The operator or owner may, within 72 hours of the time when a notice of a violation of this Part 2 was attached to the vehicle(s), pay to the Clerk of the Town of Raymond, by mail or personal appearance, the sum of $5 as a penalty in lieu of court proceedings.
Failure by the operator or owner to make such payment will result in a second written notice of the violation. Failure by the operator or owner to make such payment within five days after the second notice is sent may result in the issuance of a summons to the operator to appear in Auburn District Court to answers charges of violating this Part 2.
A person shall not allow, permit or suffer a vehicle registered in his name to stop, stand or park in violation of any ordinances to the Town of Raymond controlling the stopping, standing or parking of vehicles, and the owner or person in whose name such vehicle is registered shall be held, prima facie, responsible for such violation.
The Police Department is authorized to remove and tow away, or have removed and towed away by a commercial towing service, any abandoned vehicle or other vehicle illegally parked in a place where it creates or constitutes a traffic hazard, blocks the use of a fire hydrant, blocks the use of a driveway, either public or private, or obstructs snow removal operations or the movement of any emergency vehicle. Vehicles towed for illegal parking shall be stored in a safe place and shall be restored to the owner or operator upon payment of all fees for towing and storage.
Editor's Note: See also Ch. 282, Towing.