[HISTORY: Adopted by the Borough of Clearfield 2-5-1970 by Ord. No. 993 (Ch. 49 of the 1966 Code). Amendments noted where applicable.]
All hotel restaurants, clubs, restaurants and public eating and drinking places within the Borough of Clearfield shall be inspected by the Borough Health Officer at least four times a year, or more often if necessary, for the purpose of determining whether the proprietors are complying with the requirements of the Act of Assembly and this chapter.
It shall be unlawful for any person to operate a hotel restaurant, club, restaurant or public eating and drinking place within the Borough of Clearfield without first obtaining a permit from the Clearfield Board of Health, having said Health Officer inspect said premises, and making certain that the said operation is in compliance with the rules and regulations adopted by the Pennsylvania Department of Health.
The fees for all inspections, exclusive of the charge for the license, as provided for by the Act of Assembly, shall be as follows:
Hotel restaurants and clubs: $10.
Restaurant with a seating capacity of 50 seats or more: $7.50.
Restaurant with a seating capacity less than 50 seats: $5.
All others not coming within the above classifications: $5.
In the event a reinspection is necessary because of violations, the reinspection fee shall be 1/2 the applicable fee as hereinabove stated for each reinspection.
All licenses granted under the provisions of this chapter and the Act of Assembly shall be prominently displayed in a frame under glass.
Any proprietor who shall violate any of the provisions of this chapter shall be proceeded against in accordance with the provisions of the State Department of Health as set forth in accordance with the statute of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania