[1943 Code, § 802.01]
No private supply pipe shall be laid or connection made thereto by any person other than a duly licensed or bonded plumber acting under authority of a permit issued for the laying of such private supply pipe or connection therewith or thereto as herein provided for.
[1943 Code, § 802.02]
It shall be unlawful for any person to interfere in any manner with any water main, service pipe, water meter, buffalo or shut off box, or any water pipe connected with the Village waterworks system or comprising a part of such system, without permission therefor obtained from the water department.
[1943 Code, § 802.03]
Every person supplied with water from the Village waterworks system shall, at his own cost and expense, keep in repair all pipes leading from the buffalo or shut off box to his building or premises and prevent all waste of water from such pipes. If any such person shall permit any such pipe to become broken or out of repair so that the water is wasted thereby, the water department may, after two days' notice in writing to such person to repair such pipes, cut off the meter from such premises, and whenever the water is cut off, it shall not be turned on again until the pipes of such premises or in such buildings have been placed in proper repair. The notice herein provided for may be served by personal service upon the owner or occupant or person in possession, charge or control of the premises or by mailing such notice to such person in possession, charge or control.
The water department may make necessary repairs and bill the owner or occupant therefor.
[Ord. 1-7-1946, § 1; Ord. 2001-2, 2-5-2001, § 1]
The cost of installing service pipes leading from the water main to the buffalo or shut off box, private supply pipes, shut off rod boxes, water taps, including buffalo boxes and roundway stopcocks, shall be borne by the persons for whose premises such service pipe is to be installed.
All service pipes laid from the water mains to the buffalo or shut off box, and from the buffalo or shut off box to the building or premises, shall not be less than 3/4 inch in diameter and shall be made of copper.
[1943 Code, § 802.05]
No street, alley, public ground or place shall be disturbed or opened for the purpose of laying water pipes or making connections with water pipes unless a permit so to do is first obtained from the water department. Such permits shall be granted only to plumbers licensed by the Village.
[Ord. 5-1-1950, § 1; Ord. 97-35, 10-2-1997, § 1]
No permit shall be issued permitting or allowing the installation of a buffalo or shut off box on any public way, or part thereof, until the applicant for such permit shall have deposited with the Finance Director a $100 cash bond, or a $500 bond with good and sufficient sureties, to indemnify the Village in the event of the failure of such applicant to restore such public way in a good and safe condition within a reasonable time after completion of such work.
[1943 Code, § 802.06; Ord. 2001-2, 2-5-2001, § 1]
Whenever any permit for a connection is issued hereunder, an officer of the water department shall tap the main of the waterworks system or plant where such connection is made, and shall insert the corporation cock. All applicants shall be charged the cost thereof as herein fixed and pay the same at the time the application herein provided for is made.
For making each 1 inch connection
For making each 1 1/2 inch connection
For making each 2 inch connection
For larger size taps, special prices may be made. An extra charge shall be made for the corporation cock and gooseneck.
[1943 Code, § 802.07; Ord. 2001-2, 2-5-2001, § 1]
The connections from the main to the service cock shall be placed at least five feet below the level of the ground, and copper pipe shall be laid sufficiently waving so that it shall at least be one foot longer than if laid straight, and placed in such manner as to prevent rupture or breakage from settling to the ground.
[1943 Code, § 802.08]
All service pipes and connections shall be inspected and approved under the direction of the water department and no such service pipes shall be covered until they have been so inspected; provided, however, that the provisions of this section shall not apply to work done under the jurisdiction of the board of local improvements.