Use of vehicle horns — See 75 Pa.C.S.A. § 4535.
Noise as disorderly conduct — See GEN. OFF. 705.02.
[Ord. 96-1975 § 1, passed 10-15-1975]
A quiet zone shall be established in and around each and every licensed hospital in the City within a one block radius thereof, and such area shall be posted with official signs designating such area and by providing penalties for violations thereof.
[Ord. 96-1975 § 1, passed 10-15-1975]
Any person whose actions constitute disorderly conduct as such conduct is defined in Article 705 within an established quiet zone, or any person who creates a disturbance by shouting, yelling, blowing of vehicle horns or any nuisance created by motor vehicles, or otherwise, so as to disturb the peace and quiet of the patients and staff of such hospital shall be deemed in violation thereof.
[Ord. 96-1975 § 1, passed 10-15-1975]
Whoever violates any provision of this article shall be fined not more than $50 and, in default of payment of such costs and fine, imprisoned for a period of not more than 10 days.