[Adopted 3-7-1955 (Ch. 22, Art. III, of the 1989 Code)]
Each officer shall pay into the Town treasury all fees received by him by virtue of or incident to his office.
This shall not prohibit the Treasurer/Collector from entering into contracts providing for the collection of sums of money due the Town by a collection agency or other person engaged in such activity and in such cases the agency or person may deposit into an escrow account, approved by the Treasurer/Collector, such sums collected and after deducting their charges and fees, they shall remit the balance to the Town.
[Added 9-24-1981 STM by Art. 11]
[Added 9-24-1981 STM by Art. 12]
The Treasurer/Collector is hereby authorized to assess and collect interest, charges and fees consistent with the schedule set forth in MGL c. 60, § 15 or any amendments thereto, on accounts receivable due the Town and not paid within 30 days, after notice to the debtor, except as otherwise provided by law.