[Adopted 2-6-1995]
Prior to the commencement of any road construction or prior to the laying or relaying of sewers, electrical, telephone, gas lines, water or any type of telecommunications equipment, cable television or any other type of underground utilities or the installation of aboveground utilities which would interfere with the normal and regular flow of traffic within the Town of Raymond, the primary contractor responsible for the conduct of the work performed upon the site will be required to employ uniformed policemen or other qualified person(s) to control traffic, provided that any of the following conditions exist:
Construction, reconstruction, excavation, paving or any other type of work on or upon arterial streets, collector streets or the construction of new streets which will extend or become arterial streets or collector streets.
All such construction which will significantly affect the flow of traffic.
When the street traffic is primarily controlled by a traffic light which will become ineffective in the proper control of traffic due to the existence of the construction activity.
In addition to the conditions enumerated above, the Chief of Police may, at his/her discretion, require the primary contractor to employ uniformed Raymond police officers or other qualified person(s) as determined by the Chief of Police when the construction is such as to unreasonably interfere with the normal and ordinary flow of traffic or presents conditions which adversely affect public safety and convenience.
This article is not binding upon public works projects, road construction or any other project that is directly supported by local property tax dollars or federal funds.
In the event that any provision of the above sections is violated, the Chief of Police is empowered to issue a work stoppage order against the contractor or his employees; such work stoppage order shall remain in effect until there is strict compliance with this article.
In addition, a fine in the amount not to exceed $500 per day may be assessed for each day that a violation continues.