[Ord. 7762 § 1, passed 1-26-1934]
It shall be the duty of the occupant of any dwelling, tenement, store, storehouse, shop, garage, factory or other building fronting on any paved or unpaved sidewalk in any public street or around the public parks in the City, and of the person having the charge or care of any church, schoolhouse or any public building situate as aforesaid, to remove or cause to be removed all snow, ice or sleet from the sidewalk, whether paved or unpaved, in front of the respective premises within three hours after the same shall have ceased to fall or form thereon, unless such ice or snow is so hardened or frozen that it cannot be removed without injury to the sidewalk, in which case the walk shall be kept sprinkled with sand or sawdust to make the surface of the sidewalk safe, but the ice must be removed as soon as it is possible to do so.
When a building has two or more occupants, the duty of cleaning the sidewalks, as aforesaid, shall devolve upon the occupant of the ground floor. If such ground floor occupants number two or more, each such occupant shall clean the sidewalk immediately in front of his respective portions of the building, together with one-half of the space, if any, intervening between such portion and that of the next adjoining occupant.
Occupants of corner buildings shall clean the sidewalk in front thereof, and also on the sides for the distance back from the corner their occupancy may extend. Sidewalks in front of and at the side of vacant lots or vacant buildings shall be cleaned as aforesaid by the owners of such vacant lots or buildings.
When the owner in any such case is a nonresident, it shall be the duty of the agent of such owner to remove the snow, ice or sleet as aforesaid. In the event of failure, the City will have the snow removed at the expense of the owner of the land. In all cases, the snow, ice or sleet shall, when removed from sidewalks, be thrown toward the outside of the sidewalk and into the roadway.
[Ord. 7762 § 2, passed 1-26-1934]
No person shall remove snow, ice or sleet from private property or driveways and deposit same on the roadways of the City.
[Ord. 60-1985 § 1, passed 10-9-1985]
Whoever violates any of the provisions of this article is guilty of a summary offense, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine of $300 or imprisoned not more than 90 days or both. Upon each succeeding offense, the violation shall be subject to the maximum penalties.