[1-21-1946, § 1]
For the purposes of this chapter the following words and phrases shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them by this section:
Every person having the use or control of one or more taxicabs as herein defined.
All public vehicles driven by mechanical power used for the carriage of persons for hire except those vehicles commonly known as busses.
A mechanical instrument or device by which the charge for hire of a taxicab is mechanically calculated, either for distance traveled or for waiting time, or for both, and upon which such charge shall be indicated by means of figures.
[1-21-1946, § 1]
Every owner of a taxicab is required to furnish reasonably safe and adequate service at just and reasonable rates within the Village as may reasonably be required to assure adequate accommodations to the public in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.
Each taxicab owner shall regularly and daily operate his taxicabs during each day of the licensed year to the extent reasonably necessary to meet the public demand for such taxicab service. Upon complete abandonment of taxicab service for the period of 10 consecutive days by the owner or operator of such taxicab service, the Chief of Police, upon hearing after five days' notice to the owner or operator, shall thereupon recommend to the President of the Village, that the license of such owner or operator shall be revoked covering such taxicabs of the owner or operator.
[1-21-1946, § 1]
The licensing and inspecting of taxicabs, the examining of applicants for licenses to drive such taxicabs, and the licensing of drivers as provided in this chapter, and enforcing its provisions shall be under the control of the Chief of Police. The Chief of Police shall have power to appoint from the police department such inspectors as he may deem necessary for the enforcement of the provision of this chapter, who shall serve as such as part of their police duties. The inspecting and sealing of taximeters shall be finder the jurisdiction of the inspector of weights and measures.
[1-21-1946, § 1]
The Village Clerk and Chief of Police shall keep a register of the name and address of each person owning or operating a vehicle licensed under this chapter, together with the license number and the description, make, and necessary dimensions of such vehicle, with the date and complete record of inspections made of it. Such records shall be open to the inspection of the public at all reasonable times, and shall be public records, extracts of which may be certified for use as evidence by the Village Clerk.
[1-21-1946, § 1]
The Chief of Police shall maintain constant vigilance over all taxicabs, see that they are kept in a condition of continued fitness for public use, and to this end the Chief of Police or his inspectors shall inspect all taxicabs from time to time, or on the complaint of any person, or as often as may be necessary. At least twice in each year the Chief of Police shall make a written report of all such inspections to the President and Board of Trustees.
[1-21-1946, § 1]
No person shall make use of any public street for a taxicab stand without first obtaining permission so to do from the President and Board of Trustees, covering the location, the manner of using such space and the time. Such permission shall be revocable at any time.
[1-21-1946, § 1]
Only taxicabs in such numbers and of such kinds as are set forth on the metal sign may remain at taxicab stand while waiting for employment, and only in single file pointed in accordance with the traffic regulations. No taxicab standing at the head of any such line shall refuse to carry any orderly person applying for a taxicab who agrees to pay the proper fare, but this shall not prevent any person from selecting any taxicab he may desire on the stand, whether it be at the head of the line or not. As the taxicabs leave the line with passengers those behind shall move up, and any taxicab seeking a space on the stand shall approach same only from the rear of the stand and shall stop as near as possible to the last call already on the line. No taxicab shall stand at the curb within 15 feet of the entrance to any building adjacent to a taxicab stand located and designated by the President and Board of Trustees in accordance with the preceding section which shall be determined by measuring 15 feet on each side of the point of the curb opposite the middle of the entrance to the adjacent building. No taxicab shall stand within five feet of any crosswalk. No private vehicle shall be permitted to stand or use the space in a public stand except to receive or to discharge passengers or merchandise.
The Village President upon the recommendation of the Chief of Police may suspend or revoke the license of any taxicab driver who shall stand in front of the entrance of any building with the prohibited space after his passengers desiring to leave have alighted, or who shall attempt to stand in such prohibited space waiting for passengers or who shall violate any of the other provisions of this section.
[1-21-1946, § 1]
Whenever any package or article of baggage, or goods of any kind shall be left in or on any taxicab or other licensed vehicle for the conveyance of passengers, or whenever any such package or article shall be left in the custody of the driver thereof, such driver shall, upon the discovery of such package or article, forthwith deliver the same to the police station of the Village, unless such package or article shall be sooner delivered to the owner thereof, or upon the order of such owner.
[1-21-1946, § 1]
No taxicab while waiting employment by passengers shall stand on any public street or place other titan at or upon a public taxicab stand designated or established in accordance with this chapter, nor shall any driver of such taxicab seek employment by repeatedly and persistently driving his taxicab about the streets near a stand, or otherwise interfering with the proper and orderly access to or egress from any theatre, ball, hotel, public resort, railway station, or other place of public gathering.
[1-21-1952, § 1]
No taxicab not properly licensed to operate on the streets of the Village, shall either pick up, within the limits of the Village any passenger for hire, nor shall any taxicab not properly licensed to operate on the streets of the Village come into the Village in response to a telephone call originating from any place within the Village; provided, however, that nothing in this section contained shall prevent or prohibit any taxicab, licensed or unlicensed, from being lawfully driven over and through the streets of the Village with passengers whose trip commenced without the corporate limits of the Village.
[1-21-1946, § 1]
No driver of a licensed taxicab shall carry any other person than the first passenger first employing the taxicab without the consent of such passenger.
[1-21-1946, § 1]
It shall be the duty of every driver to report in writing to the Chief of Police, upon forms to be furnished by the department of police, all injuries, whether to persons or property, accidents or casualties in which the vehicle driven by him was involved, directly or indirectly, within 12 hours of the happening thereof, giving in detail the time, place, nature and cause of the injury, accident or casualty, a description of the property injured, or the name and address of the person injured or killed, together with the name, address and license number of the driver submitting such report. Physical disability shall alone constitute excuse for noncompliance with the foregoing provisions.