City seal and flag — See 3rd Class § 2402 (53 P.S. 37402).
Loyalty oath — See ADM. 143.05 et seq.
[Ord. 32-1980 § 1, passed 4-16-1980]
The name of the streets herein described in the City are hereby changed and designated as follows:
West Sixth and West Seventh Streets between Peach and Sassafras Streets heretofore designated shall hereafter be known and designated as University Square.
[Ord. 74-1990 § 1, passed 12-12-1990]
The City hereby adopts as its designated appellation the phrase "The Flagship City" in recognition of the designation of the Flagship Niagara of the fleet commanded by Commodore Oliver Hazard Perry on the waters of Lake Erie during the War of 1812 as the flagship of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, by the Pennsylvania Legislature Senate Bill 751. The City may henceforth use this appellation for any and all official, unofficial or ceremonial transactions, pronouncements or other acts.