In order to meet insurance policy requirements and limit tort
claim liability, personal use of a York County owned or leased vehicle
is prohibited, except for the following:
A. Long-term regular assignments. Elected officials, directors and department
heads, or a designee in case of their absence, or other employees
who are on-call 24 hours and/or have received prior approval will
be allowed to take a York County vehicle to their residence. Examples
of these are, but are not limited to, the Coroner, the Director of
Emergency Management, and the Prison Warden.
B. Short-term, occasional assignments. Employees who have received prior
approval to keep a York County vehicle at their residence due to returning
from a York County business activity beyond the close of the business
day or due to the need for an early morning departure on York County
business activity will be allowed to take a York County vehicle to
their residence. It is expected that the York County vehicle would
be returned at the completion of the assignment on the next business