[1983 Code]
The fiscal and Municipal year of the Village shall begin on the first day in May of each year and end with the last day of April of the succeeding year.
[1983 Code]
Within the first quarter of each fiscal year there shall be passed an ordinance to be termed the "Annual Appropriation Ordinance," in which shall be appropriated such sum or sums of money as may be necessary to defray all necessary expenses and liabilities of the Village, and such ordinance shall specify the object and purpose for which such appropriations are made, and the amount appropriated for each object or purpose.
[1983 Code]
Signatures. All warrants drawn upon the Treasurer must be signed by the President of the Village and countersigned by the Village Treasurer, and must state the particular fund to which same is chargeable and the person to whom payable, and for what purpose the same was drawn, and no money shall be otherwise paid than upon warrants so drawn.
Transfer of Funds. All warrants drawn on the Treasurer must be signed by the President and countersigned by the Village Clerk, stating the particular fund or appropriation to which the same is chargeable, and the person to whom payable, and no money shall be otherwise paid except as may be provided by Statute. Money shall not be transferred by the Treasurer from one fund to another, after it has been received by him nor appropriated to any purpose other than that for which it has been collected or paid, except as may be ordered by the Village President and Board of Trustees in manner and form prescribed by Statute.
[1983 Code]
As soon as practicable at the close of each fiscal year, and no later than six months thereafter, there shall be an audit of all accounts of the Village made by a competent person authorized to act as an auditor under the laws of Illinois, to be designated by the Village Board. Copies of such audit report shall be filed with the Village Clerk and with the Comptroller of the State Department of Revenue and in such other places as may be required by law.
[1983 Code]
Document Charge. The Village Clerk is authorized to collect the following charges for the furnishing of certain documents:
For furnishing copies of any page of this Code, $0.25 per page and $0.50 for the certificate with seal affixed thereto. Minimum charge for this service shall be $1.
For furnishing a certified copy of any document, instrument or other paper, $0.25 per page and $0.50 for the certificate with seal affixed thereto. Minimum charge for this service shall be $1.
No charge shall be made to any officer or employee for any documents needed by said officer or employee in the furtherance of the business of the Village.
Deposit in General Fund. All funds received under the provisions of this section shall be deposited in the General Corporate Fund of the Village.
[1983 Code]
All monies received on any special assessment shall be held by the Treasurer as a special fund to be applied only to the payment of the improvement, or bonds and vouchers issued therefor, together with interest thereon, for which the assessment was made, and said money shall be used for no other purpose, unless to reimburse the Village for the money expended for such improvement. Payments on bonds or vouchers shall be made in accordance with the Statutes, and the Treasurer shall keep his books and accounts in such a manner so that proper prorations in payments of principal and interest can be made and ascertained.