Fire lanes shall be marked on the pavement and by sign in accordance with Fire Department regulations.[1]
Editor's Note: See also Ch. 236, Fire Lanes.
Any vehicle unlawfully standing within any emergency lane shall be towed at the owner's expense.
These provisions shall apply to both new and existing buildings and the width of the emergency lanes may be reduced by the Fire Chief and Police Chief in the event a lesser distance is all that is reasonably required or feasible for the provision of access by emergency vehicles.
Within established emergency lanes prohibiting standing, the Fire Chief and Police Chief may require the words "No Standing — Fire Lane" to be painted and maintained by the owner on the macadam of the way or lot in standard traffic-safety-size letters. In conjunction with the painting, the Police Chief and Fire Chief may require the owner to install and maintain signs reading "No Standing — Fire Lane — Tow Zone" in conspicuous places.
As provided in § 283-5, the following described streets or parts of streets are hereby designated as one-way streets, and vehicles traveling on them shall proceed only in the direction indicated:
Name of Street
Direction of Travel
Old Manchester Road
From Main Street to Wright Street
One Way Street
From Main Street to the merge with Epping Street
Wright Street
From Old Manchester Road to Main Street
In accordance with the provisions of § 283-7, commercial heavy vehicles are hereby excluded from the following streets or parts of streets, except for the pickup and delivery of materials on such streets:
Name of Street
Weight Limit
Batchelder Road
[Added 1-30-1989 by Bylaw No. 89-2; amended 4-17-2000]
26,000 pounds
Entire length
Bill Brown Road
Commercial heavy vehicle
From Route 102 to Route 107
Blueberry Hill Road Bridge
[Added 4-29-1985 by Bylaw No. 85-6[1]]
Passenger cars up to 3 tons
Entire length
Brown Road
[Added 4-17-2000]
26,000 pounds
Entire length
Critchett Road
[Added 1-6-1997 by Bylaw No. 96-3]
50,000 pounds (25 tons); 3 axles
Entire length
Cross Road
[Added 2-27-2006 by Ord. No. 2006-1]
26,000 pounds
Entire length
Epping Street
[Added 4-7-1987 by Bylaw No. 87-3; amended 4-17-2000]
26,000 pounds
Entire length
Ham Road
[Added 4-17-2000]
26,000 pounds
Entire length
Harriman Hill Road
[Added 4-7-1987 by Bylaw No. 87-1; amended 4-17-2000]
26,000 pounds
Entire length
Harriman Road
[Added 4-17-2000]
26,000 pounds
Entire length
Main Street
[Added 4-7-1987 by Bylaw No. 87-2; amended 4-17-2000]
26,000 pounds
Entire length
Old Manchester Road
[Added 12-9-1996 by Bylaw No. 96-2; amended 4-17-2000]
26,000 pounds
Entire length
Prevere Road
[Added 9-26-2005 by Ord. No. 2005-7]
26,000 pounds
Entire length
Wight Street
[Added 4-17-2000]
26,000 pounds
Entire length
Editor's Note: This bylaw also provided that any person who operates or attempts to operate a vehicle on such bridge in violation of this bylaw shall be fined not more than $100.
In accordance with the provisions of § 283-13, no person shall park a vehicle between the hours listed upon any of the following described streets or parts of streets:
Name of Street
Main Street
9:00 p.m. to sunrise/all days
From Depot Road to Epping Street