[Adopted 2-8-1993 by Ord. No. 293]
It shall be unlawful for any person or entity to store or display or cause to be stored or displayed any goods, wares or merchandise upon any sidewalk, street or alley or upon any land dedicated to public use, except as specifically set forth in the exceptions of this article.
[Amended 5-14-2001 by Ord. No. 403]
The following exceptions shall be allowed within the City:
Upon an application for, and the issuance of, a special permit by the City Council for days and locations for goods, wares and merchandise when special events are being held within the City, except as follows:
Any business owner, on any sidewalk within the City of Hayward, may display, any goods, wares or merchandise on that portion of any sidewalk in the City of Hayward which is within two feet of the front of the building where the business owner is located.
City trash containers, municipal street signs, parking meters, U.S. postal boxes, City planters (if any), and City-approved benches.
Goods, wares and/or merchandise authorized by in exception § 393-3B herein shall be placed "in line" with sidewalk benches or other existing width constrictions such as authorized posts.
Any person or entity violating any provision of this article shall be subject to a forfeiture of $50, together with the cost of prosecution and court costs. In the default of payment of forfeiture and costs under this article, said person or person in control of any such entity violating any provision of this article shall be imprisoned in the county jail until such forfeiture be paid, not to exceed 10 days.
With respect to this article, issuance of citations under § 66.0113, Wis. Stats., is hereby authorized.
The Clerk of Circuit Court, Sawyer County, Wisconsin, shall have the authority to accept cash deposits for forfeitures and/or bond pursuant to the schedule set forth below, or as ordered by the Circuit Court for Sawyer County: $50 plus court costs and court assessments.
In lieu of the filing of a cash bond and/or deposit as set forth under § 66.0113, Wis. Stats., the City shall have the right to detain the alleged violator to assure appearance of said alleged violator before the Circuit Court for Sawyer County.
All of the provisions of § 66.0113, Wis. Stats., are hereby incorporated herein by reference and shall be considered to be part of this article in total.
It shall be the duty of the Police Department of the City of Hayward to strictly enforce all of the provisions of this article and all parts thereof, and said Police Department shall take into account the provisions of the American With Disabilities Act, as the same now exists or is hereafter amended.
The Police Department shall keep an accurate record of all violations and shall make a yearly report of such violations to the Common Council and shall make a yearly report of all legal actions instituted to ensure such violations to the Common Council or at other intervals, as the Common Council shall designate from time to time.