in Section
13-3 of this Code.