[HISTORY: Adopted by the Common Council of the City of Hayward 11-17-1947 by Ord. No. 54. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Regular meetings. The Common Council of the City of Hayward shall meet regularly on the second Monday of each month at the Council Chambers in the City Hall at 7:30 p.m., unless otherwise designated by the Mayor at the previous meeting.
Special meetings. Special meetings may be called by the Mayor upon proper notice to each member of the Common Council. Such notice shall be given at least six hours before the meeting and the meeting shall be held in the Council Chambers unless otherwise designated by the Mayor in the notice of said meeting.
The Council may, by a majority vote of those present, adjourn from time to time, to a specific date, place and hour.
Organization meeting. Following a regular City election, the new Council shall first meet on the Monday following the election at the Council Chambers in the City Hall at 7:30 p.m., at which meeting they shall, after organization, choose its members a President, Chairman of Finance Committee and Chairman of Property Committee.
The election by the Council of the President, Chairman of the Finance Committee and Chairman of the Property Committee shall be by ballot votes taken until any tie is broken and a majority vote reached. Following the election of these officers, the Mayor shall appoint the remaining members of the committees and such other committees as the Common Council deems necessary. Special committees, when necessary, may be appointed by the Mayor.
Two-thirds of the members of the Council shall constitute a quorum and no meeting shall be held unless a quorum is present.
The "aye" and "no" vote shall be used in all cases, following a proper motion and second to motion, unless otherwise required by law or called for by a member. Whenever a roll call vote is required, the Clerk/Treasurer shall call the roll in alphabetical order, the president of the Council voting last, the Mayor voting only in case of a tie. Voting upon a question shall not take place until the question has been thoroughly discussed and immediately before the question is voted upon the presiding officer shall ask "Is there any further discussion upon the question?"
Meetings shall be open to the public, and the Council may, by a majority vote, remove, or have removed, any member or other person present for disorderly behavior.
The business of the Common Council shall be conducted in the following order:
Call to order by presiding officer.
Roll call. If a quorum is not present, the meeting shall thereupon adjourn to a specific date and hour.
Reading the minutes of the preceding meeting and approving the same if correct and rectifying mistakes if any exist. This procedure may be waived by a majority vote of the Council.
Unfinished business from previous meeting.
Comments and suggestions by citizens present.
Reports by City officers and committees.
Acting upon applications for permits and licenses.
New business, including the introduction of ordinances, resolutions and petitions.
Passing on bills and claims.
In the absence of the Clerk/Treasurer, the Mayor shall appoint a Clerk/Treasurer pro tem.
The presiding officer, at the stated hour, shall call the meeting to order. He shall preserve order and decorum, decide on all question of order and conduct the proceedings of the meeting in accordance with the parliamentary rules contained in Roberts Rules of Order, unless otherwise provided by statute or by these rules.
If the Mayor is absent at the designated time of any meeting, the President of the Council shall preside, and during the absence of the Mayor shall have the powers and duties of the Mayor. He shall, when so officiating, be styled "Acting Mayor." In the absence of both the Mayor and the President of the Council, the Clerk/Treasurer shall call the meeting to order and preside until the Council shall, by motion, select an Acting Mayor for that meeting.
No ordinance or resolution shall be considered by the Council unless presented by an Alderman and in writing.
The deliberations of the Council shall be conducted in the following manner:
No Alderman or other City officer or citizen shall address the Council until he has addressed himself to the presiding officer and has been recognized. He shall thereupon confine his remarks to the question under discussion and shall avoid all personalities.
No question shall be discussed or acted upon unless and until it has been properly introduced.
Following discussions upon questions, immediate action shall be taken by the Council and another question shall not be discussed or introduced until the Council shall have acted:
To adopt, pass or reject.
To lay on the table.
To refer to a committee.
To postpone.