The Board of Selectmen may, by ordinance, prescribe, alter or amend the jurisdiction and duties of any department provided for by this Article.
Each department, set forth in this Article, shall be administered by an executive head under the direction and control of the Town Manager, and subject to the rules and ordinances of said Town. Such heads of departments shall be appointed by and shall hold office at the pleasure of the Town Manager, except as otherwise provided by this Charter.
Jurisdiction. The Department of Public Works shall have supervision and control of the maintenance of all Town-owned land and structures, and of the planning, surveying, constructing and reconstructing, altering, paving, repairing, maintaining, cleaning, lighting, and inspection of highways, sidewalks, curbs, sewers, sewage disposal, public and private drains, waste treatment facilities, other public improvements and Town buildings; and the preservation, care and removal of trees within highway or public places and all engineering work of the Town. It shall also have supervision and control of all parks and grounds used for park purposes belonging to the Town, cemeteries, and of buildings, structures, apparatus and equipment use in connection therewith; shall have all powers and perform all the duties imposed on tree wardens by the General Statutes; and shall have such other powers and duties as the Selectmen may prescribe. Any provisions of this section to the contrary notwithstanding, the Department of Public Works may maintain and care for school buildings and grounds, but only if and to the extent and for the period requested by the Board of Education and approved by the Board of Selectmen, provided the costs are charged against the Board of Education's appropriations.
The Department of Public Works may maintain and care for such land and structures designated by the Board of Selectmen to be under the control of the Recreation Board or the Fire Department, only and to the extent and for the period requested by the Recreation Board and/or the Fire Department and approved by the Board of Selectmen.
Director, Powers and Duties. The Town Manager shall appoint and may remove a Director of Public Works who shall be responsible for the efficiency, discipline, and good conduct of the Department and who, in accordance with such rules and regulations as may be adopted pursuant to the merit system provisions contained in Article XII of this Charter, shall appoint and may remove such deputies, assistance and employees as he may deem necessary and shall prescribe their duties. He shall exercise his powers and discharge his duties under the supervision of the Town Manager. He shall organize the work of the Department in such manner as he shall deem most economical and efficient.
Jurisdiction. The Department of Social Services shall have all the powers and duties vested by law in the Board of Selectmen, relating to poor, handicapped and dependent persons.
Director, Powers and Duties. The Town Manager shall appoint and may remove a Director of Social Services who shall be responsible for the efficiency, discipline, and good conduct of the Department and who shall appoint and may remove, subject to such rules and regulations as may be adopted pursuant to the merit system provisions of Article XII of this Charter, all other officers and employees of the Department.
Jurisdiction. The Police Department shall be responsible for the preservation of the public peace, prevention of crime, apprehension of criminals, regulation of traffic, protection of rights of persons and property and enforcement of the laws of the State, and the ordinances of the town and all rules and regulations made in accordance therewith. All members of the Department shall have the same powers and duties with respect to the service of criminal process and enforcement of criminal laws as are vested in police officers by the General Statutes. All powers and duties imposed by law on constables are vested in the Police Department. The duties of the Canine Control officer, as provided in the General Statutes, shall be assumed by the Police Department.
Chief, Powers and Duties. The Town Manager shall appoint and may remove a Chief of Police who shall appoint and may remove, subject to such rules and regulations as may be adopted pursuant to the merit system provisions of Article XII of this Charter, all other officers and employees of the Police Department. The Chief of Police shall assign all members of the Department to their respective posts, shifts, details, and duties. He shall make rules and regulations concerning the operation of the Department and the conduct of all officers and employees, thereof. He shall be responsible for the efficiency, discipline and good conduct of the Department and for the care and custody of all property used by the Department. Disobedience to the lawful orders, rules and regulations of the Chief shall be grounds for dismissal or other appropriate disciplinary action.
All powers concerning municipal health authorities may be exercised as set forth in the Connecticut General Statutes. This provision shall not restrict the Board of Selectmen from contracting with any government agency for the provision of municipal health services, as so allowed under the provisions of chapter 368e of the General Statutes.
The Town Manager shall appoint and may remove, subject to such rules and regulations as may be adopted pursuant to the merit system provisions of Article XII of this Charter, and the State Statutes, a Building Official who may be the Enforcement and Zoning Officer for the Planning and Zoning Commission, and perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the Board of Selectmen, State Statutes, or the Town Manager.
The Town Manager shall appoint and may remove, subject to such rules and regulations as may be adopted pursuant to the merit system provisions of Article XII of this Charter, and the State Statutes, a Fire Marshal who shall perform such duties as may be prescribed by the State Statutes, the Board of Selectmen, or the Town Manager.
The Town Manager may also, with approval of the Board, appoint one or more deputy fire marshals who shall have all the powers and duties accorded them by the Connecticut General Statutes.
The Town Manager shall appoint with the advice and consent of the Recreation Board and may remove, subject to such rules and regulations as may be adopted pursuant to the merit system provisions of Article XII of this Charter and the State Statutes, a Recreation Director who shall plan, develop and supervise town recreation programs, including athletic fields, playgrounds, swimming facilities and town-wide recreational events. The director shall work under administrative direction of the Town Manager and policy direction of the Recreation Board.
The Town Manager shall appoint and may remove, subject to such rules and regulations as may be adopted pursuant to the merit system provisions of Article XII of this Charter, and the State Statutes, a Senior Citizen Director who shall also be the Town's agent for and be responsible for all phases of management of the Senior Center and senior citizen activities in a comprehensive program to promote the social, economic and emotional well-being of older persons. General policy direction may also be supplied by the Senior Citizens Commission.