Upon the Village Board's determination that the public interest will be served thereby, the Village Board may adopt an ordinance to vacate a street or alley or a part thereof, upon an affirmative vote of 2/3 of the Trustees then holding office, but at least four votes are required, during a regular or special Village Board meeting. Notice of the meeting and subject matter of the ordinance to be considered shall be in accordance with the Illinois Open Meetings Act.[1] The ordinance may provide that it shall not become effective until the owners of all property or the owners of a particular parcel or parcels of property abutting upon the street or alley, or part thereof so vacated, shall pay compensation in an amount which, in the judgment of the Village Board, shall be the fair market value of the property acquired or of the benefits which will accrue to them by reason of that vacation. If there are any public service facilities in such street or alley, or part thereof, the ordinance may also reserve to the Village or to the public utility, as the case may be, owning such facilities such property, rights-of-way and easements as, in the judgment of the Village Board, are necessary or desirable for continuing public service by means of those facilities and for the maintenance, renewal and reconstruction thereof. If the ordinance provides that only the owner or owners of one particular parcel of abutting property shall make payment, then the owner or owners of the particular parcel shall acquire title to the entire vacated street or alley, or the part thereof vacated.
Editor's Note: See 5 ILCS 120/1 et seq.
The determination of the Village Board that the nature and extent of the public use or public interest to be subserved is such as to warrant the vacation of any street or alley, or part thereof, is conclusive, and the passage of such an ordinance is sufficient evidence of that determination, whether so recited in the ordinance or not. The relief to the public from further burden or responsibility of maintaining any street or alley, or part thereof, constitutes a public use or public interest authorizing the vacation.