[1983 Code; amended 3-1-2010; 9-20-2021; 10-17-2022]
Board established; examination of applicants; disqualification; removal. There is hereby established the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners to act under and in accordance with 65 ILCS 5/10-2.1-1 et seq., Illinois Compiled Statutes, which article is hereby adopted; except for 65 ILCS 5/10-2.1-6(h), which section is specifically deleted and the following shall apply in the Village in place of 65 ILCS 5/10-2.1-6(h):
The examinations shall be a written, practical or CPAT in character and relate to those matters that will fairly test the capacity of the persons examined to discharge the duties of the positions to which they seek appointment. No person shall be appointed to the Police or Fire Department if he or she does not possess a high school diploma or an equivalent high school education. A Board of Fire and Police Commissioners may, by its rules, require police applicants to have obtained an associate's degree or a bachelor's degree as a prerequisite for employment. The examinations shall include tests of physical qualifications and health.
The Board of Fire and Police Commissioners may consider and recommend for appointment to the Police Department an individual who is certified in the State of Illinois as a police officer, or who is certified by another state and whose training and experience would qualify him/her to become certified in the State of Illinois upon written request to the Illinois Local Law Enforcement Training Board, and who within the last five years at the time of application has a minimum of two consecutive years full-time experience with the same agency. A Board of Fire and Police Commissioners may, by its rules, waive portions of the required examination for Police/Fire applicants who meet the above criteria. Said officer shall be subject to all other requirements pursuant to the rules and regulations of the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners of the Village of Thornton in effect at their application and thereafter, as amended. No applicant shall be examined concerning his or her political or religious opinions or affiliations. For Fire/Police testing the Fire Chief/Police Chief shall retain a qualified testing agency. The testing agency will provide all test scores and applications to the Fire/Police Chiefs, who will forward the same to the Police and Fire Commission to complete interviews and post an eligible list. The examinations shall be conducted by the Board of Police and Fire Commissioners of the municipality, as provided in this chapter.
[1983 Code]
The members of the Board shall possess the qualifications required by state statute from time to time amended and shall give bond in a sum as prescribed by the President and Board of Trustees, shall take oath or affirmation of office as required by law, and shall be subject to removal from office in the manner as required by state statute as from time to time amended.
[1983 Code]
Each member of the Fire and Police Commission shall serve without compensation for the faithful discharge of his duties.
[1983 Code; 7-3-1989; 4-7-1997; 3-2-1998; 9-21-2020; 9-20-2021; 10-17-2022]
Hiring, promotion and discipline of Police/Fire. The Board of Fire and Police Commissioners of the Village shall hire, promote and discipline up to and including the termination of all sworn full-time police and fire personnel of the Police and Fire Departments except for the Chiefs and Deputy Chiefs of the Police and Fire Departments, which shall be appointed by the Mayor with approval of the Board or by departmental policy.
Annual report. The Board shall, on or before July 1 of each year, report to President and Board of Trustees on the activities for the preceeding fiscal year, together with such recommendations as may be appropriate.
In addition to the powers and duties contained in 65 Illinois Compiled Statutes 5/10-2.1-17, if the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners determines that the charges are sustained after a hearing as provided for in such section, the Board may demote any officer or member to the next rank.[1]
Editor's Note: Section 2 of the ordinance adopted 4-7-1997 provides that "pursuant to the authority granted by § 6 of Article VII of the Constitution of Illinois of 1970, this chapter shall be controlling within the Village of Thornton in regards to the Board of Fire and Police Commission notwithstanding anything contrary contained in Chapter 65, § 5/10-2.1-1 et seq., of the Illinois Compiled Statutes and all acts amendatory thereof and supplementary thereto and any other law or laws of the state."
In addition to the powers and duties contained in 65 Illinois Compiled Statutes 65 5/10-2.1 et seq., the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners may provide that all promotional appointments shall be for a probationary period of 12 months from the date of appointment. If during the probationary period the officer is found to be lacking in relevant skills required to perform the duties of his current rank, and the head of the department notifies the Board, in writing, of his request to have the appointee reduced down to his previous level of rank, the Board may so find. In no case shall a probationer be lowered to his previous rank until after the head of the department has received from the Board, in writing, that the Board has approved such action.
Promulgate rules and regulations. In addition to the powers and duties contained in 65 ILCS 5/10-2.1-1 et seq., and subject to approval by the Village President and the Board of Trustees, the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners shall promulgate rules and regulations for its operations. To the extent that said rules and regulations are within the Village's Home Rule powers, those rules and regulations shall control if inconsistent with any provisions of applicable state law.
Unless otherwise determined by its members, the Commission shall meet quarterly at a regularly scheduled date and time determined by the Commission.