All officers and employees in the classified service of the Town, as described in Section 1202 below, shall be appointed on the basis of merit and in conformity with recognized principles of public personnel administration.
The classified service shall include appointees to all positions now or hereafter created, except the following: Elective officers and persons appointed to fill vacancies in elective offices; members of boards and commissions and other officers appointed by the Board of Selectmen; employees of the Board of Education; members of the Parking Commission; persons employed in a professional capacity to make a temporary and special inquiry, study or investigation; the judges, clerks and other personnel of the Probate Court; and persons employed for a temporary period not exceeding three (3) months. It shall be the duty of the Manager to cause to be prepared a statement of the duties and responsibilities of each position in the classified service and of the minimum qualifications for appointment to such positions. These statements shall comprise the classification plan of the Town, which shall become effective upon approval by resolution of the Board of Selectmen and which may be amended upon recommendation of the Manager, by resolution of the Board of Selectmen. New or additional positions in the classified service may be created and changes in the duties and responsibilities of existing positions may be made by resolution of the Board of Selectmen upon the recommendation of the Manager. The Manager shall also cause to have prepared a set of personnel rules which shall provide, among other things, for the method of holding competitive examinations, administration of the classification plan, probationary periods of employment, hours of work, vacations, sick leaves and other leaves of absence, removals, and other such rules as may be necessary to provide an adequate and systematic procedure for the handling of the personnel affairs of the town. Such rules and any amendments thereto shall become effective upon being filed by the Manager, with the Town Clerk. Copies of such rules and any amendments thereto shall be distributed to all members of the classified service.
No person holding a position in the classified services of the Town shall be a candidate for elective municipal office in the Town of Winchester.
The Board of Selectmen may provide by ordinance a system of retirement allowances for the Town's regular full-time paid employees and for contributions by employees and the Town to a fund from which such allowance shall be paid. The Town may operate its own retirement plan and in connection therewith may retain investment and actuarial assistance and may enter into an agency or trust agreement with any state bank and trust company or with any national banking association located in the State of Connecticut providing for the care, custody, and investment supervision of the retirement fund, and the charges therefor shall be paid from such fund; or the Town may enter into a contract with any insurance company authorized to do business in this State for the purpose of insuring the whole or any part of its retirement plan, may elect to participate in the Connecticut Municipal Employee's Retirement Fund in the manner provided in the General Statutes, or may elect to participate in the Old Age and Survivor Insurance System under Title II of the Federal Social Security Act in accordance with the provisions of Part II of Chapter 113 of the 1958 revisions, as amended, or may choose any combination thereof. The Board of Selectmen may by ordinance provide for compulsory retirement at an age to be determined.