Residential Districts are designed for the protection of areas that have been and are being developed predominately for single-family detached dwellings. These shall include all areas currently serviced by the Raymond Water Department water mains, except areas included in Zone C, Zone D, and Zone F.
Please refer to the Allowed Uses Table, Zone A, Residential District, in Article 14.
Please refer to the area and dimensional requirements in Article 15.
Residential/Agricultural Districts are designed to permit uses that are compatible with and protective of certain areas that have been and are being developed for water quality preservation, residential use and public use. These shall include all areas within the Town of Raymond which are not specifically included in Zone A, C, D, E, or F as hereinafter provided.
Please refer to the Allowed Uses Table, Zone B, Residential/Agricultural District, in Article 14.
Please refer to the area and dimensional requirements in Article 15.
Commercial Districts are designed for the purpose of centralizing the provision of basic goods and services.
Please refer to the Allowed Uses Table, Zone C.1, Commercial District, in Article 14.
Please refer to the area and dimensional requirements in Article 15.
Commercial/Residential Districts are designed for the purpose of mixed commercial/residential use.
Please refer to the Allowed Uses Table, Zone C.1, Commercial District, in Article 14.
Please refer to the area and dimensional requirements in Article 15.
The C.3, Mixed Use Commercial District, is designed to encourage long-term planning and flexibility of design for development along the highest volume nonrestricted traffic corridors within the Town of Raymond.
The purposes of the Mixed Use Commercial District (C.3) are to:
Take advantage of existing infrastructure, to include Route 102, a State of New Hampshire controlled and maintained Class II Highway, existing three-phase electrical service and the near-future installation of public water supply to stimulate economic investment, development and redevelopment of properties along Route 102.
Encourage the highest and best use of land in this growth area; provide developers and property owners flexibility to achieve high-quality design and to provide for present and future infill projects, utilizing effective access management techniques that will serve to strengthen and support existing and new development.
Contribute to the Town's economic vitality by providing employment opportunities and broadening the tax base.
District boundaries. The C.3 District, which includes C.3E and C.3W, is shown on the Official Zoning Map of the Town of Raymond, defined as follows:
Please refer to Article 14 - Allowed Uses Table, which delineates uses in the C.3 District on the east side of Route 102 (C.3E) and on the west side of Route 102 (C.3W).
Within the C.3W District, residential development is not permitted within 500 feet of a property line abutting New Hampshire Route 102.
C.3 Zone development standards. Any development proposed within the C.3 District shall be subject to the following standards:
New development must be serviced by Town water.
Any nonresidential structure which is proposed to be located abutting an existing or proposed residential use shall require a minimum setback of 100 feet or, in the alternative, 50 feet, which shall include a twenty-foot dense vegetative buffer and a fence of a type designed to shield the residential use from light and noise generated by a nonresidential use. Security apartments which are accessory to a nonresidential use shall not be affected by this section.
The setbacks within Subsection C(2) shall be reduced by 50% within 500 feet of a property line abutting New Hampshire Route 102 within C.3W and for the entirety of C.3E.
Please refer to the Allowed Uses Table, Zone C.3, Mixed Use Commercial District, in Article 14.
Please refer to the area and dimensional requirements in Article 15.
Any residential subdivision proposed for location within permitted areas of the C.3 District shall require a minimum setback of 100 feet from exterior lot lines of the subdivision, or in the alternative, 50 feet, which shall include a twenty-foot dense vegetative buffer and a fence of a type designed to shield the residential use from light and noise generated by a nonresidential use. If the entire 50 feet is maintained as a dense vegetative buffer, a fence is not required.
All residential development within the C.3 District shall establish no-cut zones to protect required buffers, which shall be reflected on the plan and within property deeds for individual lots.
The setbacks within Subsection C(2) shall be reduced by 50% within 500 feet of a property line abutting New Hampshire Route 102 within C.3W and for the entirety of C.3E.
In District C.3W, there shall be a minimum setback of 100 feet from exterior perimeter property lines except those directly abutting New Hampshire Route 102, or in the alternative, 50 feet, which shall include a twenty-foot dense vegetative buffer and a fence of a type designed to shield the abutting properties from light and noise. If the entire 50 feet is maintained as a dense vegetative buffer, a fence is not required.
Industrial Districts are designed for industrial, office, truck repair and sales, warehouse and wholesale business use.
Please refer to the Allowed Uses Table, Zone D, Industrial District, in Article 14.
Please refer to the area and dimensional requirements in Article 15.
Manufactured Housing Districts are designed to permit a placement of manufactured housing other than in existing manufactured housing parks in the Town of Raymond and other uses that are compatible with and protection of certain areas that have been and are being developed for water quality preservation, residential use and public use. These shall include all lands bounded by New Hampshire Route 102 (Chester Road) on the west; New Hampshire Route 107 (Fremont Road) on the north; and the Exeter River on the south and east.
Zone E shall include all uses in Zone B, Manufactured Homes and Manufactured Home Parks. Please refer to the Allowed Uses Table in Article 14.
Please refer to the area and dimensional requirements in Article 15.
Those uses in compliance with the Town of Raymond Historic District Regulations.
Please refer to the area and dimensional requirements in Article 15.
Please refer to § 197-5.1 for a list of Historic District properties.
Purpose. In the interest of protecting the public health, safety and general welfare by preserving the Town's lakes, ponds, river systems, wetlands and important local water resources for the benefit of all Town residents, this district is created for the following purposes:
Preserve sensitive wetlands, shoreland and other water bodies that provide flood protection, augment stream flow during dry periods, absorb nutrients and contribute to the viability of the Town's groundwater.
Protect the wetlands and water bodies that are close to high-intensity development through restrictions such as limitations of certain land uses and buffering.
Protect wildlife habitat and maintain the ecological values referenced in NH RSA 483-A.
Limit development in areas where the natural features are not favorable for development.
Encourage those low-intensity uses that can be harmoniously and safely located in the wetland areas.
Preserve and enhance aesthetic values associated with our lakes, ponds, river systems and wetlands.
Encourage the preservation and/or restoration of Raymond's Shoreland Protection Area as a natural vegetated shoreland buffer to filter sediment and pollutants from runoff and thus help protect the Town's water quality.
Discourage the following activities in Raymond's Shoreland Protection Area: any alteration of stream paths; landscaping; mowing; dumping of litter or trash, storage of grass clippings, leaves or snow; use of fertilizer and/or pesticides.
Please refer to the area and dimensional requirements in Article 15.
District boundaries. The Conservation District is an Overlay District and is hereby defined as:
Shoreland protection area is any area of land within 75 feet of the seasonal high-water mark of the Branch River, Dudley Brook, Fordway Brook, and other perennial major brooks, streams or ponds existing within the Town of Raymond and also includes land within 50 feet of the high-water mark of any brook, stream or pond, or having flowing or standing water for six months of the year as shown on the Water Resource Management Plan, Map 2 and Article 14. (03/2009)
State-protected waters. The Exeter River, Lamprey River, Pawtuckaway River, Governor's Lake, Onway Lake, Norton Pond, Dead Pond (also known as "On Lamprey River"), and Lamprey River Pond (also known as "Dam in Ruins") fall within the jurisdiction of the Comprehensive Shoreland Protection Act (hereinafter "CSPA") as amended from time to time; the CSPA requires that local permits for work within the protected shorelands be issued only when consistent with the policies of the statute. The above-listed waters shall lie within the Conservation District Shoreland Protection Area, but the more stringent standards of the CSPA shall control over any conflicting local standards. To the extent that the list of waters subject to jurisdiction under the CSPA is amended from time to time, then such amendment will apply with equal force to the provisions of this section. (03/2009)
Steep slope: any land deemed to be 25% or greater in slope for 100 continuous linear feet according to the Rockingham County Soil Survey Map, October, 1994 or any land 25% or greater in slope for 100 continuous linear feet as determined by using the procedure described below in Subsection D(2) (Delineation of steep slope) and Subsection D(4) (Areas incorrectly delineated). (03/2000)
Poorly drained and very poorly drained soils: Those areas identified as such in the Rockingham County Soil Survey Map, October, 1994. Additionally, all areas of federal or State of New Hampshire Jurisdictional Wetlands, not otherwise delineated as poorly or very poorly drained soils, shall be considered as very poorly drained soils for the purpose of this chapter.
Procedural requirements.
Delineation of wetlands. Location of a wetland boundary in a particular area must be determined by an on-site inspection. This data shall be prepared by a certified soil or wetland scientist using the following methodology: Chapters Env-WT 100-800 of the New Hampshire Code of Administrative Rules; Regional Field Indicators for Identifying Hydric Soils in New England, New England Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission (April 2004); Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual, Technical Report Y-87-1, Environmental Laboratory, Department of the Army, 1987.
Delineation of steep slope. Except in the case where the Rockingham County Soil Survey, October 1994, confirmed the absence of steep slope, location of steep slope 25% or greater shall be determined through a topographical survey as prepared by a New Hampshire licensed professional.
Delineation of poorly and very poorly drained soils. The methodology to be used is described in the Site Specific Soil Mapping Standards for New Hampshire and Vermont, February 2011, prepared by the Society of Soil Scientists of Northern New England (SSSNNE) Special Publication No. 3 as may be superseded and amended. This document can be found at
Areas incorrectly delineated. Where it is alleged that an area has been incorrectly delineated as a wetland, shoreland protection area or steep slope, or that an area not so designated meets the criteria for such designation, the Planning Board shall determine whether the regulations contained herein apply. In making such a determination, the Planning Board may rely on the technical expertise of a qualified soil or wetlands scientist or other professional who shall conduct an on-site investigation of the area in question. The Planning Board shall retain the right pursuant to NH RSA 676:4, I(g) to assess the expense of this determination to an applicant.
Allowed Uses Table, Conservation District.
Allowed Uses Table Conservation District
P = Permitted
SP = Special permit required
Type of Use
Poorly Drained
Very Poorly Drained
Shoreland Protection
Steep Slope
(no-till horticulture is exempt)
Forestry/tree farming
Public recreation areas
Conservation/nature trails
Open space
Buildings and permanent structures
Accessory buildings and nonpermanent structures
Expansion of nonconforming uses (up to 25% expansion only)
Special permit (SP).
The Planning Board may grant a special permit for specific uses identified as "SP" if the Board has made a finding of fact that the requested use is consistent with the purposes of the Conservation District and meets the specific criteria stated in Subsection F(2) below.
In granting a special permit, the Planning Board shall ensure that the following standards have been met:
A New Hampshire licensed civil engineer, or other appropriate New Hampshire licensed professional, shall provide a review of the design and construction methods for the proposed use.
The Raymond Conservation Commission has reviewed and provided comments on the proposed use.
Depending on the size of the proposed use and its impact, as determined by the Planning Board, the applicant may be required to prepare an erosion control plan in order to minimize all detrimental impacts to wetland and shoreland resulting from the proposed use during and after construction.
The applicant shall maintain the site as nearly as practical and possible to its original grade, shape and appearance.
In accordance with New Hampshire RSA 676:4I(g) the applicant shall be responsible for the costs of any outside technical assistance that the Planning Board requires as part of its review of the proposed use.
Special provisions (03/2000).
The setback for a septic system, including the leach field, adjacent to a pond, lake or estuary shall be governed by the limitations contained in the Comprehensive Shoreland Protection Act, NH RSA 483-B:9V(b)(2)(A).
In determining the minimum lot size for Zones A, C.1, C.2, D and E, no part of the minimum lot size shall include areas identified as being in the Shoreland Protection Area.
Uses which are not allowed, but existing at the time of the adoption of this amendment may be continued, but may only be expanded by special permit.