There shall be a Department of Finance which shall be responsible
for the keeping of accounts and financial records, the head of which
shall be the Director of Finance, who shall be appointed by and serve
at the pleasure of the Town Manager. The Director of Finance shall
have knowledge of municipal accounting and shall have experience in
budgeting and financial control. Subject to the approval of the Town
Manager, the Director of Finance may perform the duties of any office
under his supervision except that of Treasurer and may consolidate
one or more such offices under one person, provided the Town Treasurer
shall not be the Tax Collector or the Purchasing Agent.
The Director of Finance shall have charge of the administration
of the financial affairs of the Town and to that end shall —
A. Compile the current expense estimates for the budget for the Manager;
B. Compile the capital estimates for the budget for the Manager;
C. Be an active participant in the planning, preparation and supervision
of the budget in conjunction with the Manager;
D. Supervise the disbursement of all monies and control over all expenditures
to insure that budget appropriations are not exceeded;
E. Maintain a general accounting system for the Town and each of its
offices, departments and agencies; keep books for and exercise financial
budgetary control over each office, department and agency; keep separate
accounts for the items of appropriation contained in the Town Budget;
require reports of receipts and disbursements from each receiving
and spending agency of the Town to be made at such intervals as he
may deem expedient;
F. Submit to the Board of Selectmen and the Manager, a monthly statement
of all receipts and disbursements in sufficient detail to show exact
financial condition of the Town;
G. Have prepared for the Manager, as of the end of each fiscal year,
a complete, audited financial statement and report;
H. Supervise and be responsible for all special assessments for the
Town as may be required by State Statute or local ordinance;
I. Receive all special assessments, license fees and other revenues
of the Town, except tax revenue, or for whose collection the Town
is responsible and receive all money receivable by the Town from the
State or Federal government from any office, department or agency
of the Town; and shall prescribe the time at which and the manner
in which money received on account of the Town shall be paid to the
Town Treasurer;
J. Supervise all public funds belonging to or under the control of the
Town or any office, department or agency of the Town and turn over
all funds coming into his hands to the Town Treasurer;
K. Supervise all investments and invested funds of the Town or in the
Town's possession in a fiduciary capacity, and supervise the
safekeeping of all bonds and notes, of the Town and the receipt and
delivery of Town bonds and notes for transfer, registration or exchange
in a manner directed by the Town Treasurer;
L. Supervise and be responsible for the purchase, storage and distribution
of all supplies, materials, equipment and other articles used by any
office, department or agency of the Town, except as specifically provided
otherwise in this Charter;
M. Approve all proposed expenditures, and unless he shall certify that
there is an unencumbered balance of appropriation and available funds,
no appropriation shall be encumbered and no expenditure shall be made;
N. Purchase at the expense of the Town surety bonds for all officers
and employees of the Town required by law or by ordinance to furnish
bonds to the Town, and insurance of such types against liability,
loss or damage on the part of the Town or its property as the Board
of Selectmen, upon recommendation of the Manager, may authorize and
be responsible for the collection of insurance benefits and other
matters relating to the administration of the Town's insurance.
O. Notwithstanding anything contained herein, upon the affirmative vote
of the Board of Selectmen and the Board of Education, the finance
director shall perform such duties in connection with the administration
of the financial affairs of the Board of Education as may be determined
and directed by the Board of Education, in addition to all other Town
The Finance Director shall, with approval of the Town Manager, appoint and remove the following financial officers who shall respectively have all the powers and duties conferred upon them by the Connecticut General Statutes, this Charter, and such other duties as may be assigned by the Board of Selectmen or by the Town Manager: Tax Collector, Assessor, Treasurer, and Purchasing Agent. The above officers shall be appointed in accordance with such rules and regulations as may be adopted pursuant to the merit system provisions contained in Article
XII of this Charter.
Unless otherwise prescribed by law, the Director of Finance
A. prescribe the forms of receipts, vouchers, bills or claims to be
used by all the offices, departments and agencies of the Town;
B. examine and approve all contracts, orders and other documents by
which the town incurs financial obligations having previously ascertained
that monies have been appropriated and will be available when the
obligations shall become due and payable;
C. audit and approve before payment all bills, invoices, payrolls and
other evidence of claims, demands or charges against the Town and,
with the advice of the Town Attorney, determine the regularity, legality
and correctness of such claims, demands or charges;
D. inspect and audit any accounts of record of financial transactions
which may be maintained in any office, department or agency of the
Town apart from or subsidiary to the accounts kept in his office;
E. draw all checks for the payment of approved claims which shall be
valid only when countersigned by the Treasurer, except in the absence
or inability to act of either the Director of Finance or Treasurer
with respect to the above duty, the Town Manager may be authorized
to substitute temporarily for either but not for both of them.
No individual, office, department, board, commission, or agency
shall expend or contract any money or incur any liability, or enter
into any contract which by its terms involves the expenditures of
money, for any purpose, in excess of the amounts appropriated therefore.
Any contract, verbal or written, made in violation of this Charter
shall be null and void. Any officer or employee of the Town who violates
this section shall be fined such amount as shall be determined by
the Board of Selectmen, by ordinance, and shall cease to hold his
office or employment. Nothing contained in this section shall prevent
the making of contracts or the spending of money for capital improvements
to be financed in whole or part by the issuance of bonds, nor the
making of contracts of lease or for services for a period exceeding
the budget year in which such contract is made, when such contract
is permitted by law.
Except for appropriations for capital improvements, or for departmental
capital sinking funds, all appropriations whether financed from current
revenues or from bond issues, shall lapse at the end of the budget
year to the extent that they shall not have been expended or lawfully
encumbered. Appropriations for capital improvements shall lapse only
when the project for which the funds were appropriated has been completed,
or "removed" by the Town acting by referendum.
All fees received by any officer or employee shall belong to
the Town and shall be paid to the Department of Finance at such intervals
as shall be determined by the Director of Finance.
The Purchasing Agent of the Town shall purchase all supplies,
materials, equipment and other commodities required by any department,
agency, board or commission of the town except the Board of Education,
and Probate Court, on requisitions signed by the head of the department,
office or agency, chairman of the board or commission, or a responsible
representative appointed by him. Nothing herein contained shall be
construed to prevent the Town Purchasing Agent from serving to the
extent requested as the Purchasing Agent for the Board of Education,
or Probate Court upon request of the Chairman of the Board or the
Judge of such Court. Purchases shall be made under such rules and
regulations as may be established by the Board of Selectmen.
The Purchasing Agent of the Town, pursuant to such rules and
regulations as are established by ordinance shall contract for and
purchase all supplies, materials, equipment, other commodities, and
contractual services required by any department, office, agency, board
or commission of the town except that he shall not purchase books,
equipment and materials for instructional purposes for the use of
the Board of Education unless specifically requested to do so by said
Board. He shall have the following powers and duties, in addition
to such other powers and duties as may be delegated to him by ordinance:
A. To establish, with the approval of the Finance Director and after
consultation with the heads of the departments concerned, and enforce
standard specifications for all supplies, materials and equipment
required by the several departments, offices and agencies of the Town,
except as to the purchases for the Board of Education exempted above;
B. To prescribe the time of making requisitions from such supplies,
materials and equipment and the future period which said requisitions
are to cover;
C. To inspect all deliveries of such supplies, materials and equipment,
and to cause tests to be made when necessary in order to determine
their quality, quantity and conformance with specifications;
D. To supervise and monitor such storerooms as the Board of Selectmen
may provide by ordinance to serve the several departments, offices
and agencies;
E. with the approval of the Manager and Finance Director, and as allowed
by law, to transfer or sell to or between departments, offices and
agencies supplies, materials and equipment, determined after consultation
with the head of the department, office or agency concerned, to be
surplus, obsolete or unused; and
F. To maintain an inventory of all moveable equipment belonging to the
All purchases made and contracts executed by the Purchasing
Agent shall be pursuant to a written requisition from the head of
the office, department or agency whose appropriation will be charged,
and no contract or order shall be issued to any vendor unless and
until the Director of Finance certifies that there is to the credit
of such office, department, or agency a sufficient unencumbered appropriation
for which the contract or order is to be issued.
No voucher, claim or charge against the Town shall be paid until
the same has been audited by the Director of Finance or his agent,
and approved by him for correctness and legality. Checks shall be
drawn by the Director of Finance for the payment of approved claims
which shall be valid only when countersigned by the Treasurer. In
the absence or inability to act of either the Director of Finance
or Treasurer with respect to the above duty, the Manager may be authorized
to substitute temporarily for either, but not both of them.
If any purchase or contract for purchasing, including a continuing
order or contract for the purchase of the same commodity over a period
of time, involves the expenditure of three one hundredths of one percent
(0.03%) or more of "Total Expenditures" in the latest approved town
budget, the Purchasing Agent, unless it shall be determined by the
Board of Selectmen to be against the best interest of the town, shall
invite sealed bids or proposals giving ten (10) days public notice
thereof by publication on the Town's website. The notice shall
be simultaneously filed with the Town Clerk who shall make the notice
available for public inspection. All such sealed bids or proposals
shall be opened publicly. The Purchasing Agent may in his sole discretion
waive any informalities, divide the award, accept any bonafide bid
seemed in the best interest of the town, regardless of cost, or reject
all bids.
Emergency Appropriations not exceeding Five Hundred Thousand
Dollars ($500,000.00) in any one fiscal year may be made upon the
recommendation of the Manager and by a vote of not less than five
(5) members of the Board of Selectmen for the purpose of meeting a
public emergency threatening the lives, health or property of citizens,
provided a public hearing, at which any elector or taxpayer of the
Town shall have an opportunity to be heard, shall be held prior to
making such appropriation, notice of such hearing shall be given on
the Town's website not more than ten (10) nor less than three
(3) days prior to such hearing. The notice shall be simultaneously
filed with the Town Clerk who shall make the notice available for
public inspection. Such hearing and notice of hearing may be waived
if the Board of Selectmen, by unanimous vote of its members, shall
decide that a delay in making the emergency appropriation would jeopardize
the lives, health or property of citizens. In the absence of an available
unappropriated and unencumbered general fund cash balance to meet
such appropriation, additional means of financing shall be provided
in such manner, consistent with the provisions of the General Statutes
and of this Charter, as may be determined by the Board of Selectmen.
In the absence of unappropriated available funds to meet emergency
appropriations under the provisions of Section 912 of this Charter,
the Board of Selectmen may by resolution, upon recommendation of the
Town Manager, authorize upon the full faith and credit of the town,
the issuance of notes, each of which shall be designated "Emergency
Note" and may be renewed from time to time, but all such notes of
any fiscal year and any renewals thereof shall be paid not later than
the last day of the fiscal year next succeeding the budget year in
which the emergency appropriation was made, and the town shall levy
sufficient taxes to pay the principal and interest thereon.
When any department, commission, board or officer shall desire
to secure a transfer of funds in its or his appropriation from funds
set apart for one specific purpose to another, before incurring any
expenditure therefore, such department, commission, board or officers
shall make application to the Town Manager, whose duty it shall be
to examine the matter, and upon approval of the Board of Selectmen
such transfer may be made. But not otherwise.
Notwithstanding the above, no transfer shall be made from any
appropriations for an uncompleted capital improvement or from a departmental
capital sinking fund without approval from the Town acting by referendum.
Upon the request of the Manager, but only within the last three
(3) months of the fiscal year, the Board of Selectmen may, by resolution,
transfer any unencumbered appropriation, balance or portion thereof,
from one department, commission, board or office to another. No transfer
shall be made from any appropriations for debt service and other statutory
charges. Notwithstanding the above, no transfer shall be made from
any appropriation for an uncompleted capital improvement or from a
department capital sinking fund without approval of the Town acting
by referendum.
Additional appropriations over and above the total budget may
be made from time to time by resolution of the Board of Selectmen,
upon recommendation of the Manager and certification from the Director
of Finance that there is available an unappropriated and unencumbered
general fund cash balance to meet such appropriations. Additional
appropriations to be funded by borrowing may be made only by the town
acting by referendum upon both such appropriations and the means of
funding it in the manner herein provided.
The Board of Selectmen shall have power to adjust the fiscal
year of the Town to coincide with the tax year or to adjust either
or both to the end that they may coincide.
The Board of Selectmen shall annually designate an independent
public accountant or firm of independent accountants to audit the
books and accounts of the Town as provided in the General Statutes
of the State of Connecticut.
If permitted by Special Act or by the Connecticut General Statutes,
the Board of Selectmen may contract to have all powers and duties
conferred upon the Tax Collector by the Connecticut General Statutes
assigned to a private individual or firm. Such assignment shall be
upon terms and conditions as determined by the Board of Selectmen
with consent of the Town Manager.