It shall be unlawful for the parent or legal guardian of an unemancipated minor residing with such parent or legal guardian to fail to exercise proper parental responsibility by allowing or permitting such minor to commit any violation of a Village ordinance or state statute concerning battery, curfew, disorderly conduct, fireworks, indecent exposure, intimidation, possession of spray paint or permanent markers, obscene conduct, vandalism, trespass, truancy, loitering, possession of alcoholic beverages, cannabis, controlled substance or air rifle.
A parent or legal guardian shall be presumed to have allowed or permitted the minor to have committed a violation of a Village ordinance or state statute under all of the following conditions:
The minor has been either adjudicated to be in violation of any ordinance or state statute as described in § 10-1A-1 above; or has been charged with the violation of any ordinance or state statute as described in § 10-1A-1 (except if found to be not guilty); or has incurred non-judicial sanctions from any peace officer, police officer, or conservator of the peace resulting from an admission of guilt to an offense of an ordinance or state statute as described in § 10-1A-1 above; and
The parent or legal guardian has received a written notice by certified mail (return receipt requested) or by personal service in substantially the following form:
TO: (Parents Names)
FROM: (Thornton Police Department)
You are hereby notified that (minor's name) has been involved in the commission of (specify offense), which is a violation of a state statute or Village ordinance. If your minor child is again involved in a violation of state statutes or Village ordinances involving battery, curfew, disorderly conduct, fireworks, indecent exposure, intimidation, possession of spray paint or permanent markers, obscene conduct, vandalism, trespass, truancy, loitering, possession of alcoholic beverages, cannabis, or controlled substance, or any other offense of willful or malicious nature to persons or property within the next two years, you will be charged with parental irresponsibility.
Conviction for said offense can result in a fine of not less than $25 nor more than $500. You are hereby notified that you must exercise proper parental responsibility over said minor by controlling his unlawful conduct.
The minor, within two years of the receipt of the notice by the parent or legal guardian, has been either adjudicated to have committed, has been charged with the violation (except if found to be not guilty), or has admitted to have committed any violation of any ordinance or state statute as described in § 10-1A-1 above.
The following terms shall have the meaning ascribed to them for the purposes of this section:
A person appointed guardian or given custody of a minor by a court, but it does not include a person appointed guardian or given custody of a minor under the Juvenile Court Act, as amended, in the State of Illinois.
Any person who has not yet attained the age of 18.
It is the policy of the Village of Thornton to permit the Village prosecutor to use the provisions of the United Code of Corrections, as amended, of the State of Illinois pertaining to supervision in order to further the ends of justice, restitution, and purposes of this section.
It is the policy of the Village of Thornton that a parent or legal guardian of the minor be notified and required to appear in court whenever that minor is charged with a violation of an ordinance or state statute which requires a minor's appearance in court. To this end, it is hereby directed that a notice in substantially the following form be sent to the parents or legal guardians of the minor:
TO: (Parents Names)
FROM: (Thornton Police Department)
You are hereby notified that (minor's name) has been charged with an offense which is a violation of a Village ordinance or state statute, and which required the appearance of said minor in court. You are further notified that one of the parents of said minor must appear in court before the case will be tried or be disposed.
If you fail to appear, the Village prosecutor has been directed to have issued a subpoena to bring you into court. Failure to obey a subpoena can result in contempt of court, with a fine or imprisonment as the penalty.
Any person convicted of any violation of the provisions of this section shall be fined not less than $25, nor more than $500 for each offense, and in addition may be sentenced to probation or conditional discharge with the conditions being that the parent or legal guardian make restitution or reparation in any amount not to exceed actual loss or damage to property or pecuniary loss. The court shall determine the amount and conditions of payment. Where the conditions or payment have not been satisfied, the court may, at any time prior to the expiration or termination of the period of probation or of conditional discharge, impose an additional fine. The Village attorney, at his discretion, shall seek to nonsuit and ask for dismissal of charge upon satisfactory termination of the conditions of conditional discharge as set forth by the trial judge. In addition to and in lieu of penalties set forth above, a period of community service not to exceed 160 hours may be imposed on the minor and parent or legal guardian who violate any provision of this section. Community service may consist of manual labor provided at the school in which the child attends, the Village or it may include library work, documented written projects being submitted by both parent and child, parent effective training, or any other suitable project that the parent and child might participate in that will cause a positive behavioral change. The court is asked to be firm but flexible in the assigning of community service with the intent to quickly modify negative behavioral traits.