[HISTORY: Adopted by the Council of the City of Perth Amboy 6-25-2008 as Ord. No. 1426-2008. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Within the City of Perth Amboy, the Office of Ethical Matters "OEM" is hereby established.
The OEM shall have the responsibility to develop standards which shall include:
No employee shall receive compensation beyond the employee's paycheck nor shall any vendor provide any compensation to the employee for performing the duties as an employee for the City.
No employee may accept any gift of more than a nominal value (greater than twenty dollars ($20.)).
Employees shall always conduct themselves in a manner which will not permit any action to which the employee or his family have a direct or indirect personal or financial interest.
No employee shall permit the dissemination of any information which should be reasonably determined to be of a confidential nature.
Employees shall not accept and vendors shall not offer any gratuity, travel gifts or honoranum not previously approved by the City Administrator.
The OEM shall be able to call upon the assistance of city officials to insure that proper standards are developed and advisory opinions provided when needed.
All vendors of the city shall be apprised of this chapter. All vendors shall be further appraised that violations of this policy on their part can result in their being banned from seeking city contracts.
All employees shall be appraised that violations of this chapter shall subject them to discipline which may include suspension and up to termination.
The individual appointed to head the OEM shall be nominated by the Mayor and approved by the City Council.