Creation of Office. The Office of the City Clerk is hereby created by and for the City of North Wildwood pursuant to the provisions of this chapter as provided by N.J.S.A. 40A:9-133.
Appointment; qualifications; term; salary.
Appointment. The City Council shall appoint the City Clerk.
Qualifications. The City Clerk shall be qualified by education and experience in office management or business administration and shall obtain and retain the registered municipal clerk certification in accordance with law.
[Amended 12-2-2014 by Ord. No. 1663]
Term. The City Clerk, if certified, shall serve for a statutory term of three years. If not certified, the City Clerk shall be appointed for a maximum of three consecutive one-year terms during which the City Clerk shall obtain the registered municipal clerk certification or shall be subject to immediate dismissal at the conclusion of the third one-year appointment.
[Amended 12-2-2014 by Ord. No. 1663]
Salary. The Clerk will receive an annual salary as provided by the Salary Ordinance of the City of North Wildwood.
General duties of the Clerk. The Clerk shall be Clerk of the Council and shall provide such stenographic and other staff services as the members shall require. He/she shall recommend subordinate personnel, with the advice and consent of the Mayor and Council, and may authorize and shall:
Attend all Council meetings, including work sessions.
Provide for the taking of and preparation of appropriate minutes of all Council meetings. The minutes shall be made available to Council within seven working days after the meeting.
Compile, index, and preserve all ordinances, resolutions, contracts, minutes, and other documents and papers to which the City is a party and which require retention as public records.
Prepare agendas for all Council meetings and provide copies of all pertinent materials at least 96 hours in advance of such meetings or work sessions to Council Members and Members-elect, the Mayor, the City Administrator, and other affected City officials.
[Amended 1-20-2004 by Ord. No. 1451; 12-2-2014 by Ord. No. 1663]
Prepare and publish notices, ordinances, and other matters as required by charter or general law in sufficient number to meet requirements to the public.
Have custody of the City Seal and affix it to appropriate documents without charge.
Perform such other duties as Council may assign and as prescribed by general law and charter.
Issue appropriate licenses, including, but not limited to, bingo and raffle licenses, in accordance with the issuing procedures that, from time to time, are established by City Council or the State of New Jersey, as the case may be.
[Amended 4-19-2011 by Ord. No. 1594]
Be responsible to the City Administrator.
Compilation of ordinances and resolutions. The Clerk shall compile and index all ordinances and resolutions adopted during the year and shall obtain sufficient copies of each to satisfy normal public demand. At the close of each year, the Clerk shall index and bind the originals of all ordinances and resolutions and preserve them as permanent public records. The Clerk shall also provide for codification of ordinances, with the assistance of the City Solicitor.
[Amended 10-19-2021 by Ord. No. 1854]
Collection of fees. The Clerk shall charge and receive for use by the City such fees for searches, transcripts, and copies of official records as the Council shall authorize by ordinance or resolution.
Creation of Office. The Office of the Deputy City Clerk is hereby created by and for the City of North Wildwood pursuant to the provisions of this Code and N.J.S.A. 40A:9-135.
Appointment; term; salary.
Appointment. Except as otherwise may be provided by statute or law, the appointment to this position shall be made in accordance with the provisions of Article II, § 3-12, of the City of North Wildwood Administrative Code.
[Amended 1-20-2004 by Ord. No. 1451]
Term. The Deputy City Clerk shall serve a one-year term.
Salary. The salary of the Deputy City Clerk shall be as set forth in the Salary Ordinance of the City of North Wildwood.
Duties; powers.
The duties of the Deputy City Clerk shall be those as assigned to him/her from time to time by the City Clerk.
The Deputy City Clerk shall have all the powers and duties of the City Clerk and perform the functions of the Office of the City Clerk during the absence or disability of said City Clerk.
Creation of Office. The Office of the City Administrator is hereby created in and for the City of North Wildwood pursuant to the provisions of this Code as provided by N.J.S.A. 40A:9-136 et seq.
Appointment; term; removal; compensation.
Appointment. Except as otherwise may be provided by statute or law, the appointment to this position shall be made in accordance with the provisions of Article II, § 3-12, of the City of North Wildwood Administrative Code.
[Amended 1-20-2004 by Ord. No. 1451]
Term. The term of the Office of the City Administrator shall be at the pleasure of the Council of the City of North Wildwood.
Removal. The City Administrator may be removed by a two-thirds vote of the Council of the City of North Wildwood. The resolution of removal shall become effective three months after its adoption by the Council. The Council may provide that the resolution shall have an immediate effect, provided that the Council shall cause to be paid to the Administrator, forthwith, any unpaid balance of his/her salary and his/her salary for the next three calendar months following adoption of the resolution.
Compensation. The City Administrator shall receive as his/her salary such sums as may be fixed and adopted by the Salary Ordinance of the City of North Wildwood. Further, the City Administrator shall receive employment benefits commensurate with those received by other department heads.
[Amended 12-2-2014 by Ord. No. 1663]
The City Administrator shall be chosen on the basis of executive and administrative abilities and qualifications.[1]
Editor's Note: Former Subsection C(2), which required the City Administrator to become a domiciliary of the City within 18 months of appointment, which immediately followed this subsection, was repealed 12-2-2014 by Ord. No. 1663.
Powers and duties.
The City Administrator shall attend all meetings as directed by the Mayor and Council.
The City Administrator shall act as liaison between the Mayor and Council and the various municipal departments and offices of the City of North Wildwood and its professional advisors.
The City Administrator shall, subject to the prior approval of the Mayor and Council, prescribe rules for the efficient management and operation of the City of North Wildwood.
The City Administrator shall have the right to make routine day-to-day executive and administrative decisions for the efficient operation of the City.
The City Administrator shall make studies and surveys of such municipal problems of the City of North Wildwood as shall be assigned to him/her from time to time by the Mayor and/or Council. The City Administrator shall make recommendations which he/she may believe will increase the efficiency of the operation of a particular department. The Administrator shall prepare and submit written reports of his/her findings and determinations to the Mayor and Council for their consideration and action.
The City Administrator shall supervise the negotiation and administration of federal and state grant programs, and he/she shall keep the Mayor and Council informed as to these and any other aid programs for which the City of North Wildwood may qualify.
The City Administrator shall assist in the negotiation and administration of all of the City of North Wildwood labor contracts.
The City Administrator shall continually study administrative procedures and personnel organization and policies, and make such recommendations to the Mayor and Council relating thereto as he/she shall deem necessary from time to time.
The City Administrator shall serve as the City's official representative at the pleasure of the Mayor.
The City Administrator shall also perform such other duties as may be assigned to him/her from time to time by the Mayor and/or Council.
The City Administrator shall work along with the Chief Financial Officer in the preparation of the annual City Budget.
The City Administrator shall supervise all department heads and shall be the head of the Administrative Department.
Creation of Office. The Office of City Solicitor is hereby created in and for the City of North Wildwood pursuant to the provisions of this Code as provided by N.J.S.A. 40A:9-139.
Qualifications; appointment; term; salary.
Qualifications. The City Solicitor shall be a New Jersey licensed attorney qualified by training and experience.
Appointment. Except as otherwise may be provided by statute or law, the appointment to this position shall be made in accordance with the provisions of Article II, § 3-12, of the City of North Wildwood Administrative Code.
[Amended 1-20-2004 by Ord. No. 1451]
Term. The City Solicitor shall serve for a term of one year.
Salary. The salary of the City Solicitor shall be set forth in a contract approved by City Council.
[Amended 10-19-2021 by Ord. No. 1854]
The City Solicitor shall serve as legal advisor to the Mayor, the City Administrator, the City Clerk and members of City Council.
[Amended 10-19-2021 by Ord. No. 1854]
The City Solicitor shall advise as to the form and sufficiency of ordinances prior to passage, and review and approve contracts, deeds, documents, and instruments prior to the execution thereof or on behalf of the City.
The City Solicitor shall conduct appeals from orders, decisions, or judgments affecting any interest of the City as directed by Council.
The City Solicitor shall enter into any agreement, compromise, or settlement of any litigation in which the City is involved, subject to approval of the Council.
The City Solicitor shall render opinions in writing upon any question of law submitted to him/her by the Council, the Mayor, the City Administrator and the City Clerk.
[Amended 12-2-2014 by Ord. No. 1663]
The City Solicitor shall maintain a record of all actions, City suits, proceedings and matters which relate to the City's interest and report thereon as the Mayor and Council may require.
The City Solicitor shall assist in negotiations on behalf of the City.
The City Solicitor shall serve as the Department Head of the Legal Department and coordinate the services of special counsel.
Succession. All papers, documents, memoranda, reports, and other materials relating to the administration of the Office of City Solicitor shall be and remain the property of the City of North Wildwood. Upon termination of his/her service with the City, the City Solicitor shall forthwith surrender to his/her successor all such property, together with a written consent to substitution of his/her successor in all pending legal actions and proceedings to which the City is a party. However, the Mayor, with the advice and consent of Council, may permit the former attorney to remain as attorney of record to represent the City in those matters to which the Mayor believes the best interests of the City will be served by retaining the former attorney.
Conflicts. In the event that a dispute should arise between the Mayor and Council, and the dispute is of such a nature that independent advice of counsel to either the Mayor or Council, or both, is required, then either the Mayor or Council, or both, shall be permitted to select independent counsel to represent each. Payment of counsel shall be made by the City consistent with the rate schedule contained in the contract of the City Solicitor.
Creation of Office. The Office of Municipal Prosecutor is hereby created in and for the City of North Wildwood pursuant to the provisions of this Code.
Qualifications; appointment; term; salary.
Qualifications. The Municipal Prosecutor shall be a New Jersey licensed attorney qualified by training and experience.
Appointment. Except as otherwise may be provided by statute or law, the appointment to this position shall be made in accordance with the provisions of Article II, § 3-12, of the City of North Wildwood Administrative Code.
[Amended 1-20-2004 by Ord. No. 1451]
Term. The Municipal Prosecutor shall serve for a term of one year.
Salary. The salary of the Municipal Prosecutor shall be set forth in a contract approved by City Council.
[Amended 10-19-2021 by Ord. No. 1854]
Duties. The Municipal Prosecutor shall represent the City of North Wildwood and the State of New Jersey, as the case may be, in the Municipal Court and in any other court, as directed by the City Solicitor or Judge of the Municipal Court, involving the violation of the ordinances of the City of North Wildwood and the laws of the State of New Jersey.
Creation of Office. The Office of Tax Assessor is hereby created in and for the City of North Wildwood pursuant to the provisions of this Code as provided by N.J.S.A. 40A:9-146.
Qualifications; appointment; term; salary.
Qualifications. The Tax Assessor shall have such credentials as required by the provisions of N.J.S.A. 54:1-35.25 et seq.
[Amended 12-2-2014 by Ord. No. 1663]
Appointment. There shall be but one Tax Assessor for the City of North Wildwood, appointed by the City Council pursuant to law.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
Term. Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:9-148, the Tax Assessor shall serve for a term of four years.
Salary. The salary of the Tax Assessor shall be as set forth in the Salary Ordinance of the City of North Wildwood.
The Tax Assessor shall serve as Director of the Division of Tax Assessment.
[Amended 12-2-2014 by Ord. No. 1663]
The Tax Assessor shall be responsible for assessment of each separate parcel of real property within the confines of the City.
The Tax Assessor shall maintain proper records of all property assessed or exempted.
The Tax Assessor shall maintain a current Tax Map of the City as a public record with all changes in ownership or character of the real property assessed recorded thereon. For said purpose, the Assessor shall utilize the facilities of the City Engineer as may be required.
The Tax Assessor shall be responsible to the City Administrator.
[Amended 2-7-1989 by Ord. No. 1026]
Creation of Office. The Office of Chief Financial Officer is hereby created in and for the City of North Wildwood pursuant to the provisions of this Code and N.J.S.A. 40A:9-140.1 et seq.
Qualifications; appointment; term; salary.
Qualifications. At the time of appointment the Chief Financial Officer shall have credentials consistent with the provisions of N.J.S.A. 40A:9-140.2 et seq. or shall obtain same within a maximum of two years after appointment, subject to authorization from the Division of Local Government Services. The credentials required by the provisions of N.J.S.A. 40A:9-140.2 et seq. shall be maintained in good standing throughout the period of employment.
[Amended 12-2-2014 by Ord. No. 1663]
Appointment. Except as otherwise may be provided by statute or law, the appointment to this position shall be made in accordance with the provisions of Article II, § 3-12, of the City of North Wildwood Administrative Code.
[Amended 1-20-2004 by Ord. No. 1451]
Term. Pursuant to the provisions of N.J.S.A. 40A:9-140.10, the Chief Financial Officer's term shall be four years which shall run from January 1 in the year in which the Chief Financial Officer is appointed.
[Amended 12-2-2014 by Ord. No. 1663]
Salary. The salary of the Chief Financial Officer shall be as set forth in the Salary Ordinance of the City of North Wildwood.
The Chief Financial Officer shall be the Municipal Finance Officer.
The Chief Financial Officer shall serve as Department Head of the Department of Revenue and Finance.
The Chief Financial Officer shall be responsible for custody, investment, and disbursement of City moneys.
The Chief Financial Officer shall be required to maintain records of general and budgetary accounting, fiscal control, and reporting, billing, and collection of general revenues.
Bills, claims, or payments against the City shall be deemed approved or disapproved by the Council in accordance with the actions of the Chief Financial Officer. Upon request by Council, the Chief Financial Officer shall furnish Council with a list of claims paid as requested.
The Chief Financial Officer shall maintain a requisition and purchase order system.
The Chief Financial Officer shall not pay to any employee or official of the City compensation for any liability incurred on the part of the City unless it shall have been properly authorized by a purchase order. In case of an emergency during off-hours, work may be authorized, but a purchase order must be obtained on the next working day.
The Chief Financial Officer must receive from claimants a detailed voucher on or before Thursday preceding Council meetings.
The Chief Financial Officer shall maintain the requisition and purchase order system which shall be operated in accordance with rules promulgated by the Department of Financial Administration.
The City Administrator shall designate in writing, and file with the Chief Financial Officer's office and the City Clerk's office, the person or persons in each department or office who shall prepare and sign requisitions for purchase orders in the absence of the department head.
The Chief Financial Officer shall be responsible to the City Administrator.
[Added 3-17-2020 by Ord. No. 1799]
In the Department of Revenue and Finance, the Office of Deputy Financial Officer hereby is created in and for the City of North Wildwood.
The Deputy Financial Officer shall assist the Chief Financial Officer in the performance of the duties of the Chief Financial Official and shall perform such other duties as may be assigned by the Chief Financial Officer to the Deputy Financial Officer from time to time.
During the illness, absence or disability of the Chief Financial Officer, the Deputy Financial Officer shall perform all of the duties of the Chief Financial Officer and shall have all of the powers of the Office of Chief Financial Officer as provided by law.
If a vacancy in the Office of Chief Financial Officer occurs and in the absence of appointment of a temporary chief financial officer pursuant to N.J.A.C. 5:32-2.5 et seq., the Deputy Financial Officer shall assume the position of temporary Chief Financial Officer and shall serve in that capacity, subject to the time limitations applicable to temporary chief financial officers that are set forth in N.J.A.C. 5:32-2.5(a), until the vacancy no longer exists.
Except as otherwise may be provided by law, the appointment of the Deputy Financial Officer shall be made in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 3, Article II, § 3-12 of the Code of the City of North Wildwood. No person shall be appointed Deputy Financial Officer who does not possess the municipal finance officer certificate that is described in N.J.S.A. 40A:9-140.13 et seq.
The salary of the Deputy Financial Officer shall be as set forth in the Salary Ordinance of the City of North Wildwood.
Creation of Office. The Office of City Engineer is hereby created in and for the City of North Wildwood pursuant to the provisions of this Code as provided by N.J.S.A. 40A:9-140.
Qualifications; appointment; term; salary.
Qualifications. The City Engineer shall be a New Jersey licensed engineer qualified by training and experience, who shall have a minimum of five years' experience as a licensed engineer.
Appointment. Except as otherwise may be provided by statute or law, the appointment to this position shall be made in accordance with the provisions of Article II, § 3-12, of the City of North Wildwood Administrative Code.
[Amended 1-20-2004 by Ord. No. 1451]
Term. The City Engineer shall serve for a term of three years.
Salary. The salary of the City Engineer shall be set forth in a contract approved by City Council.
[Amended 10-19-2021 by Ord. No. 1854]
The City Engineer shall perform all appropriate functions associated with the engineering needs of the City.
The City Administrator shall serve as the Engineer's designated liaison with the City.
Creation of Office. The position of Zoning Officer is hereby created in and for the City of North Wildwood pursuant to the provisions of this Code.
Qualifications; appointment; term; salary.
Qualifications. The Zoning Officer shall have such training as is necessary to perform the duties of Zoning Officer of the City of North Wildwood.
Appointment. Except as otherwise may be provided by statute or law, the appointment to this position shall be made in accordance with the provisions of Article II, § 3-12, of the City of North Wildwood Administrative Code.
[Amended 1-20-2004 by Ord. No. 1451]
Term. The Zoning Officer shall serve at the pleasure of the Mayor and City Council.
Salary. The salary of the Zoning Officer shall be as set forth in the Salary Ordinance of the City of North Wildwood.
Duties; powers.
The Zoning Officer shall be authorized to administer and enforce Chapter 276, Land Development, of the Code of the City of North Wildwood. He/she shall have the authority to interpret all the sections of Chapter 276, Land Development, unless stipulated otherwise within, and his/her interpretation shall be binding unless appealed to, and overturned by, the Planning Board or a court of competent jurisdiction.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
The Zoning Officer shall have the authority to order the discontinuance of illegal uses of land, buildings, or structures or additions, alterations, or structural changes thereto, and/or illegal work being done. Said Officer shall be permitted to take any other action authorized by Chapter 276, Land Development, or the provisions of applicable New Jersey laws.
The Zoning Officer shall review construction applications in order to insure compliance with, or to prevent violations of, Chapter 276, Land Development, requirements. He/she shall have the authority to request submission of any and all documentation deemed necessary to insure and certify compliance.
The Zoning Officer shall issue or deny a zoning permit within 10 business days of receipt of a request therefor. If the Zoning Officer fails to grant or deny a zoning permit within this period, the failure shall be deemed to be an approval of the application for the zoning permit.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
The Zoning Officer shall serve as an advisor to the Planning Board. In this capacity, he/she shall act as the liaison between City Council, the administration, and the general public with the Planning Board. As advisor of the Planning Board, the Zoning Officer shall sit with the Planning Board, serving as an advisor. He/she shall review all applications and make recommendations to the Planning Board. In no case shall the Zoning Officer vote in the proceedings of the Planning Board.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
The Zoning Officer shall be empowered to conduct and produce any studies, reviews, or reports dealing with the City of North Wildwood Master Plan, Chapter 276, Land Development, and development or capital improvement projects, as directed by the Planning Board, City Council, Mayor, or City Administrator.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
The Zoning Officer shall have all other duties, authority, obligations, and limitations as detailed in the ordinances of the City of North Wildwood and the New Jersey Municipal Land Use Law.
The Zoning Officer shall be responsible to the City Administrator.
Creation of Office. The Office of City Tax Collector is hereby created in and for the City of North Wildwood pursuant to the provisions of this Code as provided by N.J.S.A. 40A:9-141.
Qualifications; appointment; term; salary.
Qualifications. The Tax Collector shall have such experience and training as is necessary to fulfill the duties of the Tax Collector of the City of North Wildwood and, at all times throughout employment with the City of North Wildwood, the Tax Collector shall possess and maintain in good standing the municipal tax collector certification that is described in N.J.S.A. 40A:9-145.2 et seq.
[Amended 12-2-2014 by Ord. No. 1663]
Appointment. Except as otherwise may be provided by statute or law, the appointment to this position shall be made in accordance with the provisions of Article II, § 3-12, of the City of North Wildwood Administrative Code.
[Amended 1-20-2004 by Ord. No. 1451]
Term. Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:9-142, the Tax Collector shall hold his/her office for a period of four years.
Salary. The salary of the Tax Collector shall be as set forth in the Salary Ordinance of the City of North Wildwood.
The City Tax Collector shall serve as the Department Head of the Tax Collection Department.
The Tax Collector shall be responsible for all appropriate functions associated with the receiving and collection of all moneys assessed or raised by taxation or assessment and other municipal charges as assigned.
The Tax Collector shall maintain proper records.
The Tax Collector shall issue a monthly report to the governing body accounting for all moneys for which he/she is responsible.
The Tax Collector shall maintain a record of all tax title liens.
The Tax Collector shall prepare all tax searches as required.
The Tax Collector shall perform other such duties as prescribed by statute.
The Tax Collector shall perform such other duties as assigned by the City Administrator.
The Tax Collector shall be responsible to the City Administrator.
[Added 3-17-2020 by Ord. No. 1798]
In the Department of Tax Collection, the Office of Deputy Tax Collector hereby is created in and for the City of North Wildwood.
The Deputy Tax Collector shall assist the Tax Collector in the performance of the duties of the Tax Collector and shall perform such other duties as may be assigned by the Tax Collector to the Deputy Tax Collector from time to time.
During the illness, absence or disability of the Tax Collector, or if the Office of Tax Collector is vacant, the Deputy Tax Collector shall perform all of the duties of the Tax Collector and shall have all of the powers of the Office of Tax Collector as provided by law and shall continue to so act until such time as a Tax Collector is appointed as required by N.J.S.A. 40A:9-141 et seq.
Except as otherwise may be provided by law, the appointment of the Deputy Tax Collector shall be made in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 3, Article II, § 3-12 of the Code of the City of North Wildwood. No person shall be appointed Deputy Tax Collector who does not possesses the municipal tax collector’s certification that is described in N.J.S.A. 40A:9-145.2 et seq.
The salary of the Deputy Tax Collector shall be as set forth in the Salary Ordinance of the City of North Wildwood.
Creation of Office. The Office of Construction Official is hereby created in and for the City of North Wildwood pursuant to the provisions of this Code.
Qualifications; appointment; term; salary.
Qualifications. The Construction Official shall be qualified by training and experience and shall possess all licenses required under the Uniform Construction Code of the State of New Jersey.
Appointment. Except as otherwise may be provided by statute or law, the appointment to this position shall be made in accordance with the provisions of Article II, § 3-12, of the City of North Wildwood Administrative Code.
[Amended 1-20-2004 by Ord. No. 1451]
Term. The Construction Official shall serve for a term in accordance with the rules and regulations of civil service.
Salary. The salary of the Construction Official shall be as set forth in the Salary Ordinance of the City of North Wildwood.
The Construction Official shall serve as Department Head of the Department of Construction Inspection.
The Construction Official shall be responsible for the inspection and enforcement of applicable building, electrical, fire, plumbing, and housing codes.
The Construction Official shall provide assistance to the Planning Board.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
The Construction Official shall be responsible to the City Administrator.
[Amended 1-20-2004 by Ord. No. 1451; 12-2-2014 by Ord. No. 1663]
Creation of Office. The Office of Superintendent of Recreation and Tourism is hereby created in and for the City of North Wildwood pursuant to the provisions of this Code.
Qualifications; appointment; term; salary.
Qualifications. The Superintendent of Recreation and Tourism, who shall be qualified by training and experience, must possess a certification as a recreation administrator from the Department of Community Affairs, or a college degree in recreation or a related field, or experience in professional recreation work.
Appointment. Except as otherwise may be provided by statute or law, the appointment to this position shall be made in accordance with the provisions of Article II, § 3-12, of the City of North Wildwood Administrative Code.
Term. The Superintendent of Recreation and Tourism shall serve for a term in accordance with the rules and regulations of civil service.
Salary. The salary of the Superintendent of Recreation and Tourism shall be as set forth in the Salary Ordinance of the City of North Wildwood.
The Superintendent of Recreation and Tourism shall serve as the department head of the Department of Recreation and Tourism.
The Superintendent of Recreation and Tourism shall be responsible to provide a comprehensive recreation and cultural program for City residents of all ages.
The Superintendent of Recreation and Tourism shall present to the Mayor and members of City Council a written report by September 15 and March 15 detailing the programs which shall be available to the citizens of, and visitors to, North Wildwood.
The Superintendent of Recreation and Tourism, upon approval by the Mayor and City Council, shall compile and make available to the citizens of North Wildwood a detailed schedule of programs.
The Superintendent of Recreation and Tourism shall coordinate and implement programs developed by civic organizations which are designed to benefit the citizens of North Wildwood.
The Superintendent shall be administratively accountable to the Mayor and City Administrator.
The Superintendent of Recreation and Parks may perform such duties as may be assigned by the City Administrator.
Creation of Office. The Office of Superintendent of Public Works is hereby created in and for the City of North Wildwood pursuant to the provisions of this Code.
Qualifications; appointment; term; salary.
Qualifications. The Superintendent of Public Works shall be qualified by training and experience, particularly training in engineering or general public works administration, including water and sewer departments, and shall have at least three years' experience in engineering or in a public works supervisory capacity.
Appointment. Except as otherwise may be provided by statute or law, the appointment to this position shall be made in accordance with the provisions of Article II, § 3-12, of the City of North Wildwood Administrative Code.
[Amended 1-20-2004 by Ord. No. 1451]
Term. The Superintendent of Public Works shall serve for a term in accordance with the rules and regulations of civil service.
Salary. The salary of the Superintendent of Public Works shall be as set forth in the Salary Ordinance of the City of North Wildwood.
The Superintendent of Public Works shall be administratively accountable to the Mayor and the Administrator.
The Superintendent of Public Works shall be responsible for all the appropriate functions associated with:
Maintaining, constructing, and reconstructing streets.
Editor's Note: Former § 3-36C(2)(b), pertaining to maintenance of public buildings and grounds, was repealed 12-2-2014 by Ord. No. 1663.
Editor's Note: Former § 3-36C(2)(c), pertaining to maintenance of motorized equipment, was repealed 1-20-2004 by Ord. No. 1451.
Installing, repairing, and maintaining traffic signals and parking meters.
Supervising animal disposal activities.
Maintaining and operating a sanitary collection system.
[Amended 12-2-2014 by Ord. No. 1663]
Maintaining outfall lines.
Supervising solid waste collection and recycling.
Maintaining bulkheads, boardwalks, and beaches.
Maintaining Public Works Department budgets and records of distribution.
Maintaining Public Works Department employees' records of work assignments, records of time required for work items, records of compensatory time, as well as sick and vacation time, and records of accidents and safety reports.
Maintaining public relations records regarding requests for service and/or requests for information.
Creation of Office. There shall be a Municipal Judge in and for the City of North Wildwood pursuant to the provisions of N.J.S.A. 2B:12-6 and Chapter 19, Court, Article I, of the Code of the City of North Wildwood.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
Qualifications; appointment; term; salary.
Qualifications. The Municipal Judge shall have credentials consistent with the provisions of N.J.S.A. 2B:12-7.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
Appointment. Except as otherwise may be provided by statute or law, the appointment to this position shall be made in accordance with the provisions of Article II, § 3-12, of the City of North Wildwood Administrative Code.
[Amended 1-20-2004 by Ord. No. 1451]
Term. The Municipal Judge shall serve for a term of three years from the date of his/her appointment.
Salary. The Municipal Judge shall receive such compensation as set forth in the Salary Ordinance of the City of North Wildwood and as provided for in N.J.S.A. 2B:12-7.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
The Municipal Judge shall supervise the operation of the Municipal Court Clerk's office.
The Municipal Judge shall serve as the Department Head of the Municipal Court.
The Municipal Judge is administratively accountable to the Assignment Judge of the vicinage of the Municipal Court of North Wildwood.
[Amended 1-20-2004 by Ord. No. 1451; 11-8-2017 by Ord. No. 1727]
Definitions. For the purposes of this section, the terms "disaster," "local disaster emergency" and "emergency" shall have the meanings that are ascribed to said terms by N.J.S.A. Appendix A:9-33.1.
Creation of offices. The offices of Municipal Emergency Management Coordinator and Deputy Emergency Management Coordinator hereby are created in and for the City of North Wildwood.
Appointment of Municipal Emergency Management Coordinator; term; salary.
Appointment of Municipal Emergency Management Coordinator. In accordance with, and as required by, the provisions of N.J.S.A. Appendix A:9-40.1, the Mayor shall appoint a Municipal Emergency Management Coordinator from among the residents of the City of North Wildwood. Nothing in this section shall preclude, or shall be interpreted as precluding, the Mayor from appointing himself or herself, as the case may be, as Municipal Emergency Management Coordinator.
Term. The Municipal Emergency Management Coordinator, subject to fulfillment of the requirements of N.J.S.A. Appendix A:9-40.1, shall serve for a term of three years.
Salary. The salary of the Municipal Emergency Management Coordinator shall be as provided in the Salary Ordinance of the City of North Wildwood.
Duties of Municipal Emergency Management Coordinator.
The Municipal Emergency Management Coordinator shall serve as the department head of the North Wildwood Office of Emergency Management.
Consistent with N.J.S.A. Appendix A:9-40.4, the Municipal Emergency Management Coordinator shall be responsible for the planning, coordinating and conduct of emergency management operations within the City of North Wildwood. During a declared "emergency," such emergency management operations shall be deemed to include, by way of example and not by way of limitation, operations of the North Wildwood Fire Department [North Wildwood Municipal Fire Department (including ambulance and rescue service) and the Volunteer Division of the North Wildwood Fire Department], the Department of Buildings, Parks and Grounds, the North Wildwood Police Department (including the Division of Code Enforcement), the North Wildwood Beach Patrol, and the Department of Public Works. The Municipal Emergency Management Coordinator also shall perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the laws and administrative regulations of the State of New Jersey, the executive orders of the Governor, directives of the New Jersey Office of Emergency Management and directives of the Cape May County Office of Emergency Management.
Except during times of a declared "emergency," the Municipal Emergency Management Coordinator shall be administratively responsible to the Mayor.
Deputy Municipal Emergency Management Coordinator. Consistent with the provisions of N.J.S.A. Appendix A:9-40.3, the Municipal Emergency Management Coordinator shall appoint a Deputy Municipal Emergency Management Coordinator with the approval of the Mayor. The Deputy Municipal Emergency Management Coordinator shall serve at the pleasure of the Mayor. Whenever possible, the Deputy Municipal Emergency Management Coordinator shall be appointed from among the salaried officers or employees of the City of North Wildwood. Nothing in this section shall preclude, or shall be interpreted as precluding, the Municipal Emergency Management Coordinator from appointing the Mayor as the Deputy Municipal Emergency Management Coordinator. In the event that the Municipal Emergency Management Coordinator is absent from the City during a declared "emergency," the then Deputy Municipal Emergency Management Coordinator shall perform all of the duties and functions that otherwise would be performed by the Municipal Emergency Management Coordinator until such time as the Municipal Emergency Management Coordinator no longer is absent from the City.
Creation of Office. The Office of Beach Patrol Supervisor is hereby created in and for the City of North Wildwood.
Appointment; term; salary.
Appointment. Except as otherwise may be provided by statute or law, the appointment to this position shall be made in accordance with the provisions of Article II, § 3-12, of the City of North Wildwood Administrative Code.
[Amended 1-20-2004 by Ord. No. 1451]
Term. The Beach Patrol Supervisor shall serve for a term of one year for a seasonal appointment. A Beach Supervisor appointed to a full-time permanent position shall serve for a term in accordance with the rules and regulations of civil service.
Salary. The salary of the Beach Patrol Supervisor shall be as set forth in the Salary Ordinance of the City of North Wildwood.
The Beach Patrol Supervisor shall perform such duties as delegated by the Director of Public Safety.
The Beach Patrol Supervisor shall be administratively accountable to the Director of Public Safety.
[Amended 11-8-2017 by Ord. No. 1731]
The Beach Patrol Supervisor shall serve as Head of the Department of the Beach Patrol.
[Amended 12-2-2014 by Ord. No. 1663]
Creation of Office. The Office of Superintendent of Buildings, Parks and Grounds is hereby created in and for the City of North Wildwood pursuant to the provisions of this chapter.
Appointment; term; salary.
Appointment. The Superintendent of Buildings, Parks and Grounds shall be appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of City Council.
Term. The Superintendent of Buildings, Parks and Grounds shall serve for a term in accordance with the rules and regulations of civil service.
Salary. The salary of the Superintendent of Buildings, Parks and Grounds shall be as provided by the Salary Ordinance of the City of North Wildwood.
The Superintendent of Buildings, Parks and Grounds shall serve as the Department Head of the Department of Buildings, Parks and Grounds.
The Superintendent of Buildings, Parks and Grounds shall be administratively accountable to the Mayor and the City Administrator.
[Amended 1-20-2004 by Ord. No. 1451]
Creation of Office. The Office of Court Administrator is hereby created in and for the City of North Wildwood pursuant to the provisions of this Code and N.J.S.A. 2B:12-10.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
Appointment; term; salary.
Appointment. Except as otherwise may be provided by statute or law, the appointment to this position shall be made in accordance with the provisions of Article II, § 3-12, of the City of North Wildwood Administrative Code.
Term. The Court Administrator shall serve for a term in accordance with the rules and regulations of civil service.
Salary. The salary of the Court Administrator shall be as set forth in the Salary Ordinance of the City of North Wildwood.
Duties; powers. The Court Administrator shall have such duties and powers as defined by civil service and the State of New Jersey.
Creation of Office. The Office of Chief of Police is hereby created in and for the City of North Wildwood pursuant to the provisions of this Code.
Qualifications; appointment; term; salary.
Qualifications. The Chief of Police shall be qualified by training and experience and possess credentials consistent with the provisions of civil service.
Appointment. The Chief of Police shall be appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of City Council.
Term. The Chief of Police shall serve for a term consistent with the provisions of civil service.
Salary. The salary of the Chief of Police shall be as set forth in the Salary Ordinance of the City of North Wildwood.
Duties; powers.
The Chief of Police shall possess such powers and duties as set forth in the rules and regulations of the North Wildwood Police Department.
The Chief of Police shall be administratively responsible to the Director of Public Safety.
Creation of Office. The Office of Fire Chief is hereby created in and for the City of North Wildwood pursuant to the provisions of this Code and Chapter 37, Fire Departments, Article I.
Qualifications; appointment; term; salary.
Qualifications. The Fire Chief shall possess training and experience and such credentials consistent with the provisions of civil service.
Appointment. Except as otherwise may be provided by statute or law, the appointment to this position shall be made in accordance with the provisions of Article II, § 3-12, of the City of North Wildwood Administrative Code.
[Amended 1-20-2004 by Ord. No. 1451]
Term. The Fire Chief shall serve for a term consistent with the provisions of civil service.
Salary. The salary of the Fire Chief shall be as set forth in the Salary Ordinance of the City of North Wildwood.
Duties; powers. The Fire Chief shall be administratively responsible to the Director of Public Safety.
[Amended 11-8-2017 by Ord. No. 1731]
[Added 11-8-2017 by Ord. No. 1731]
Creation of office. The office of Director of Public Safety is created in and for the City of North Wildwood.
Appointment; qualifications; term; salary.
The Mayor shall be designated as the Director of Public Safety. The Mayor may appoint another individual as Director of Public Safety. If the Mayor chooses to appoint another individual as Director of Public Safety, then that appointment shall be made in accordance with the provisions of Article II, § 3-12, of the Code of the City of North Wildwood.
If the Mayor chooses to appoint another individual as Director of Public Safety, then that person shall possess such education, training and experience in the field of public safety administration and management as the Mayor and Council deem necessary in order to serve as Director of Public Safety for the City of North Wildwood, taking into consideration the permanent and seasonal population of the City and the size of the Departments over which the Director of Public Safety has administrative authority.
Term. If a person other than the Mayor is serving as Director of Public Safety, then the term of that person's appointment shall be at the pleasure of the Mayor.
Salary. The salary, if any, of the Director of Public Safety shall be as set forth in the Salary Ordinance of the City of North Wildwood.
Duties. To the same extent that the Public Safety Committee of City Council exercises legislative oversight over the Police Department, the Fire Department, the Office of Emergency Management, Volunteer Services, the Beach Patrol and the Department of Construction Inspection, as set forth in § 3-18C of the Code of the City of North Wildwood, the Director of Public Safety shall have day-to-day administrative oversight of those same Departments, along with any other Department over which the Public Safety Committee of City Council acquires legislative jurisdiction.
[Added 5-7-2002 by Ord. No. 1407]
Creation of office. The office of Purchasing Agent of the City of North Wildwood hereby is created for the City of North Wildwood pursuant to the provisions of N.J.S.A. 40A:11-9.
Appointment; term; removal; compensation.
Appointment. The Purchasing Agent shall be appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the Council of the City of North Wildwood.
The Purchasing Agent is a classified civil service position and the term of appointment shall be in accordance with civil service procedures subject only to the requirements and qualifications further detailed in § 3-43.2C.
[Amended 12-2-2014 by Ord. No. 1663]
Removal. The Purchasing Agent may be removed by a 2/3 vote of the Council of the City of North Wildwood.
Compensation. The office of Purchasing Agent shall be considered a nonsalaried, nonremunerative office. The Purchasing Agent shall be considered an employee for the purposes of insurance and indemnification.
Qualifications. The Purchasing Agent shall meet all of the criteria established by the State of New Jersey for a qualified purchasing agent as are set forth in N.J.S.A. 40A:11-9b and in N.J.A.C. 5:34-5.1 et seq. and any amendments or supplements thereto.
Editor's Note: This § 3-43.2 was previously codified as Ch. 61, Officers and Employees, Art. III, Purchasing Agent, of the 1981 Code. It was relocated to Ch. 3 at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).