[6-29-1950, § 1]
No sidewalk constructed in the Village shall be less than five feet wide.
[6-29-1950, § 2]
All sidewalks shall be placed so that the inside edge or edge nearest the property line, is one-foot distant from such property line.
[Code 1943, § 905.02]
All sidewalks shall be so constructed when completed the upper surface thereof shall be in a plane sloping up from the established curb line at the rate of one-fourth inch vertical to one-foot horizontal distance.
[Code 1943, §§ 905.03, 905.04]
All grade stakes set in conformity to Section 45-40 shall be placed at one foot from the outside edge of the sidewalk, and the elevation or grade given by such stake shall be that of the outside edge of such walk.
Any person who shall negligently or willfully pull out, knock down or over any grade stake properly set up by the authority of any officer of the Village, or shall in any manner tamper with such stake, shall be punished as provided in Section 13-3. All grade stakes must be protected and remain in place until after the completion of the walk so that the level of the same can be checked from the stake.
[Code 1943, § 905.08]
No person shall construct or lay, or cause to be constructed or laid, any sidewalk where no grade has been established by the President and hoard of Trustees, or contrary to any grade given by the Village.