[1-4-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-04]
[Amended 12-6-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-71]
When used in this § 22-12, the following terms shall be defined as follows:
Any item of real value, which may include gift certificates to be used for or towards the purchase of a retail item. "Bona fide product" does not include discount coupons, internet access, a telephone card, a calling card, or a phone card.
A coupon that has a value worth more than the amount inserted into the electronic product promotion kiosk and is used to offset the price of a retail item at a store with a physical location or e-commerce website.
A provider of electronic product promotion kiosks that sells fills through the fill system and who is responsible for the collection and remittance of the revenue operation fee to the Village of Elmwood Park.
Any electronic video machine which is used to promote the purchase of a bona fide product from a sponsor and offers or awards a prize, without requiring payment or purchase to participate, as a means to promote that sponsor and is otherwise consistent with 720 ILCS 5/28-1(b)(13) and not in violation of 720 ILCS 5/28-1(a)(12), contains a fill system, and is not connected directly or indirectly to the internet, either by cellular modem, hardwire or wireless connection, or to a set of interconnected networked devices, including a stand-alone server that allows one or more terminals to connect, in order to participate in the game or contest or to receive or retrieve any data related to the kiosk or device unless the connected device is a redemption vault.
The internal revenue generation refill system of the electronic product promotion kiosk which permits the operation of and access to plays on the software on a fee basis, automatically ceases to operate upon the completion of a revenue cycle, is solely determined by the amount of revenue generated by the electronic product promotion kiosk, and that provides for the auditable determination of the revenue operation fee. "Fill System" does not include a system other than that based on the amount of revenue generated, including, without limitation, a system based on time, number of spins or spin equivalent or other non-revenue-based system.
The extended play authorizations for the software.
A connection of individual computer terminals, computers, mobile devices, and computer networks to the internet enabling users to access internet services such as email and the world wide web.
An individual, entity, partnership or otherwise that provides electronic product promotion sweepstakes kiosks for use by others.
A stand-alone or connected device to an electronic product promotion kiosk for the sole purpose of redeeming a prize or award.
The end of a fill of software generated through the fill system.
The $1,000 fee paid to the Village for each fill generated through the fill system.
The software that runs the product promotion kiosk that runs through the fill system.
Any stored-value system capable of being discarded when depleted or recharged for reuse and utilized to place a telephone call.
It shall be unlawful for any person to distribute or operate an electronic product promotion sweepstakes kiosk without a license issued by the Village.
[Amended 12-6-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-71]
The Village shall not issue more than the number of licenses that are authorized by the Village Board from time to time.
[Amended 12-6-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-71]
The total number of electronic product promotion sweepstakes kiosks operated on any premises at one time shall not exceed the number that is authorized by the Village Board from time to time.
No electronic product promotion sweepstakes kiosk shall be connected directly or indirectly to the internet, either by cellular modem, hardwire or wireless connection, or to a set of interconnected networked devices in order to participate in the game or contest or to receive or retrieve any data related to the kiosk or device unless the connected device is a redemption vault.
It shall be unlawful for an electronic product promotion sweepstakes kiosk to offer the sale of anything other than a bona fide product.
It shall be unlawful to operate an electronic product promotion sweepstakes kiosk without a self-contained fill system.
The Village of Elmwood Park is hereby authorized to impose an annual fee of not more than the then-current fee for an amusement device for the operation of each electronic product promotion sweepstakes kiosk, which shall not count as an amusement device for purposes of determining a public place of amusement license, and collect a revenue operation fee of $1,000 for each revenue cycle.
Distributors of lawful electronic production promotion kiosks shall be responsible for the collection and remittance to the Village of the revenue operation fee on a monthly basis.
The Village shall have the right to audit a distributor and/or operator to ensure that all fills sold through the fill system are accounted for and subject to the revenue operation fee.
It shall be unlawful for the owner or lessee of any premises or person in control of such premises to permit the installation or use of an electronic product promotion sweepstakes kiosk within the Village for gain or profit unless the authorization emblem and revenue operation fee has been paid and is evidenced by the authorization emblem affixed to the electronic product promotion kiosk in a conspicuous location. Each such device shall be plainly labeled with the name, address and telephone number of its owner. No person shall remove, alter or deface the tax emblem or label required by this section or allow use of an electronic product promotion sweepstakes kiosk if the tax emblem or label has been removed, altered, defaced or become illegible. The owner or lessee of the premises where the device is placed for operation by the public and every person responsible for the premises shall be jointly and severally liable for a violation of this section.
An application for an electronic product promotion sweepstakes kiosk distributor or operator license shall be made in conformity with the provisions and the general requirements of this section.
The application shall be in writing, signed by the applicant if an individual. If the applicant is a partnership or corporation, the application shall be signed by a duly authorized agent thereof. If the applicant is a limited liability company managed by managers, the application shall be signed by a manager. If the applicant is a limited liability company managed by its members, the application shall be signed by a member. The application shall be verified by oath or affidavit and shall include the following statements and information:
In the case of an individual: the name, date of birth, residence address, current telephone number and social security number of the applicant; in the case of a partnership, limited partnership, corporation, limited liability company or other legal entity: the date of its organization or incorporation, the objects for which it was organized or incorporated, a summary of its activities during the past year, the name, residence address, date of birth and social security numbers of any person owning directly or beneficially any percentage of ownership therein; provided, however, that if the partnership, limited partnership, corporation, limited liability company or other legal entity is publicly traded on an exchange within meaning of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the names, residence addresses, social security numbers, dates of birth and percentage of interest of the three members who own the highest percentage of interest therein and of any other members who hold a 5% or greater interest therein, and, where applicable, the names, residence addresses, dates of birth and social security numbers of all principal officers and directors; in the case of an entity that is a manager-managed limited liability company, the names, residence addresses, dates of birth and social security numbers of all managers and the name and current telephone number of any authorized agent; and
The length of time the applicant has been in a business of that character or, in the case of a corporation, the date when its charter was issued; and
The location of the place of business which is to be operated under such license; and
A statement as to whether the applicant is not disqualified to receive a license by reason of any provision of this chapter or other provisions of this Code or the laws of the State of Illinois; and
A statement as to whether the applicant has ever been convicted of a felony related to a gambling offense; and
A statement that the applicant will not violate any of the laws of the State of Illinois, or of the United States, or any provision of this Code in the conduct of business.
Applicants for an electronic product promotion sweepstakes kiosk distributor or operator license must have a fingerprint-based criminal history record information background check completed by an Illinois-licensed live-scan fingerprint vendor.
Distributor or operator licenses shall either be issued and approved or denied within 60 days from the time the application is submitted to the Village. No license shall be issued in the event that the applicant or any of its owners, partners, shareholders or members have been convicted of a felony related to gambling.
If the Village President, Chief of Police, the Finance Director, the Village Clerk or their duly authorized enforcement officer shall have a reasonable basis for believing any electronic product promotion sweepstakes kiosk is an illegal device due to connecting directly or indirectly to the internet, either by cellular modem, hardwire or wireless connection, or to a set of interconnected networked devices for any length of time in order to participate in the contest or game, or to receive or retrieve any data from the electronic product promotion sweepstakes kiosk, unless the connect device is a redemption vault, then said device or any part or contents thereof may be seized by any duly authorized enforcement official, followed by an administrative hearing with notice to the owner within seven days of such seizure for the purpose of reviewing the appropriateness of the seizure. If criminal charges involving the use or condition of the device are pending, the device shall be held until disposition of the criminal charges and until such time as the owner of such device pays any delinquent tax, reimburses the Village for actual cartage cost incurred in the seizure, and pays to the Village $20 for each day or part of day said device has been in storage.
If it is determined at the hearing by a preponderance of the evidence that the seized device is not an illegal amusement device, it shall be returned to the owner without charge. If it is determined at the hearing that the electronic product promotion kiosk device was used for illegal gambling because of connecting directly or indirectly to the internet, either by hardwire or wireless connection, or to a set of interconnected networked devices in order to participate in the contest or game or because it failed to sell a bona fide product, it shall be destroyed by the Village, and all money found within the device at the time of confiscation shall become the property of the Village and shall be used to defray the costs of cartage, notice, storage and hearings. If the owner of the device does not claim the electronic product promotion kiosk within 14 days after the mailing of the notice, the device and its contents will be treated as abandoned property and the device will be destroyed.
The owner, manager, licensee or person in control of premises where an electronic product promotion kiosk is used for illegal gambling because of connecting directly or indirectly to the internet, either by cellular modem, hardwire or wireless connection, or to a set of interconnected networked devices for any length of time in order to participate in the contest or game or to receive or retrieve any data, or because it failed to sell a bona fide product, shall be subject to a fine of $1,000 for each device so used. Any person violating any other provision of this section by possession or use of an illegal electronic product promotion sweepstakes kiosk or connecting directly or indirectly to the internet, either by cellular modem, hardwire or wireless connection, or to a set of interconnected networked devices for any length of time in order to participate in the contest or game or to receive or retrieve any data or because it failed to sell a bona fide product, shall be fined not less than $500 nor more than $1,000 for each offense. Every day such violation continues shall constitute a separate and distinct offense. Fines under this section shall be in addition to suspension or revocation of business licenses issued under this Code and in addition to confiscation and destruction of illegal electronic product promotion devices.
Upon a third violation of the provisions of this section relating to possession or use of an illegal electronic product promotion sweepstakes kiosk occurring on the same premises for a period of five years, all Village licenses issued for business activity on those premises shall be revoked, and no electronic product promotion sweepstakes kiosks or automatic amusement device as defined in the Code may be placed on the premises for a period of one year from the date of revocation. Nothing in this section limits the authority of the Village to revoke a license on a licensee's first or second violation during such period. For purposes of this Subsection (b), "licensee" includes an employee or agent of a licensee.
The distribution or operation of an electronic product promotion sweepstakes kiosk by anyone or any entity other than the authorized distributor/operator, as defined herein, shall be a violation of this section and subject to the fines listed herein and potential loss of license.