No impure ice or ice cut within or outside of the City of Perth Amboy from a polluted pond, lake or stream, and no ice manufactured from impure water, shall be used or sold within said city. No such ice shall be brought into the city for the purpose of use or sale.
No person shall cut, bring, sell or use any ice within the limits of the City of Perth Amboy whenever, in the judgment of the Division of Health, the same is unfit for use; and no person shall attempt to cut, bring into, sell or use in the city any such ice after being notified by the said Division or its officers not to do so.
[Amended 12-22-47 by Ord. No. C-377; 7-14-2010 by Ord. No. 1519-2010]
No person shall cut, bring, sell, offer for sale or have in this possession for sale any ice in the City of Perth Amboy without first having obtained a permit from the Division of Health and paid a fee of fifty dollars ($50) therefor, and no person, firm or corporation shall manufacture or produce for sale any ice in the City of Perth Amboy without first having obtained a permit from the Division of Health and paid a fee of one hundred dollars ($100) therefor.
All permits shall be issued for the calendar year and expire on the 31st day of December succeeding the day of issue.
Before any such permit shall be granted, an application, on the forms furnished by the Division of Health, shall be made to the Division of Health by the party seeking such permit, which application shall be signed by such party and shall state the post office address of the applicant, the name under which the business is to be conducted, the character of said business, whether wholesale or retail, the name of the person from whom the ice is secured, the places where such ice is cut or manufactured and the number of wagons, carts or vehicles used by the applicant in the transportation, sale or distribution of such ice.
Upon request of the Division of Health, any person to whom any such permit shall be granted shall at any time during the period thereof furnish any further information in writing which said Division of Health may demand of the nature required in the preceding section. If such information is not furnished to the said Division of Health within five (5) days after the request therefor, said permit shall be void, and thereafter no person shall be protected thereby in any manner whatsoever. Nothing herein shall prohibit the person whose permit is so forfeited from making application for a new permit.
Every person obtaining a permit under the provisions of this Article shall have securely fastened on each side of the outside of the box of each wagon or vehicle used by him or it in and about the business of vending or distributing ice, a metal plate and the number furnished. Such plate shall also have marked thereon the year or period for which such permit is issued. Such plate shall be procured from the Division of Health.
No person obtaining a permit under the provisions of this Article shall use or cause to be used in or about the business of vending or distributing ice in the city any wagon or other vehicle which shall not have attached thereon metal plates in accordance with the provisions of this Article; and it shall be the duty of such person at the expiration of the permit year or period for which such metal plates were issued, to remove or cause to be removed such plates from such wagon or other vehicle and to destroy same, and no such metal plates shall be used on any wagon or other vehicle at any time other than during the year or period for which such plates were issued.