[1943 Code § 702.08]
No person shall set up, use or expose within the limits of the Village, any table or device of any kind upon or by which any game of chance or hazard can be played, or shall play at any such table or device.
[1943 Code § 702.06; Ord. 89-9, 6-5-1989, § 2]
Whoever shall within the Village set, run or maintain any lottery, or shall sell or dispose of for gain any ticket, chance or share in any lottery, or shall sell or attempt to dispose of any article or property dependent upon any chance by dice, lottery tickets, numbers or other fraudulent device, or shall propose or be in any way connected with any such lottery or game of chance, or whoever shall knowingly permit any such lottery business or enterprise to be carried on in any building or premises owned or controlled by him, shall, upon conviction, be punished as provided in Section 13-3 of this Code. This section shall not apply to any raffle conducted pursuant to a license, as provided by § 22-11 of this Code.
[1943 Code § 702.07]
Whoever shall within the Village set up, keep, maintain or support any gambling house or room or place used for the practice of gaming or playing for money or property, or shall knowingly permit any building or premises owned or controlled by him to be used for any such purpose, or whoever shall keep or use, or permit to be used, in any building or place occupied, controlled or owned by him, any keno, dice or faro table, wheel of fortune, roulette, shuffleboard, cards or other instrument or device for the purpose of gaming therewith shall, upon conviction, be punished as provided in § 13-3 of this Code.
[Code 1943, § 702.09]
Whoever shall be an inmate of any gambling house or room or place used for the purpose of gaming within the Village, or shall in any way be connected therewith, or shall play for money or other valuable thing at any game with cards, dice, billiards, or any other instrument or device, or shall bet on any such game when played by others shall, upon conviction, be punished as provided in § 13-3.
[3-15-1954, § 1]
Every person holding a license issued by the Village to conduct a legitimate business shall have the same revoked by the President, after a hearing held by him, if such licensee maintains for use or permits for use a slot machine within the Village, or is in the business of accepting wagers or conducting a wagering pool or lottery within the Village. The licensee shall have an opportunity to be heard at such hearing to be held not less than five days after notice of the time and place of the hearing, addressed to him at his last known place of business, has been mailed. Pending notice, hearing and finding, his Village license shall be suspended.