[HISTORY: Adopted by the Common Council of the City of Hayward 6-14-1982 by Ord. No. 223. Amendments noted where applicable.]
This chapter shall not repeal, impair, or modify private easements or covenants governing the use of lands except that it shall be applicable to the extent that it imposes stricter regulations.
The City Planning Commission or its duly appointed staff shall be responsible for the administration of this chapter, and in reviewing applications for the subdivision of land, shall be guided by the considerations and standards as set forth herein. All divisions of land within the incorporated area of the City of Hayward shall be subject to the provisions of this chapter and, where applicable, shall also be subject to other City of Hayward ordinances, Wisconsin State Statutes and Wisconsin Administrative Codes.
A "division of land" shall mean any division of a lot, parcel or tract of land by the owner or the owners agent, for the purpose of sale, transfer or building development.
Any division of land, for the purpose designated above, shall be accomplished by either a platted subdivision in compliance with Chapter 236 of the Wisconsin Statutes or by certified survey in compliance with § 236.34, Wis. Stats.
Exceptions to Subsection B of this section shall be:
Assessor's plats as per § 70.27, Wis. Stats.
Cemetery plats as per §§ 157.06, 157.07 and 157.08, Wis. Stats.
Transfer of interests in land by will or pursuant to court order.
Highways, streets, roads and utility easements, deemed by the City Planning Commission to be unassociated with building development.
Correction instruments.
A platted subdivision, in compliance with Chapter 236 of the Wisconsin Statutes, shall be required where the act of division:
Creates five or more parcels or building sites of 1 1/2 acres each or less in area;
Creates five or more parcels or building sites of 1 1/2 acres each or less in area, by successive divisions within a period of five years.
Preliminary meeting. Prior to submitting a preliminary plat, the owner or his agent shall submit to the City Planning Commission or its duly appointed staff, the information and data herein specified. The purpose of this meeting is to familiarize the owner or his agent with this chapter and related laws so as to avoid costly revisions of plans and plats. And further, to inform the owner or his agent as to the types and details of improvements which will be required to be installed by and at the expense of the owner.
Data required for preliminary meeting. The owner or his agent shall provide to the Planning Commission the following:
A sketch plan of the proposed subdivision, indicating the proposed name, location by forty,[1] section, township and range and the names of the owner, subdivider and surveyor.
Editor's Note: So in original.
The plan shall be of a scale of one inch equals 100 feet or larger and shall show the boundaries of the subdivision, proposed street and lot design number and sizes of lots and streets and any areas proposed to be dedicated to the public other than streets.
The plan shall indicate site conditions such as waterways, swamps, areas of periodic flooding, rock outcrops, adverse slopes and any other site conditions, natural or man-made, which might affect the design and safety of the subdivision.
The plan shall indicate any proposed filling, grading, dredging or lagooning.
The plan shall indicate the size and location of any land owned or controlled by the owner of the proposed subdivision, which is contiguous with the proposed subdivision, even though it is not included in the proposed subdivision.
The plan shall indicate the relationship of the proposed subdivision to existing highways, streets, utilities, etc. and shall provide distances and direction to the nearest existing water and sewer lines.
If the proposed subdivision is not to be served by City water and sewer, the plan shall provide at least preliminary soils information.
The City Planning Commission, at this meeting, shall indicate tentative feasibility of the proposed subdivision, recommend revisions or additions, advise as to whether or not a contour map will be required, advise as to the types and extent of improvements that will be required of the owner and offer any other information which may enhance and expedite the progress of the proposed subdivision.
Preliminary plat application. The owner or his agent shall submit to the City Clerk/Treasurer three copies of the preliminary plat for use by the City Planning Commission, plus those additional copies as required under § 236.12, Wis. Stats., for review by state agencies. The City Clerk/Treasurer shall forward these copies as required by § 236.12, Wis. Stats. After review of the preliminary plat, the City Planning Commission shall, within 40 days of its submission, approve, approve conditionally, or reject the plat. The owner or his agent shall be notified in writing of any conditions of approval, improvements to be installed, or reasons for rejection. Approval of the preliminary plat by the City Planning Commission shall entitle the owner or his agent to approval of the final plat, providing that the final plat conforms substantially to the preliminary plat, and that conditions for approval and installation of improvements have been met.
Data required on preliminary plat.
Proposed name of the subdivision and location by government lot, quarter-quarter section, section, township and range.
Name and address of the owner, subdivider or agent and surveyor.
A scale of one inch equals 100 feet or larger.
Graphic scale.
North arrow.
Date or preparation, signature and stamp of surveyor.
Boundaries of the proposed subdivision, including layout of proposed streets and lots, street names and widths, and lot numbers and dimensions.
Location and widths of proposed pedestrianways, utility and drainage easements, and other areas intended to be reserved or dedicated for public use.
Site conditions such as lakes, waterways, swamps, floodplain areas, rock outcrops, terrain areas exceeding 12% slopes, and other site conditions, natural or man-made, which might affect the subdivision.
Other reasonable information such as soil tests, dredging permits, contour mapping, etc. as may be required by the City Planning Commission.
Adjacent site conditions such as ownership of adjacent lands, names and widths of existing highways, streets, railroads and easements, and the distances and direction to the nearest City water and sewer lines.
Stage development. Whenever a portion of a tract of land is proposed for subdividing and the balance of the tract is of a size which would allow future subdivision, the City Planning Commission may require a tentative plan for such future subdivision.
Final plat. Within six months of the last required approval of the preliminary plat, the owner or his agent, shall, at the owner's expense, submit three legible and true copies of the final plat to the City Clerk/Treasurer for use by the City Planning Commission. The owner or his agent shall, at the same time and at the owner's expense, submit to the City Clerk/Treasurer the original final plat and or the necessary number of legible copies thereof, together with a list of the authorities to which the plat must be submitted for approval under § 236.10, Wis. Stats., and objection under § 236.12, Wis. Stats. The City Clerk/Treasurer shall forward these plats or copies as required by § 236.12, Wis. Stats. The City Planning Commission shall refer the final plat, with its recommendations, to the Common Council within 30 days of its submission unless the time is extended by the Common Council. But in no case shall the time exceed 60 days. The Common Council shall approve or reject the final plat within 60 days of its submission to the City Clerk/Treasurer, unless the time is extended by agreement with the owner or his agent. If the original of the final plat has been submitted to another authority, the owner or his agent may submit a true copy of such plat in lieu of the original. However, before approval by the Common Council will be inscribed on the face of the original final plat, the owner or the surveyor shall certify the respects in which the original of the final plat differs from the true copy, and all modifications must first be approved.
Final plat data and design standards. The final plat shall be prepared in compliance with the provisions of Chapter 236 of the Wisconsin Statutes, the provisions of this chapter and, where applicable, shall also be subject to other City of Hayward ordinances, Wisconsin Statutes and Wisconsin Administrative Codes.
Blocks and lots. Blocks and lots shall meet the following standards:
In residential areas, blocks shall not be less than 600 feet nor more than 1,500 feet in length as measured along the greatest dimension of the enclosed block area unless minor variations are necessitated to accommodate topography, design features or an adjoining plat.
Blocks for commercial and industrial areas may vary from the elements of design contained in this section if the nature of use requires other treatment. In such case, off-street parking for employees and customers shall be provided along with safe and convenient limited access to the street or highway system. Space for off-street loading shall also be provided, with similar access. Extension of streets, railroad access right-of-way and utilities shall be provided by the owner, as necessary.
In blocks over 800 feet in length, the City Planning Commission may require one or more public walkways within an easement not less than 10 feet in width, to extend entirely across the width of the block, but at intervals not closer than 400 feet.
Blocks shall be wide enough to allow two tiers of lots with minimum width and depth as required by Chapter 515, Zoning, except when adjoining a lake, stream, railroad, thoroughfare or property boundary line, or where one tier of lots is necessary because of topography.
No lot shall have less area or width than is required by Chapter 515, Zoning.
All lots shall front on a public street, except when it is deemed by the City Planning Commission that the subdivision may be better served by a private road or street. In such case, the street or road shall be clearly labeled on the plat as "Private Road" or "Private Street" and shall connect to a public street.
Where possible, side lot lines shall be perpendicular to the street line, and to the tangent at the lot corner on curved streets.
Through lots and or double-frontage lots shall be avoided whenever possible.
Lot divisions that will not be served by City sewer and or City water, shall be governed by the provisions of Ch. SPS 385, Wisconsin Administrative Code, in regards to the suitability of the lot and the minimum lot size.
Excessive lot depth in relation to lot width shall be avoided. A proportion of 2 1/2 to one shall normally be considered as a desirable maximum for lot widths of 75 feet or more.
Minimum lot width shall mean the minimum average lot width.
No lot shall have a frontage less than 35 feet on a public street.
The owner or owners agent shall dedicate land for and improve streets as provided herein. Streets shall conform to the official map ordinance in effect in the City.
Streets shall be logically related to the topography so as to produce usable lots and reasonable grades.
Access shall be given to all lots and portions of the tract in the subdivision, and to adjacent unsubdivided territory unless the topography clearly indicates that such connection is not feasible. Streets giving such access shall be improved to the limits of the subdivision. Reserved strips and landlocked areas shall not be created.
Minor streets shall be laid out to discourage their use by through traffic and arterials shall be protected for use by through traffic by marginal access roads, lots served by an interior street or other means.
Half or partial streets will not be permitted, except where essential to reasonable subdivision of a tract in conformance with the other requirements and standards of these regulations and where, in addition, satisfactory assurance for dedication of the remaining part of the street can be secured.
Wherever a tract to be subdivided borders an existing half, or partial street, the other part of the street shall be plotted within such tract.
Cul-de-sac streets.
Cul-de-sac streets permanently designed as such shall not exceed 800 feet in length except as exceptions are permitted by the Planning Commission. Such an exception may be granted if it can be clearly shown that by reason of unfavorable land form, or the irregular shape of the plat from which the subdivision is being made, that a normal street pattern cannot be established, or that land would be wasted by not granting such an exception.
Cul-de-sac streets shall be provided at the closed end and with a turnaround having a minimum radius to the outside edge of the finished road or curbline of not less than 50 feet.
Unless future extension is clearly impractical or undesirable, the turnaround right-of-way shall be placed adjacent to a property line and a right-of-way of the same width as the street shall be carried to the property line in such a way as to permit future extension of the street into the adjoining tract. At such time as such a street is extended, the overage created by the turnaround outside the boundaries of the extended street shall revert in ownership to the property owner fronting on the temporary turnaround.
Street design.
Street type.
[Amended 3-10-1997 by Ord. No. 345]
Street Type
Minimum Width
Minimum Radius of Curvature
Maximum Grade
Arterial or highway
Collector (carries traffic from minor streets to arterials or highways
Cul-de-sac street
Marginal access
Where a subdivision abuts or contains an existing road or street of inadequate width, sufficient additional width shall be provided to meet the above standards.
Additional right-of-way and roadway widths may be required to promote public safety and convenience when special conditions require it or to provide parking space in areas of intensive use.
Extensions of existing streets or roads with lesser right-of-way and/or roadway widths than prescribed above may be permitted by exception in special cases.
Restriction of access. When a subdivision or portion thereof adjoins a major thoroughfare, no lot shall have direct access thereto. Said lots shall be provided with frontage on a marginal access street or an interior street.
Intersections. Street center line intersections shall be as nearly at right angles as is possible, and no intersection shall be at any angle of less than 60°.
Street jogs. Street jogs with center line offsets of less than 125 feet shall not be allowed.
Street names. A proposed street which is in alignment with and joins an existing and named street shall bear the name of the existing street.
Alleys. Alleys shall be provided to the rear or side of all lots to be used for commercial or industrial use.
Improvements. Before the City Council shall approve a final plat of a subdivision, the owner or owner's agent shall provide the required improvements at his own expense, shall give bond in an amount equal to the Director of Public Works estimate, or make other financial arrangements acceptable to the City Council to cover the cost of the following:
Grading. Street shall be graded to secure proper drainage and to prevent the collection of stormwater in pools.
Surface water drainage. Surface water drainage shall be provided by storm sewers or drainage course adequate to drain surface water to protect roadway surfaces.
Sanitation. When located within the service area of a public sanitary sewerage system, sanitary sewers shall be constructed throughout the entire subdivision in such a manner as to serve adequately all lots with connection to such public system.
Stormwater drainage shall not be permitted to combine with sanitary sewers nor shall sanitary sewerage be permitted in stormwater sewers.
Minimum pavement width and roadway surfacing.
[Amended 3-10-1997 by Ord. No. 345]
Minimum pavement width and roadway surfacing shall meet the following standards and shall be approved after inspection by the Director of Public Works:
Street Type
Street Base Surface Width
Street Pavement
30 feet of 6 inches stabilized gravel
24 feet of 2 inches compacted asphaltic pavement
30 feet of 6 inches stabilized gravel
24 feet of 2 inches compacted asphaltic pavement
30 feet of 6 inches stabilized gravel
24 feet of 2 inches compacted asphaltic pavement
30 feet of 6 inches stabilized gravel
24 feet of 2 inches compacted asphaltic pavement
Marginal Access
30 feet of 6 inches stabilized gravel
24 feet of 2 inches compacted asphaltic pavement
25 feet of 6 inches stabilized gravel
24 feet of 2 inches compacted asphaltic pavement
The property owner and/or developer shall provide a bond, or security, in an amount equal to 10% of the cost of paving, for a period of two years from the date of acceptance of street(s) by the City of Hayward, to insure that proper construction methods were followed.
Whenever a division of land is proposed, but of an insufficient number of lots or lots of a size such that a platted subdivision is not required, in lieu of a platted subdivision, such division of land shall be accomplished by a certified survey in compliance with the provisions of § 236.34, Wis. Stats., and shall meet the following standards:
Certified survey standards.
Section 505-5A, Preliminary meeting, and § 505-5B, Data required for preliminary meeting, will be required, except that at the end of the preliminary meeting the City Planning Commission shall approve, approve conditionally, or reject the preliminary certified survey plan and shall notify the owner or his agent and the City Clerk/Treasurer, in writing, or such approval, conditional approval, or rejection and of any improvements that will be required.
Conditions for § 505-5E, Stage development, shall be met.
All conditions under § 505-5G, Final plat data and design standards, and the subsections therein, shall be met where applicable.
The final certified survey map shall be presented to the City Clerk/Treasurer or his Deputy, for approval, and if said map conforms to the conditions for approval and installation of improvements as set forth by the City Planning Commission, it shall be so approved.
No certified survey map, within the incorporated area of the City of Hayward, shall be eligible for recording unless it is approved by the City Clerk/Treasurer or his Deputy.
The Planning Commission shall require rear or side line utility easements at locations and of widths deemed adequate by the Commission, but in no case less than 10 feet.
The Planning Commission shall require that easements or drainageways of widths sufficient to accommodate stormwater runoff be provided where a subdivision includes a segment or segments of watercourses, drainageways, channels or streams.
The Planning Commission may require that suitable sites be dedicated or reserved for future public uses such as parks, playgrounds, and open spaces. In locating such sites, considerations shall be given in preserving scenic and historical sites, stands of fine trees, marshes, and shorelines. Reservation of land for public acquisition shall be for a period not to exceed three years.
The Board of Appeals may grant variances from the provisions of this chapter after holding a public hearing within 10 days' notice in writing to owners of adjoining lands and upon finding that:
Because of the unique topographic or other conditions of the lands involved, literal application of the ordinance would impose a hardship.
The variance will not violate the purpose of the ordinance or the provisions of Chapter 236 of the Wisconsin Statutes.
The requirement of filing and recording a plat for a subdivision or a certified survey shall not be waived.
The Board of Appeals shall have the authority to review and modify decisions of the Planning Commission, City Clerk/Treasurer, or his Deputy.
Subdivisions prior to approval of the final plat, the applicant shall pay to the City Clerk/Treasurer as a fee for checking and verifying a plat, a sum amount to be determined by the Planning Commission.
Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this chapter shall forfeit not more than $50 for each violation plus costs of prosecution. Each day that a violation of this chapter continues shall constitute a separate and distinct offense and is subject to forfeiture as such. In addition thereto, no construction or improvements on land subdivided in violation of this chapter shall be allowed. Any sale or transfer or lands subdivided in violation of this chapter shall be deemed void.
Unless the context indicates a different meaning, for the purposes of this chapter certain words, phrases, and terms shall be construed as follows:
A public way used primarily as a service access to the rear or side of a property which abuts on a street.
A major carrier of traffic within the City.
The City Attorney of Hayward, Wisconsin or his authorized representative.
The distance as measured along a road between intersection streets from center line to center line; and where the context requires, it also means the enclosed area within the perimeter of the streets or property lines enclosing it.
A drawing and accompanying data as required by § 505-6 of this chapter.
The City of Hayward.
The City Council of Hayward.
The City Clerk/Treasurer of Hayward, Wisconsin, or his authorized representative.
A street that serves as a connection between an arterial and minor roads. The term may include the principal entrance of a residential development and streets for major circulation within such a development.
The Planning Commission of the City of Hayward.
A permanent street terminating at one end without connecting with another road and designed so that it cannot be further extended without taking property not dedicated as a street.
The drawing of a subdivision prepared in the manner and containing the data, documents, and information required by § 505-5F of this chapter.
Any tract, including outlots, within a subdivision marked by the owner or owners agent as a numbered tract.
The dimension of a lot measured on the building setback line.
A street or service road parallel to and adjacent to a arterial which provides access from the arterial to abutting properties.
Provides access to individual lots.
The person having control of such land as the term is used in this chapter.
A drawing of a proposed subdivision prepared in the manner and containing the data, documents and information required by § 505-5C of this chapter.
A purported street, way or strip of land reserved for the use of a limited number of persons or purposes as distinguished from a publicly dedicated street.
A public way designed for the use of pedestrian traffic.
A public way which affords primary means of access by pedestrians and vehicles to abutting properties, whether designated as a street, avenue, highway, road, boulevard, lane or however otherwise designated.