[HISTORY: Adopted by the Borough Council of the Borough of Clearfield 2-18-1971 by Ord. No. 1008 (Ch. 72 of the 1966 Code). Amendments noted where applicable.]
The wards shall be described as follows:
First Ward. Beginning at the intersection of South Third Street and Walnut Street; thence westerly along the center line of Walnut Street to the center of West Branch of the Susquehanna River; thence along the center of said river in a southwesterly direction to the Borough line at West Second Street; thence by the Borough line as follows: Northerly along West Second Street to Hill Street, westerly to Coal Hill Road (Legislative Route No. 17040) northerly along Coal Hill Road to Gulich Avenue, westerly to Orchard Street, still following the Borough line to the extended center line of Clearfield Street; thence easterly along the extended center line and center line of Clearfield Street to the center of the West Branch of the Susquehanna River; thence northerly along the center of said river to the Borough line at River Street; thence easterly to the Penn Central Railroad; thence southerly along the Penn Central Railroad and the center line of North Third Street and South Third Street to the center line of Walnut Street, the place of beginning.
Second Ward. Beginning at the intersection of South Third Street and Walnut Street; thence westerly along the center line of Walnut Street to the center of the West Branch of the Susquehanna River: thence along the center of said river in a southerly and westerly direction to the Borough line at the extended center line of Welles Street; thence following the Borough line to the extended center line and the center line of Walnut Street to South Third Street and place of beginning.
Third Ward. Beginning at the Borough line and extended center line of Clearfield Street: thence easterly along the extended center line and the center line of Clearfield Street to the center of the West Branch of the Susquehanna River; thence northerly along the center of said river to the Borough line at River Street; thence following the Borough line westerly and thence southerly to the extended center line of Clearfield Street, the place of beginning.
Fourth Ward. Beginning at the intersection of South Third and Walnut Streets; thence northerly along the center line of South Third Street, North Third and the Penn Central Railroad to the extended Borough line at River Street; thence westerly to the center of the West Branch of the Susquehanna River; thence northeasterly along the center of said river following the Borough line to the extended center line of East 13th Street; thence following the Borough line southerly and westerly to the extended center line of Walnut Street; thence westerly along the extended center line and center line of Walnut Street to South Third Street, the place of beginning.