When used in this ordinance, the following terms shall have the meanings
herein ascribed to them:
The minimum horizontal distance between a street line and
the nearest wall of a building or side of a structure facing such
street line.
A single room, dwelling, or portion thereof, located within
a structure which is offered for or rented for a period of less than
30 consecutive days, excluding motels and hotels as defined herein.
A name, identification, description, illustration, display
or device which is affixed to, painted or represented upon a building,
structure or land and which directs attention to a product, place,
activity, person, institution, or business. For purposes of this definition,
a sign structure may be single face or double face. However, a sign
shall not include any display of any court, public or official notice,
nor shall it include the flag, emblem, insignia of a nation, political
unit, school, religious or charitable institution or organization.
A sign shall not include a permanent sign located within an enclosed
building in such a manner as to be viewed or intended for view primarily
from the exterior of the building.
A sign on which is portrayed information which directs attention
to a product, place, activity, person, institution, business or other
A sign which is affixed to any building wall or structure
and extends beyond the building wall or parts thereof or structure.
An illuminated sign on which the artificial light is not
maintained constant or stationary in intensity or color at all times
when such sign is in use.
A sign which is supported by one or more uprights or braces
in or upon the ground.
A sign which directs attention to a residence, a business,
commodity, service, entertainment or other activity conducted on the
lot upon which such sign is located.
A sign, including a billboard or signboard, that directs
attention to a business, profession, commodity, service or entertainment
conducted, sold, or offered elsewhere than on the lot on which the
sign is located, and only incidentally, if at all, on such lot.
A sign, including a billboard or signboard, that directs
attention to a business, profession, commodity, service or entertainment
conducted, sold, or offered on the lot on which the sign is located.
A sign erected, constructed, and maintained above the roof
of any building.
A sign containing information which directs attention to
the sale, rental or development of real estate, traffic or safety
issues, or to a special event or activity.
A board bearing a sign or notice, advertising a business,
product, service, etc.
A single dwelling unit occupied on a relatively permanent
basis in a family-like environment by a group of no more than eight
unrelated persons with disabilities, plus paid professional support
staff provided by a sponsoring agency, either living at the residence
on a 24 hour basis, or present whenever residents with disabilities
are present at the dwelling; and which complies with the zoning regulations
for the district in which the site is located.
The visible discharge from a chimney, stack, vent, exhaust,
or combustion process which is made up of particulate matter.
That portion of a building, other than a cellar, included
between the surface of any floor and the surface of the floor next
above it or if there be no floor above it, then the space between
the floor and the ceiling next above it. The floor of a story may
have split levels provided that there are not more than four feet
difference in elevations between the different levels of the floor.
A basement shall be counted as a story and a mezzanine floor shall
be counted as a story when it covers over 1/3 the area of the floor
next below it, or if the vertical distance from the floor next below
it to the floor next above it is 24 feet or more. A floor of a building
used entirely for off street loading shall not be counted as a story.
A partial story under a gable, hip or gambrel roof, the wall
plates of which on at least two opposite exterior walls are not more
than three feet above the floor of such story, except that any partial
story used for residence purposes other than for a janitor or caretaker
or his family, or by a family occupying the floor immediately below
it, shall be deemed a full story.
Any right-of-way containing a roadway which affords the primary
means of vehicular access to abutting properties. When such right-of-way
is not an existing or dedicated public "street," it shall be not less
than 40 feet in width, unless otherwise herein regulated. An alley
shall not be considered a street.
The street right-of-way line abutting a property line of
a lot.
All of the property fronting on one side of a street between
two intersecting streets, or in the case of a dead end street, all
of the property along one side of the street between an intersecting
street and the end of such dead end street.
Any change in the supporting members of a building such as
bearing walls, columns, beams or girders, or any substantial change
in the roof or in the exterior walls, excepting such repair or replacement
as may be required for the safety of a building.
Anything constructed or erected, the use of which requires
more or less permanent location on the ground or attached to something
having a permanent location on the ground, including, but without
limiting, the generality of the foregoing advertising signs and back
stops for tennis courts.